From: Daave on
JeanPaulo wrote:
> Ok, le'st try just the main facts.
> This IS a clean install. I changed my system disk (and bought a new
> one) because I had the problem, and Seagate told me that my disk was
> failling!

It may not be clean enough. :-) The reason: You had installed Norton on
it afterwards.

> I did last a total remove of Norton 360 (including Symantec and Norton
> remaining directories)

The term "total remove" is unclear. What exactly did you do?

> So the story is that since November, I keep getting those disk errors,
> almost always at the same place, but on a different unit, a new
> system, and Avira instead of Norton.

We need to know what the errors are. You need to include the complete
text and all other pertinent information (like when do they occur -- for
instance, after a particular action on your part).

> Five different AV did not find any 'working' bug (Avira found one a
> bit doubtful in a rarely used program)

What did it find?

> I cannot get the exact error message in chkdsk (Where is the log ?),
> and it always says that Index $I30 is corrupt (I am doubting that this
> is usefull information, though, without more data)

Chkdsk log:

And while you are in Event Viewer, search for other errors (sort by
Type). You may click on the Copy button on the right and paste that
information into a future post. It will look like this:

Event Type: Information
Event Source: Winlogon
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1002
Date: 8/13/2009
Time: 11:11:55 AM
User: N/A
Computer: DAVETOM-II
The shell stopped unexpectedly and Explorer.exe was restarted.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

> The problem ALWAYS occurs after shutdown, and the file seems to be
> always 'temporary' or 'logging' type (Like Avguard.tmp last time)

Describe what happens in detail, making sure you include the complete
text of any messages you see.

> I am not even considering going back to Norton yet (It is working fine
> on a Notebook, a bit slow and too 'user do not need to know' for my
> taste.
> I have yet to try Cccleaner (and a bit afraid to do it!)

No need to be afraid of Cleaner as long as you avoid its Registry
section. All it does is provide an effective way to delete temp files.
If you don't want to use Cleaner, then you need to do the following:

Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Disk Cleanup

The only boxes you need checked are:

Temporary Internet Files
Temp Files

(But I prefer the simplicity of Ccleanner. YMMV.)

Final thought: It is unlikely, but there is a very slight possibility
that *both* hard drives are bad. If you perform a Clean Install (and I
do mean Clean), the errors should go away. If not, I'd have to say the
new drive is also bad. Info on performing a Clean Install:

> Thanks for the help.


> On Wed, 3 Feb 2010 08:58:30 -0500, "Daave" <daave(a)> wrote:
>> JeanPaulo wrote:
>>> On Wed, 3 Feb 2010 07:23:09 -0500, "Daave" <daave(a)>
>>> wrote:
>>>> JeanPaulo wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 1 Feb 2010 17:32:48 -0500, "Daave" <daave(a)>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Inline.
>>>>> Well, I folloed your advice, killed Norton, and installed Avira.
>>>>> Allright, now,
>>>>> I am waiting to see what happens...
>>>> I know it was hard for you to break away from Norton, but I think
>>>> you did yourself a big favor in the long run. Glad to help. And
>>>> happy computing!
>>> Too bad. I just had the same problem again, with a 'Avguard.tmp'
>>> file corrupted (always this index $I30 ??) although I am not
>>> certain that there was not a system freeze (unknown reason) before
>>> shutdown.
>> What exactly is the problem again? One of the problems with a thread
>> this long is that it is easy to lose track of pertinent events. In
>> your first post, you stated:
>>> Second, every 5 or so reboot, I get weird 'Disk Errors'
>> Is this your problem still? It would be helpful to give us the
>> complete message and anything else that you deem pertinent.
>> You did run the Norton removal tool, correct?
>> Also, check the Event Viewer for errors.
>> One thing you can try is running Ccleaner and then reboot.
>> Also, these pages may have useful info:
>>> I am waiting for more facts.
>> Facts would be helpful, yes!
>>> But I guess Norton was not really bad!
>> You *could* always reinstall it. But since so many users have
>> reported issues with Norton 360, I couldn't recommend doing this.
>> Your call, of course. (I am aware that the *newest* version of
>> Norton has received better reviews with regard to performance issues
>> and conflicts.)
>> If this problem never goes away, you might want to consider a Clean
>> Install. Although it's time-consuming, sometimes it is the best
>> course of action.

From: Daave on
Daave wrote:
> JeanPaulo wrote:

>> I have yet to try Cccleaner (and a bit afraid to do it!)
> No need to be afraid of Cleaner as long as you avoid its Registry
> section. All it does is provide an effective way to delete temp files.
> If you don't want to use Cleaner, then you need to do the following:

Ccleaner is what I meant!

> Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Disk Cleanup
> The only boxes you need checked are:
> Temporary Internet Files
> Temp Files
> (But I prefer the simplicity of Ccleanner. YMMV.)

From: JeanPaulo on
On Wed, 3 Feb 2010 10:37:11 -0500, "Daave" <daave(a)> wrote:

>JeanPaulo wrote:

Sorry for this lenghty post !

>> Ok, le'st try just the main facts.
>> This IS a clean install. I changed my system disk (and bought a new
>> one) because I had the problem, and Seagate told me that my disk was
>> failling!
>It may not be clean enough. :-) The reason: You had installed Norton on
>it afterwards.
>> I did last a total remove of Norton 360 (including Symantec and Norton
>> remaining directories)
>The term "total remove" is unclear. What exactly did you do?
I used the Norton remover tool, and then checked and deleted any
Symantec or Norton files.

I also used Ccleaner to check Registry last.

>> So the story is that since November, I keep getting those disk errors,
>> almost always at the same place, but on a different unit, a new
>> system, and Avira instead of Norton.
>We need to know what the errors are. You need to include the complete
>text and all other pertinent information (like when do they occur -- for
>instance, after a particular action on your part).
OK, now I see how to check the errors. There are plenty of entries...

>> Five different AV did not find any 'working' bug (Avira found one a
>> bit doubtful in a rarely used program)
>What did it find?
a tr_dropper.gen in two files which have been executed since the

The others are totaly irrelevant (a Hosts file, and a dummy text
Love.eml giving the specific about the old 'love' virus)

Nothing in the 'system' area.
>> I cannot get the exact error message in chkdsk (Where is the log ?),
>> and it always says that Index $I30 is corrupt (I am doubting that this
>> is usefull information, though, without more data)
>Chkdsk log:
>And while you are in Event Viewer, search for other errors (sort by
>Type). You may click on the Copy button on the right and paste that
>information into a future post. It will look like this:
>Event Type: Information
>Event Source: Winlogon
>Event Category: None
>Event ID: 1002
>Date: 8/13/2009
>Time: 11:11:55 AM
>User: N/A
>Computer: DAVETOM-II
>The shell stopped unexpectedly and Explorer.exe was restarted.
>For more information, see Help and Support Center at
ok. Here is the entry
wuauclt (2412) Une tentative d'ouverture du fichier
"E:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\Logs\tmp.edb" pour acc�s en
lecture/�criture a �chou� en indiquant l'erreur syst�me 1392
(0x00000570) : "Le fichier ou le r�pertoire est endommag� et
illisible. ". L'op�ration d'ouverture de fichier �chouera en indiquant
l'erreur -1022 (0xfffffc02).

Pour plus d'informations, consultez le centre Aide et support �

wuauclt (216) Impossible d'�crire un en-t�te de sauvegarde pour le
fichier E:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\Logs\tmp.edb. Erreur

and here is the winlogon entry after the last problem (This MAY not be
the same problem, as I had a system lock and had to hard reboot the

V�rification du syst�me de fichiers sur E:
Le type du syst�me de fichiers est NTFS.
Le nom de volume est SEA_W98_D.

