From: Yousuf Khan on
Jim wrote:
> "Yousuf Khan" <bbbl67(a)> wrote in message
> news:4b0ee987$1(a)
>> Except that Larrabee isn't proven yet.
> The same could have been said of Cell. Without crazy Ken shooting for the
> moon we can expect a "cheap" PS4. I'm not expecting much from Larrabee (its
> just a supercharged PentiumMMX afterall) but with Intel's fab capacity it
> should be cheap.

Cheapness has nothing to do with fab capacity, it has everything to do
with die sizes: the smaller the better. Current estimates are that
Larrabee will be *big*.

> IBM is still on board the Cell train afterall so we can expect Cell to stay.

You missed the other part of this thread that said otherwise.

Yousuf Khan
From: Bill Cable on
On Nov 27, 3:15 pm, Yousuf Khan <bbb...(a)> wrote:
> You missed the other part of this thread that said otherwise.
>         Yousuf Khan

Based on what I Googled, one division of IBM is off the Cell... not
the whole of IBM.

Bill Cable - Steelers Fan & Star Wars Collector <----- funny!
From: YKhan on
On Nov 27, 4:24 pm, Bill Cable <billca...(a)> wrote:
> On Nov 27, 3:15 pm, Yousuf Khan <bbb...(a)> wrote:
> > You missed the other part of this thread that said otherwise.
> Based on what I Googled, one division of IBM is off the Cell...  not
> the whole of IBM.

The link has already been posted in another part of the thread. Here
it is again.
From: YKhan on
On Nov 25, 9:53 pm, "First of One" <r...(a)> wrote:
> According to John Carmack, at least one of the next-gen consoles won't have
> an optical drive. Who's up for 25GB game downloads? :-)

Well, Nintendo used to do fine with cartridges in the olden days.
Perhaps they're going back to the modern equivalent of cartridges,
flash memory thumb drives? Most modern SD flash cards are 8 to 16GB,
meaning that they're already larger than or equal to DVD drives in
capacity, and they are still growing. Blu-Ray disk don't seem like
they offer enough of a cost advantage over flash drives.
From: Miles Bader on
"First of One" <root(a)> writes:
> The PS2 could also do both edge AA and even FSAA (with both supersampling
> and multisampling), but early games evidently didn't use them. Sony's early
> developments tools may have been crappy.

Perhaps it's just the laziness of developers, but as far as I've seen,
the vast majority of PS2 games looked awful right up to the end.


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