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If you are...
to propose the Earth is warming then you are to show what is cooling. to propose there has been an increase in a gas then you are to show the decreasing liquid. to propose there is only 60 units of energy in a mass of 100 units then you are to show the 40 units of matter. to propose there has been an increas... 4 Feb 2010 21:23
Aether is how energy is ordered
Aether can push and flow and become solid for the atom surface. Aether is the future. Energy order is odered by quantity and the Gamma math that chages it. There is energy quantity effected by gravity aether. Aether and energy math is universal Gamma mathematics Mitch Raemsch ... 4 Feb 2010 17:59
General Relativity Photon Tunnel
I was just wondering if the relativistic mass of a photon could curve space time around it and form a tunnel ? -- ronon ... 6 Feb 2010 18:33
Adaptive Filter Theory (4th Ed., Simon Haykin)
I have solutions manuals to all problems and exercises in these textbooks. To get one in an electronic format contact me at: kalvinmanual(at)gmail(dot)com and let me know its title, author and edition. Please this service is NOT free. solutions manual to A Course in Game Theory by Osborne, Rubinstein solutions... 3 Feb 2010 21:55
Reverse momentum and elasticity
The Bouncing ball's momentum goes in reverse by moving in the exact opposite direction. Motion of gravity drop of the ball goes in the opposite direction but is less by the elastic friction of the ball. This is a new phenomenon and a different Aether order. Drop things to find out their elasticity. Mitch Rae... 3 Feb 2010 20:48
Properties of the elements or different atoms
Proton number aether is the answer tovchemistry. Chemical properties depend on proton number. Heavy water is still water and an ion is still the same atom chemistry. Heat aether state changes sd solid liquid and gass. An atomic explosion changes proton number and transmutes elements. An isotope of uranium is st... 4 Feb 2010 13:28
Clock Synching Experiment Again Demonstrates Einstein's Stupidity.
If two clocks are synched whilst together and then moved apart, they will remain absolutely synched. (If anyone wants to argue, let the clocks be moved apart identically in opposite directions). O C1|C2 (ABSOLUTELY synched whilst together) C1 | C2 (still in absolute synch when separated) OK so far... 17 Feb 2010 19:05
New Theory --- The Theory of Quantum Wave Sources Visit the above url and download it for FREE! The following is the title page. THE THEORY OF QUANTUM WAVE SOURCES: The foundation for constructs of all elementary particles By Keith Maxwell Hardy The Author of The Theory of Distance-Time ... 2 Feb 2010 17:08
Is Length Contraction in SR physical??
Is Length Contraction in SR physical?? According the most informed SRian, Tom Roberts, the answer to this question is NO. His answer is that length contraction is the geometric projection effect of the length of a moving meter stick onto the SR observer's frame. When a moving meter stick rejoins the stay at home m... 19 Feb 2010 18:53
Simultaneous events and Einstein's absolute time
In his theory of relativity, Einstein includes implicit use of absolute time. This makes his notion of simultaneous events undefined for many scenarios. Here's a simple example that demonstrates the problem. Let there be two identical devices that emit a pulse once a second. I'll call these devices PL1 and PL2... 5 Feb 2010 10:33
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