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More MySQL Stuff
On 6/28/10 9:10 AM, Victor Subervi wrote: Hi; So I'm launching into a major rewrite of my shopping cart because I've finally woken up to the challenge of injection attacks. One of my major problems is that many column names are determined when the shopping cart is built. For example, how many photos are ... 28 Jun 2010 15:02
Python 2.6.x version module compatibility
On 6/28/10 9:06 AM, Ratufa wrote: Suppose I have a webapp running in a virtualenv (--no-site-packages) cloned off a Python 2.6.2 install, running under mod_wsgi. The virtual environment has various modules installed in it, some perhaps using C extensions. Question: If the Python installation gets ... 28 Jun 2010 12:49
An invalid expression as parameter
On 6/28/10 5:47 AM, Li Hui wrote: When write i for i in range(16) I get "SyntaxError: invalid syntax" but When I use it like this: def f(x):\ ... pass f(i for i in range(16)) all is right I think it maybe f((i for i in range(16))) The "<expression> for <name> in <iter... 28 Jun 2010 18:22
video ... 28 Jun 2010 10:34
optparse TypeError
I get an int object is not callable TypeError when I execute this. But I don't understand why. parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %lines [options] arg1") parser.add_option("-l", "--lines", dest="lines", default=10, type="int", help="number of lines") p... 28 Jun 2010 23:50
Is safe to use the shelve module with eventlet?
Hi all. I'm using eventlet <> to build a simple web crawler. Can I use the shelve module for data persistence? Will I run into problems due to the non-blocking nature of eventlet? Thanks in advanced. Alex ... 28 Jun 2010 09:29
disputing the history of lisp machines
just discovered a blog written by a old lisper Dan Weinreb, refuting on a story on Lisp Machine companies as told by Richard Stallman. “Rebuttal to Stallman’s Story About The Formation of Symbolics and LMI” (2007-11), by Dan Weinreb. At 28 Jun 2010 08:23
Python as a scripting language. Alternative to bash script?
I've a fairly long bash script and I'm wondering how easy it would be to port to Python. Main queries are: Ease of calling out to bash to use something like imageMagick or Java? Ease of grabbing return parameters? E.g. convert can return both height and width of an image. Can this be returned to the Python progr... 24 Jul 2010 01:37
Famous Emacs People With Hand Injuries
• Famous Emacs People With Hand Injuries plain text version follows. --------------------------------------------------------- Famous Emacs People With Hand Injuries Xah Lee, 2010-06-28 This page collect tales of computer programer celebrities who... 28 Jun 2010 07:19
compile as exe with arguments
I want to compile as an exe using py2exe but the function should take arguments. How would I do this? Currently my exe runs (no errors) but nothing happens. ... 28 Jun 2010 08:23
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