From: Ben Myers on
"Lisa" <lisa_1961(a)> wrote in message news:m9xgn.9258$pv.1499(a)
> Hi
> Please help.
> My windows 98 won`t boot anymore.
> All help appreciated.

Please repost with more information, including what happens when
you turn the computer on.

From: Mary on
"Lisa" <lisa_1961(a)> wrote in message
> "Mary" <non(a)invalid.swl> wrote in message
> news:hlui79$rgs$1(a)
>> "Lisa" <lisa_1961(a)> wrote in message
>> news:m9xgn.9258$pv.1499(a)
>>> Hi
>>> Please help.
>>> My windows 98 won`t boot anymore.
>>> All help appreciated.
>> Lisa, no power can mean the power supply or hard drive are not working or
>> it can mean something else. I would try to eliminate possible causes one
>> by one. I would try the power supply first. I keep a cheap power supply
>> on
>> hand. Its come in handy in the last 20 years. If you are not familiar
>> with
>> the inside of computers, you would have to ask someone who does know to
>> check it out for you, or take it to a computer shop but they can
>> sometimes
>> be expensive. Good luck.
>> Mary
> Thanks Mary
> I`ll try to do it myself, as money
> is limited, and the trolls in this group
> are over-whelmingly with their
> self-indulgent attitudes !

Lisa, Ignore the trolls. This group used to be busy and I used to get a lot
of good information here when I had Win 98, but after Win XP it wasn't very
busy and now since Vista is out, there are not many posts here, but some
people still have Win 98 and are quite happy with it. I still have Win 98
and Win XP on my old computer and have Vista on the one I bought a few
months ago. I liked Win 98 the best - much easier to find things.

> I`ll try to do it myself
> when my children are asleep
> Thanks anyway.

Glad to try to help. Try the power supply first as some of them don't last
long. you can buy a cheap one. But make sure to ground yourself when
changing power supplies. Did your computer just conk out and not start or
has it done this before? Is it completely dead when you press the button to
start the computer?


From: Auric__ on
On Mon, 22 Feb 2010 18:53:00 GMT, Lisa wrote:

> I`ll try to do it myself, as money
> is limited, and the trolls in this group
> are over-whelmingly with their
> self-indulgent attitudes !

In this particular case, the attitude is somewhat justified. "Won't boot"
covers a very wide range of possibilities.

How far in the boot progress does the machine get? (Does it power on at all?
Does POST complete? Do you get the "Starting Windows" message?)

Are you able to boot from a boot disk or livecd?

More details are necessary.

Stupid autopilot fingers.
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