From: lerameur on

I received this TWS-434A/RWS-434 8-Bit RF Combo Package and been
playing with it. I am sending and receiving using pics.
My sending signal somewhat differs with my receiving signal. I hook up
both signals on the oscilloscope and I get this clear but different
signal, Here is a picture I posted of the signal:
It seems that the receiving signal cannot stay on more then 125ms,
anyone can tell me why and how to fix it ?
the baud rate on the pic chip is at 2400 and the frequency if the
signal is at 433mhz as mentionned above

thank you


From: Baron on
lerameur wrote:

> HI,
> I just started to play with wireless transmision. I used this kit that
> I ordered:
> I do get a signal at the receiver but I do not know how to interpret
> it or how to fix it. The signal is clear but not the same as the one I
> sent. I posted a picture of both signal
> can somebody tell me why the receiving signal is not identical?
> it seems the receiving signal cannot stay on more then 125ms
> I am using a pic chip transfering at 2400bps, signal propagation at
> 433Mhz
> thanks
> Ken

It looks like its synchronising on the leading edge and the data is the
next pulse/s in the time frame before the next sync.
From: lerameur on

Baron a écrit :

> lerameur wrote:
> > HI,
> >
> > I just started to play with wireless transmision. I used this kit that
> > I ordered:
> >
> >
> > I do get a signal at the receiver but I do not know how to interpret
> > it or how to fix it. The signal is clear but not the same as the one I
> > sent. I posted a picture of both signal
> >
> >
> > can somebody tell me why the receiving signal is not identical?
> > it seems the receiving signal cannot stay on more then 125ms
> >
> > I am using a pic chip transfering at 2400bps, signal propagation at
> > 433Mhz
> >
> > thanks
> >
> > Ken
> It looks like its synchronising on the leading edge and the data is the
> next pulse/s in the time frame before the next sync.

well I am just using a simple command at the receiver using picbasic
B0 var byte
serin2 PORTB.3,n2400,[B0]

same speed the transmitter.


From: PeteS on
lerameur wrote:

> Hi,
> I received this TWS-434A/RWS-434 8-Bit RF Combo Package and been
> playing with it. I am sending and receiving using pics.
> My sending signal somewhat differs with my receiving signal. I hook up
> both signals on the oscilloscope and I get this clear but different
> signal, Here is a picture I posted of the signal:
> It seems that the receiving signal cannot stay on more then 125ms,
> anyone can tell me why and how to fix it ?
> the baud rate on the pic chip is at 2400 and the frequency if the
> signal is at 433mhz as mentionned above
> thank you
> ken

Looks to me as if the data have been encoded in some way. Check your
docs for encoding implementations.



From: lerameur on

> > thank you
> >
> > ken
> Looks to me as if the data have been encoded in some way. Check your
> docs for encoding implementations.

There is no encoding, just a simple serialout at the transmitter and
serialin at the receiving end.
