From: ariwebmaker on
I get the following error running Dreamweaver CS3 on a HP Pavillion dv9000
running Vista.

While executing onClick in clean Up Word HTML.htm the following JavaScript
errors occured:
At line 2018 of file c:\Program files\...\Commands\Clean Up Word HTML.js": The
object is not currently contained in a document.

From: Murray *ACE* on
Troubleshooting JavaScript errors in Dreamweaver

Murray --- ICQ 71997575
Adobe Community Expert
(If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
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"ariwebmaker" <webforumsuser(a)> wrote in message
>I get the following error running Dreamweaver CS3 on a HP Pavillion dv9000
> running Vista.
> While executing onClick in clean Up Word HTML.htm the following JavaScript
> errors occured:
> At line 2018 of file c:\Program files\...\Commands\Clean Up Word HTML.js":
> The
> object is not currently contained in a document.