L'int�grit� de l'un de vos disques doit �tre v�rifi�e.
Vous pouvez annuler cette v�rification, mais son ex�cution est
fortement recommand�e.
Windows va maintenant v�rifier le disque.
L'enregistrement d'attribut de type 0x80 et de balise d'instance 0x3 a
un lien crois�
qui commence � 0x44be3 pour 0x4 clusters �ventuels.
L'enregistrement d'attribut de type 0x80 et de balise d'instance 0x3 a
un lien crois�
qui commence � 0x44be3 pour 0x4 clusters �ventuels.
Certains clusters occup�s par l'attribut de type 0x80 et de balise
d'instance 0x3
dans le fichier 0x3c5 sont d�j� utilis�s.
Suppression de l'enregistrement d'attribut endommag� (128, "")
du segment d'enregistrement de fichier 965.
La r�f�rence de fichier 0x11a0000000000bc de l'entr�e d'index
LightningSand.CFD de l'index $I30
avec le parent 0x7e75 n'est pas la m�me que 0x1190000000000bc.
Suppression de l'entr�e d'index LightningSand.CFD dans l'index $I30 du
fichier 32373.
La r�f�rence de fichier 0x11a0000000000bc de l'entr�e d'index
LIGHTN~1.CFD de l'index $I30
avec le parent 0x7e75 n'est pas la m�me que 0x1190000000000bc.
Suppression de l'entr�e d'index LIGHTN~1.CFD dans l'index $I30 du
fichier 32373.
Nettoyage en cours de petites incoh�rences sur le lecteur.
CHKDSK r�cup�re les fichiers perdus.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin SYMEFA1.DB (188) dans le fichier de
r�pertoire 30729.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A0060443.lnk (411) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A0060444.lnk (415) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A0060445.lnk (433) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A0060446.lnk (437) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A0060450.lnk (466) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A0060452.lnk (478) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A0060451.lnk (628) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A0060449.lnk (638) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A0060440.lnk (651) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A00604~1.MAN (966) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A0060478.manifest (966) dans le
fichier de r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A0060479.dll (974) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A0060441.lnk (1047) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A0060442.lnk (1063) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin rp.log (1092) dans le fichier de
r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin snapshot (1096) dans le fichier de
r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin RESTOR~1 (2292) dans le fichier de
r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin RestorePointSize (2292) dans le
fichier de r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A0060447.lnk (32118) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 1058.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A0060448.lnk (32174) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 1058.
Nettoyage en cours de 18 entr�es d'index inutilis�es � partir de
l'index $SII du fichier 0x9.
Nettoyage en cours de 18 entr�es d'index inutilis�es � partir de
l'index $SDH du fichier 0x9.
Nettoyage en cours de 18 descripteurs de s�curit� non utilis�s.
Insertion d'un attribut de donn�es dans le fichier 965.
CHKDSK v�rifie le journal USN...
V�rification du journal USN termin�e.
Correction des erreurs dans l'attribut BITMAP de la table de fichiers
ma�tres (MFT).
Correction des erreurs dans le carte du volume.
Windows a effectu� des corrections sur le syst�me de fichiers.

41632415 Ko d'espace disque au total.
9738224 Ko dans 41691 fichiers.
13704 Ko dans 3719 index.
32 Ko dans des secteurs d�fectueux.
207771 Ko utilis�s par le syst�me.
65536 Ko occup�s par le fichier journal.
31672684 Ko disponibles sur le disque.

4096 octets dans chaque unit� d'allocation.
10408103 unit�s d'allocation au total sur le disque.
7918171 unit�s d'allocation disponibles sur le disque.

Informations internes :
a0 1f 02 00 6e b1 00 00 1c e9 00 00 00 00 00 00 ....n...........
c1 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 54 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........T.......
8e 44 33 04 00 00 00 00 5a b9 a8 16 00 00 00 00 .D3.....Z.......
c4 d6 28 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..(.............
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 38 96 a4 28 00 00 00 00 ........8..(....
99 9e 36 00 00 00 00 00 b0 3f 07 00 db a2 00 00 ..6......?......
00 00 00 00 00 c0 5f 52 02 00 00 00 87 0e 00 00 ......_R........

Windows a termin� la v�rification de votre disque.
Veuillez patienter pendant le red�marrage de votre ordinateur.

and one for the real trouble while Norton was in use

V�rification du syst�me de fichiers sur E:
Le type du syst�me de fichiers est NTFS.
Le nom de volume est SEA_W98_D.

L'int�grit� de l'un de vos disques doit �tre v�rifi�e.
Vous pouvez annuler cette v�rification, mais son ex�cution est
fortement recommand�e.
Windows va maintenant v�rifier le disque.
La signature de l'en-t�te multi-secteur pour le VCN 0x0 de l'index
dans le fichier 0x22a est incorrecte.
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
Correction des erreurs dans l'index $I30 du fichier 554.
La bitmap d'index $I30 dans le fichier 0x22a est incorrecte.
Correction des erreurs dans l'index $I30 du fichier 554.
Le pointeur vers le bas de l'entr�e d'index en cours avec la longueur
0x18 n'est pas valide.
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 ................
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 98 36 e4 10 3a 90 ca 01 ff ff ff ff .....6..:.......
Tri de l'index $I30 du fichier 554.
L'entr�e d'index JETBFD5.tmp de l'index $I30 dans le fichier 0x4424
pointe sur un fichier non utilis� 0x19c.
Suppression de l'entr�e d'index JETBFD5.tmp dans l'index $I30 du
fichier 17444.
La r�f�rence de fichier 0x780a00000000780a de l'entr�e d'index
SYMEFA1.DB de l'index $I30
avec le parent 0x7809 n'est pas la m�me que 0x780f00000000780a.
Suppression de l'entr�e d'index SYMEFA1.DB dans l'index $I30 du
fichier 30729.
L'entr�e d'index LightningSand.CFD de l'index $I30 dans le fichier
0x7e75 pointe sur un fichier non utilis� 0x18e.
Suppression de l'entr�e d'index LightningSand.CFD dans l'index $I30 du
fichier 32373.
L'entr�e d'index LIGHTN~1.CFD de l'index $I30 dans le fichier 0x7e75
pointe sur un fichier non utilis� 0x18e.
Suppression de l'entr�e d'index LIGHTN~1.CFD dans l'index $I30 du
fichier 32373.
Nettoyage en cours de petites incoh�rences sur le lecteur.
CHKDSK r�cup�re les fichiers perdus.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A00370~1.MAN (400) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 415.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A0037005.manifest (400) dans le
fichier de r�pertoire 415.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin A0037006.dll (405) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 415.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin UPDATE~1.INF (555) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 554.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin update_SP3QFE.inf (555) dans le
fichier de r�pertoire 554.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin spcustom.dll (558) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 554.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin KB955759.CAT (559) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 554.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin update.exe (561) dans le fichier de
r�pertoire 554.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin updspapi.dll (562) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 554.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin update.ver (563) dans le fichier de
r�pertoire 554.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin updatebr.inf (564) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 554.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin eula.txt (565) dans le fichier de
r�pertoire 554.
R�cup�ration du fichier orphelin branches.inf (566) dans le fichier
de r�pertoire 554.
L'entr�e du flux de donn�es de s�curit� au d�calage 0x2af0 ne tient
dans la longueur restante, 0x168, d'une page. La valeur minimum est

