From: Steffen R. Steffen on
Hey there!
I have a question about how GDI calculates the sizes for font rendering.
I use a LOGFONT object and set lfHeight to 19, for example.

LOGFONT lf = {0};
lf.lfHeight = 19;
// other values...
HFONT hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
HDC dc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
::SelectObject(dc, hFont);
::DrawTextW(dc, text, -1, rectangle, formatFlags);

The documentation states that a positive value for lfHeight will transform
the value into device units, which would be (if I understand this correctly)
(19*72/96) where 96 is the logical resolution. This gives me a result of
14.25 points as a font size, but measuring it on a screen with a pixel ruler
shows me a size of approx. 12 points, which makes a huge difference in my

Can anyone explain this to me so that I can know in advance the exact size
in which my text will be rendered? Any help is highly appreciated.
