From: Vahis on
On 2010-07-20, houghi <houghi(a)> wrote:
> I have noticed that when I am running `gkrellm` I have an extremely
> sluggish X. Would anybody be so nice and try it out if the same happens?

I remembered this thread after solving my other video problem in another

Now that I got everything sorted out the sluggishness disappeared.

And as I think the reason for my other problem was NVidia driver update,
I also think that it corrected this gkrellm issue.

The driver in question came via official zypper up.

openSUSE 11.3 (x86_64) 2.6.34-12-default
09:23am up 10:44, 8 users, load average: 0.40, 0.40, 0.36