R�paration du segment d'enregistrement du fichier de s�curit�.
Suppression d'une entr�e d'index avec l'ID 331 � partir de l'index
$SII du fichier 9.
Suppression d'une entr�e d'index avec l'ID 332 � partir de l'index
$SII du fichier 9.
Suppression d'une entr�e d'index avec l'ID 333 � partir de l'index
$SII du fichier 9.
Suppression d'une entr�e d'index avec l'ID 332 � partir de l'index
$SDH du fichier 9.
Suppression d'une entr�e d'index avec l'ID 333 � partir de l'index
$SDH du fichier 9.
Remplacement de l'id de s�curit� erron� par l'id de s�curit� par
d�faut pour le fichier 579.
Remplacement de l'id de s�curit� erron� par l'id de s�curit� par
d�faut pour le fichier 584.
Remplacement de l'id de s�curit� erron� par l'id de s�curit� par
d�faut pour le fichier 591.
Nettoyage en cours de 30 entr�es d'index inutilis�es � partir de
l'index $SII du fichier 9.
Nettoyage en cours de 30 entr�es d'index inutilis�es � partir de
l'index $SDH du fichier 9.
Nettoyage en cours de 30 descripteurs de s�curit� non utilis�s.
Bloc miroir descripteur de s�curit� diff�rent du
bloc ma�tre descripteur de s�curit� au d�calage 0x0.
R�paration de la copie miroir de la cha�ne de donn�es des descripteurs
de s�curit�.
CHKDSK v�rifie le journal USN...
V�rification du journal USN termin�e.
CHKDSK a d�couvert de l'espace libre marqu� allou� dans la
bitmap de la table de fichiers ma�tres (MFT).
Correction des erreurs dans le carte du volume.
Windows a effectu� des corrections sur le syst�me de fichiers.

41632415 Ko d'espace disque au total.
10840976 Ko dans 34810 fichiers.
10792 Ko dans 2460 index.
32 Ko dans des secteurs d�fectueux.
115683 Ko utilis�s par le syst�me.
65536 Ko occup�s par le fichier journal.
30664932 Ko disponibles sur le disque.

4096 octets dans chaque unit� d'allocation.
10408103 unit�s d'allocation au total sur le disque.
7666233 unit�s d'allocation disponibles sur le disque.

Informations internes :
40 b8 00 00 a2 91 00 00 5c bf 00 00 00 00 00 00 @.......\.......
31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1.......K.......
42 af d5 01 00 00 00 00 a0 c8 07 12 00 00 00 00 B...............
b2 e7 0e 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 de 9e e7 1d 00 00 00 00 ................
99 9e 36 00 00 00 00 00 f8 3f 07 00 fa 87 00 00 ..6......?......
00 00 00 00 00 40 ae 95 02 00 00 00 9c 09 00 00 .....@..........

Windows a termin� la v�rification de votre disque.
Veuillez patienter pendant le red�marrage de votre ordinateur.

