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Climate skeptics are looking p-r-e-t-t-y hard at BP's "new" cap&trade policy -- derivatives!
unfortunately, I am breathing molecules that Newton breathed; at elast, most of them were probably breathed by others, in the interim. If you don't understand the word "conspiracy" look it up. thus: it's not a sig, silly; my two sig're at the end of the compilation, but I'll clip them for your estimation,... 2 Aug 2010 20:16
Proposed experiment for detection of motion in Senate for BP's cap&trade in the "bpTM punishment bill."
I remain, yr humble servant ... even though, nevermind! looked up "vis viva," and it is not Coriolis's thing, as I stated.  nor was your linear ideal of Galileo, but apparently from Descartes and Isaac "non fingo" Newton. anyway, the "bending of light," per Bernoulli's brachistoshrone, is really of... 2 Aug 2010 20:16
How does a radio antenna work with what ever is a quantum?
how can a massless & momentumless "photon" have polarity, let-alone wavelength & frequency? didn't Young essentially overthow Newton's untheory (wherein corpuscles go faster in denser media) ?? “In portions of the magnetic resonance community, there is a misunderstanding of the process of nuclear magnetic ... 2 Aug 2010 22:27
Relativistic "Doppler" shift
ah, so; light is relatavistic, because its waves "go" through no medium, or redshifts are dopplerian, if the object is going at some fraction of lightspeed -- not velocity -- w.r.t "free space?" I may have muddled this, or you have. That's what distinguishes relativistic Doppler from the Doppler in mediu... 2 Aug 2010 19:10
40 TH ANNIVERSARY OF TELFER MINE DISCOVERY ON OCT 14TH 2010. Copy herein of letter sent to WESTERN AUSTRALIA PREMIER COLIN BARNETT as personal communication to the Silent Majority.
Jean-Paul Turcaud Australia Mining Pioneer Discoverer & Legal Owner of Telfer Mine (Australia largest Copper & Gold Mine), Nifty (Cu) & Kintyre (U, Th) Mines, all in the Great Sandy Desert Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant Founder of the True Geology To West Australia Premier The ... 2 Aug 2010 18:04
light velocity variable, no dark energy needed
Check out the new paper by Wun-Yi Shu on modification of general relativity that makes speed of light dependent on degree of universe expansion. Eliminates need for dark energy, presently needed to explain accelerated expansion (2/3 of all energy in the universe in present model). Popular explanation is here:... 8 Aug 2010 13:25
Does a flat observable universe imply an infinite universe?
I gave a presentation yesterday to an audience that included one of my retired physics professors. I had responded to a question during the presentation saying that the universe could be infinite, but that since we cannot observe it, we cannot say for sure. After the presentation, Barney Cook, said I was wrong, ... 13 Aug 2010 07:03
Experiment to test mutual time dilation
A and B are in relative motion. 1. A sends a TV picture of his clock to B. 2. B sends a TV picture of his clock to A. 3. A measures the rate of passage of time of his clock and compare it to the rate of passage of time on the TV clock of B and call this ratio as Tvb/Ta. 4. B measures the rate of passage of time o... 13 Aug 2010 15:47
Quantum memory may topple Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
Quantum memory may topple Heisenberg's uncertainty principle "A quantum memory may be all scientists need to beat the limit of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, according to a paper published in Nature Physics. According to a group of researchers, maximally entangling a particle with a quantum memory and measu... 2 Aug 2010 23:32
Chapt2 history of theory Re: is the DNA/RNA a miniature biological radio receiver? #258 Atom Totality
Archimedes Plutonium wrote: Archimedes Plutonium wrote: (snipped) Now, one more fascinating idea. What if the Brain Locus is the DNA molecule? Then the molecule is a radio and is contained in all the body's cells. Is a double helix acting like a radio? Now I went to look to... 2 Aug 2010 12:34
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