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Falling at a black hole
Redshift and Time ends as fall reaches light speed at the event horizon. Then inside there is even greater gravity strength. This proves that black holes are a theortical failure where GR is violating SR. Mitch Raemsch ... 27 Feb 2010 19:54
There are no anti forces to build anti matter
There was just a mathematical hole in Dirac's equation for an electron. Anti matter is shown to be wrong. I rest my laurels on it. I challenge anyone on this. It will soon be common knowledge. Mitch Raemsch ... 3 Mar 2010 14:10
Moving behind light
Light will inch ahead of you. Mitch Raemsch ... 28 Feb 2010 17:51
Classical field electrodynamics showed incomplete, a revolution in classical physics
On Feb 26, 11:50 am, "Juan R." González-Álvarez <nowh...(a)> wrote: Uncle Al wrote on Fri, 26 Feb 2010 11:28:15 -0800: "Theories reducing to Newtonian gravity: general relativity doesn't. González-Álvarez, Juan" Newton was empirically wrong, Oh dear! 1) This pos... 26 Feb 2010 19:49
Doesn't the interpretation of red/blue spectrum shift violate contancy of speed of light?
I need an explanation: It's well known that the fact that most objects in the universe have a spectral signature that is shifted to the 'blue' end of the spectrum is interpreted as proof most objects are moving away from us. Usually this is analogized to the doppler effect with regard to sound waves, where the w... 27 Feb 2010 12:08
Fresnel drag and Demjanov's formula
If an optical medium at rest in a local preferred frame has a refractive index of n, the speed of light through the medium is reduced to c/n. If the medium is moving at speed v relative to the frame, then the speed of light through the moving medium is often calculated using the SR velocity addition formula. T... 27 Feb 2010 13:15
NOW ????????????
On Feb 25, 2:49 pm, bert <herbertglazie...(a)> wrote: Is my spacetime of 'now" your spacetime of now?? Now is not a measurement(of time)  Time comes to mind as a measurement of physics in the form of intervals between events.A particle can be created,and decay a trillionth of a second later. Now does n... 27 Feb 2010 18:48
There is no “pull” of gravity, only the PUSH of flowing ether!
On Feb 23, 10:50 am, NoEinstein wrote: On Feb 21, 12:17 pm, glird wrote: On Feb 20, 8:54 pm, john wrote: On Feb 20, 12:52 pm, glird wrote: gl:>>>> Indeed, since a force is a net pressure, it is ALWAYS a push. A "force of attraction" is a push TOWARD the causative agent. A "force of repulsion" is a ... 30 Apr 2010 08:23
Two times happening together
Stephen Hawking has proposed this same thing. This is a two time together concept. Things are happening in two times together. A single point of time has two universal rates. Proper time means that all slower rates in the two times are indistinguishable. The clocks will register the differences but nothing will ... 4 Mar 2010 10:05
Solar wind and planetary drift
Motion from the solar flow ought to push planetary matter outward in its orbit. Mitch Raemsch ... 28 Feb 2010 15:36
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