>> The problem ALWAYS occurs after shutdown, and the file seems to be
>> always 'temporary' or 'logging' type (Like Avguard.tmp last time)
>Describe what happens in detail, making sure you include the complete
>text of any messages you see.
>> I am not even considering going back to Norton yet (It is working fine
>> on a Notebook, a bit slow and too 'user do not need to know' for my
>> taste.
>> I have yet to try Cccleaner (and a bit afraid to do it!)
>No need to be afraid of Cleaner as long as you avoid its Registry
>section. All it does is provide an effective way to delete temp files.
>If you don't want to use Cleaner, then you need to do the following:
>Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Disk Cleanup
>The only boxes you need checked are:
>Temporary Internet Files
>Temp Files
>(But I prefer the simplicity of Ccleanner. YMMV.)
>Final thought: It is unlikely, but there is a very slight possibility
>that *both* hard drives are bad. If you perform a Clean Install (and I
>do mean Clean), the errors should go away. If not, I'd have to say the
>new drive is also bad. Info on performing a Clean Install:
OK, I agree that the second drive may also be bad, or worse, that the
mainboard controler might be defective. The only solution to this
would be to buy another....

As for the 'clean' install, I did it from scratch, using the original
>> Thanks for the help.
>> On Wed, 3 Feb 2010 08:58:30 -0500, "Daave" <daave(a)> wrote:
>>> JeanPaulo wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 3 Feb 2010 07:23:09 -0500, "Daave" <daave(a)>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> JeanPaulo wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, 1 Feb 2010 17:32:48 -0500, "Daave" <daave(a)>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Inline.
>>>>>> Well, I folloed your advice, killed Norton, and installed Avira.
>>>>>> Allright, now,
>>>>>> I am waiting to see what happens...
>>>>> I know it was hard for you to break away from Norton, but I think
>>>>> you did yourself a big favor in the long run. Glad to help. And
>>>>> happy computing!
>>>> Too bad. I just had the same problem again, with a 'Avguard.tmp'
>>>> file corrupted (always this index $I30 ??) although I am not
>>>> certain that there was not a system freeze (unknown reason) before
>>>> shutdown.
>>> What exactly is the problem again? One of the problems with a thread
>>> this long is that it is easy to lose track of pertinent events. In
>>> your first post, you stated:
>>>> Second, every 5 or so reboot, I get weird 'Disk Errors'
>>> Is this your problem still? It would be helpful to give us the
>>> complete message and anything else that you deem pertinent.
>>> You did run the Norton removal tool, correct?
>>> Also, check the Event Viewer for errors.
>>> One thing you can try is running Ccleaner and then reboot.
>>> Also, these pages may have useful info:
>>>> I am waiting for more facts.
>>> Facts would be helpful, yes!
>>>> But I guess Norton was not really bad!
>>> You *could* always reinstall it. But since so many users have
>>> reported issues with Norton 360, I couldn't recommend doing this.
>>> Your call, of course. (I am aware that the *newest* version of
>>> Norton has received better reviews with regard to performance issues
>>> and conflicts.)
>>> If this problem never goes away, you might want to consider a Clean
>>> Install. Although it's time-consuming, sometimes it is the best
>>> course of action.
From: JeanPaulo on
On Thu, 04 Feb 2010 07:00:06 +0100, JeanPaulo
<jean.paulo.bidon(a)> wrote:

>On Wed, 3 Feb 2010 10:37:11 -0500, "Daave" <daave(a)> wrote:
>>JeanPaulo wrote:

Just a thought !

My first disk is divided into 4 partitions, XP system on the second
one, and all my data on the third.

I NEVER had any errors on the other three partitions !

Jean Paulo.
From: Daave on
JeanPaulo wrote:
> On Thu, 04 Feb 2010 07:00:06 +0100, JeanPaulo
> <jean.paulo.bidon(a)> wrote:
>> On Wed, 3 Feb 2010 10:37:11 -0500, "Daave" <daave(a)> wrote:
>>> JeanPaulo wrote:
> Just a thought !
> My first disk is divided into 4 partitions, XP system on the second
> one, and all my data on the third.
> I NEVER had any errors on the other three partitions !
> Jean Paulo.

How many disks do you have? And how does your original disk (the one you
replaced) enter the equation?

On your first disk, XP is apparently on E:. Do you also have another
instance of XP on C:?

Please tell us what is on every single partition you have. So far, all
you have said is that XP is on the "second partition" and data is on the
"third partition." What about the first and fourth partitions? What
about your other disks?

And looking at the other post, it really looks like you did not perform
a proper Clean Install.

Finally, when you say that you have "all [your] data on the third"
partition, is it possible you have installed programs to that partition
as well? (Although having a separate partition for data *only* is not a
bad idea, programs should always be on the same partition as the OS.)