From: Maciek Pasternacki on
On Sweetmorn, Chaos 11, 3173 YOLD, Juan R. wrote:

>> | If you want to analyse chess positions you can never
>> | have too much speed and it has nothing to do with
>> | rendering. I'm sure it's the same situation with go and
>> | many other games.
>> But having more than one core will not be a benefit if your algorithms
>> are graph based and have to search a tree. IIRC most graph algorithms
>> (dfs bfs) are inherently unparallelizable.
> And did not a parallel search tree could distribute subtree search
> between cores at each branching point?

I thought about parallelizing DFS with queues:

single thread would work like:
(if *node-queue*
(let ((node (dequeue *node-queue*)))
(do-something-with node)
(dolist (subnode (children node))
(enqueue subnode *node-queue*)))

Search would start with enqueuing root node, and would end by any
thread setting *node-queue* to NIL. This would be parallelizable over
any number of cores (supposing one doesn't care about exact DFS search
order -- but if one cared about order, one wouldn't have considered

__ Maciek Pasternacki <maciekp(a)> [ ]
`| _ |_\ /{Podobnie my�la�em kiedy� pod �ukiem sklepienia w ko�ciele.Czemu�
,|{-}|}| }\/to,pomy�la�em,sklepienie si� nie zapada,skoro go nic nie podpiera?
\/ |____/Bo wszystkie,odpowiedzia�em,kamienie chc� ruszy� naraz.}(J.P.) -><-
From: Paul Wallich on
Barry Margolin wrote:
> In article <1168489207.874750.19330(a)>,
> wv9557(a) wrote:
>> I don't think there is anything more anti parallelism like Lisp. Lisp
>> is recursive, a function has to basically wait for another instance of
>> itself to finish before continuing. Where is the parallelism?
> Functions like MAPCAR easily lend themselves to parallel variants that
> operate on many elements concurrently. *Lisp, the Lisp dialect for the
> massively-parallel Connection Machine, was built around operations like
> this.
> For coarse-grained parallelism, you can easily make use of the
> multi-threading features of most modern Lisps.

And even if you (unnecessarily) stick to recursive expressions of your
algorith, you can do a fair amount of work in parallel by using futures
(q.v.) or techniques analagous to loop-unrolling.

From: Thomas A. Russ on
wv9557(a) writes:

> I don't think there is anything more anti parallelism like Lisp. Lisp
> is recursive, a function has to basically wait for another instance of
> itself to finish before continuing. Where is the parallelism?


Thomas A. Russ, USC/Information Sciences Institute
From: mark.hoemmen on
Alex Mizrahi wrote:
> nobody needs just 64 cores. they need that many cores FOR A SPECIFIC TASK.
> if it's web-server, it can be easily paralelizable -- you can handle each
> request in a separate thread.
> there are well-known paralellization techinques for scientific tasks that
> involve large matrices, etc.
> so, actually there's no much need for automatic parallel programming. tasks
> requiring high-performance ALREADY are running in parallel.

Um, yes and no; the big problem is not the huge-scale HPC applications
(for which NSF, DARPA, etc. fund the research necessary to parallelize
them effectively) but the smaller stuff, e.g. Matlab written by
engineers for ad-hoc problem solving. Individual cores aren't getting
much faster so in order to get performance gains from multiple cores,
parallelism needs to be automatically extracted (because we can't
expect Joe / Jane Civil Engineer to know how to extract it manually) or
at least made easy to extract (in the style of Matlab*p or the new
parallel Matlab that Cleve Moler is pushing).

> i bet if you run some usual single-core task with some magic auto-parallel language, you
> won't make significant benefits.

Well, extracting parallelism effectively on future machines is going to
require a lot of tuning, much of which may be done automatically (like
ATLAS or FFTW do for single-processor codes). It's quite probable that
people who code parallel libraries (e.g. for sorting or linear algebra)
will in the future write very little explicitly parallel code --
instead they will supply annotations to an auto-tuner. See e.g. the
PLAPACK project.

> btw, you don't have to wait 10 years. you can buy GeForce 8800 for 500$, it
> has hundreds of computing cores.

Heh, wait until they at least document their floating-point semantics
first ;P


From: mark.hoemmen on
Tim Bradshaw wrote:
> Of course, all this is predicated on there being enough memory
> bandwidth that everything doesn't just starve. I dunno how good
> current seriously-multicore systems are in this respect.

Intel's proposed 80-core architecture will have DRAM attached to each
core -- sort of how Cell has "local stores" attached to each SPE.
That's how they plan to solve the BW problem -- amortize it over all
the cores.

Basically it means that scicomp people like me get a huge job advantage
'cause we know how to deal with these issues (that's what i'm hoping
anyway ;P ).
