From: ripos on
Using MOSS2007Beta2 install instructions from the MOSSDepoynment.doc
except putting SSP service account into the WSS_Farm_Administrators
windows group (bugfix for the unabling to make a shedule for crawling
and MySite creating).

The next problem appears during backup:
I read backup manual from MS. It did not help me.

1) Choose Operations/Perform backup.
2) Choose the whole Farm backup (I have 1 computer installation with
separate SQL2005 server)
3) Full backup to \\developer\portalBackup\Full
4) After the job is started the history shows the entryies like this:

Backup Method Full
Warnings 0
Errors 6
Failure Message Object SharedServices_Search_DB failed in event
OnBackup. For more information, see the error log.

The error log contains the messages like this:

Object SharePoint_Config failed in event OnBackup. For more
information, see the error log. SqlException: Cannot open backup device
Operating system error 5(error not found). BACKUP DATABASE is
terminating abnormally.

But there are some files in that dir, created by the backup process
(5mb approx), so there should be no problems with access rights. This
is my own machine, so there is much free space...

I do not know where to start to find the cause of this error.