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Everything has a path
On 8/3/10 1:01 AM, john wrote: Modern physicists seem to have gotten it into their heads that as soon as things get small enough, the rules no longer apply; electrons don't need orbitals. John, it is YOU that seems to have your head in the sand. For example, the Schr�dinger equation plays th... 3 Aug 2010 18:04
body is an antennae for crystal radio but is DNA also an antennae? #259 Atom Totality #30 Brain Locus theory
On Mon, 2 Aug 2010 22:46:26 -0700 (PDT), Archimedes Plutonium <plutonium.archimedes(a)> wrote: I know the entire body acts as an antennae to form a crystal radio but does the DNA act as an antennae? An atenna = 1 antennae = more than 1 Here are two websites that discuss on how to build a pr... 3 Aug 2010 11:27
how does the mind work if it is a neutrino brain-locus? #261 Atom Totality #32 Brain Locus theory
Archimedes Plutonium wrote: The Universe should be simple. And if there is superdeterminism enforced by the Nucleus of the Atom Totality, using photons and as typically a EM radio, then it is going to be rather messy of a Universe. Physics and science should be simple, not messy. There is a way out ... 3 Aug 2010 02:45
brain locus as a Neutrino Radio & neutrinos as the biology-particle of physics #260 Atom Totality #31 Brain Locus theory
The Universe should be simple. And if there is superdeterminism enforced by the Nucleus of the Atom Totality, using photons and as typically a EM radio, then it is going to be rather messy of a Universe. Physics and science should be simple, not messy. There is a way out of this messiness, and that is the neutrino... 3 Aug 2010 02:45
A Measurement of CO2 Climate Forcing— NONSENSE
On 8/2/10 10:55 PM, leonard78sp(a) wrote: We are in the last 20 years or so in the countdown to reglaciation. Wouldn't that nice, instead of all this global warmup! ... 3 Aug 2010 21:20
Moonless Night
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- +-------<11>04Gem33[3]---<10>06Tau37[2]---<9>06Ari39[1]---------+ | ... 10 Aug 2010 13:36
Why is sugar sweet?
On Aug 2, 9:58 pm, "|-|ercules" <radgray...(a)> wrote: According to atheists, we PERCEIVE it as sweet so our ancestors were more likely to consume it for energy to pass on their genes! Did you even take a science class during your time in reform school? ... 7 Aug 2010 08:15
How small must the chance of error be before we accept something as true and certain?
On Aug 2, 8:15 pm, Immortalist <reanimater_2...(a)> wrote: Suppose, for the sake of argument, that a belief could be completely justified without all chance of error being excluded. How great a chance of error is to be allowed? One chance in ten? One chance in a million? It won't matter. If there is ... 4 Aug 2010 13:37
How small must the chance of error be before we accept something as true and certain?
Suppose, for the sake of argument, that a belief could be completely justified without all chance of error being excluded. How great a chance of error is to be allowed? One chance in ten? One chance in a million? It won't matter. If there is one chance n, whatever number n may be, we shall be led into contradiction... 3 Aug 2010 23:32
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