From: Antonio Mediero on
Hi all,

I'm trying to configure SAS Add-ins for call stored process in SAS.
I'm using SAS Enterprise Guide 4.1 for create the stored process but i
don't know how i must configure the repository in the SAS Management
Console. I made a Custom repository with Foundation as his parent and
i add all permisions for my user and SASADM user. I'm having problems
when wizard of enterprise guide ask me where i want to put the source
file with the SAS code(host is unix). The only directories where the
aplication let me put the files are the directories where my unix user
has the home defined and when i attempt to put in a directory with
permisions 777 the enterprise guide returns an error saying that i
havent permisions.

If someone can help me i'll be really happy

PD:Sorry for my bad english.

Regards Antonio Mediero.