From: Paulo Oliveira on
Hi all,

This is a old problem without solution, in my reports i need
portuguese style:
DecimalSep=',' and ThousandsSep='.'
i solve the problem using pic "@E 99,999.99", but is ahard work, i
need change my 1000's reports to this solution in numeric fields, any
idea or solution to this problem.

Paulo Oliveira
From: Willie Moore on

What version of ReportPro?


"Paulo Oliveira" <paulo(a)> wrote in message

> Hi all,
> This is a old problem without solution, in my reports i need
> portuguese style:
> DecimalSep=',' and ThousandsSep='.'
> i solve the problem using pic "@E 99,999.99", but is ahard work, i
> need change my 1000's reports to this solution in numeric fields, any
> idea or solution to this problem.
> Paulo Oliveira

__________ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
signature database 4924 (20100308) __________

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

From: Paulo Oliveira on

Sorry, 2.12


On Mar 8, 12:08 pm, "Willie Moore" <will...(a)> wrote:
> Paulo,
> What version of ReportPro?
> Regards,
> Willie
> "Paulo Oliveira" <pa...(a)> wrote in message
> news:ba48f1dd-1dd9-4437-8a0b-e3865469fabf(a)
> > Hi all,
> > This is a old problem without solution, in my reports i need
> > portuguese style:
> > DecimalSep=',' and ThousandsSep='.'
> > i solve the problem using pic "@E 99,999.99", but is ahard work, i
> > need change my 1000's reports to this solution in numeric fields, any
> > idea or solution to this problem.
> > TIA
> > Paulo Oliveira
> __________ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
> signature database 4924 (20100308) __________
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

From: Mathias on
Hi Paulo,

The decimal separator should follow the national settings in windows.
You can also set something different in your own code with
SetDecimalSep and SetThousandSep, but then it will not be correct in
other languages.

Setting a picture on each field in your reports will take some time.
There is a way to do this programmatically, but it will require som
work as well. The code below opens a report, iterates through the
report controls and determines if a field has to be added or not, if
not it adds it. You could definately do something similar where you
set a picture for all numeric fields instead. I think you should use a
minimalistic picture. This is beqause all 9's and "," in the picure
will generate a space in the resulting string value. This can make
your figures in need of more space...

And by the way, this code is not mine from the beginning. Its
something that I originally got throug this forum and adapted for my
own purposes...


This code will look better if you copy it to VO...

method AddVATList() class TabControl2_Fakt
local oR as RpReport
local oRapport as Rapport
local oLVI as ListViewItem
local s2,pathFTG,sFontName as string
local aTables,xVars,aBands,aObj,aDBS as array
local nSec,isec,nVars,iVars,nBands,iBands,nObj,iObj as dword
local oField,oExpBlk as usual
local lFound,lFontBold,lFontItalic,lFontUnderline,lFontStrikeout as
local newVar as rpVariable
local iFontHeight as longint
local oFontColor as Color

oLVI := self:oDCListView1:GetSelectedItem()

if Val(oLVI:GetText(#Id)) < 500
oRapport := self:ssw:oRapport
if oRapport:Seek(oLVI:GetText(#Program) + oLVI:GetText(#Id))
s2 := sPathService + AllTrim(Str(self:ssw:nFtgnr))

aTables :=
{{self:ssw:oForetag:filespec:fullpath,"Foretag", "DBFCDX",false},;


pathftg := self:ssw:oForetag:filespec:drive +
self:ssw:oForetag:filespec:path + "\" +;

aDBS := {{"Foretag",pathftg + ".dbf",pathftg +
{"Foretag1",pathftg + ".dbf",pathftg + ".cdx","FTGNR","DBFCDX"}}

oR := RpReport{self:ssw,aTables,s2,aDBS}
oR:LoadRpt(sPathRap + oLVI:GetText(#Fil))

if oR:IsValid
nSec := ALen(oR:Sections)
for iSec := 1 upto nSec // Alle Sections müssen bearbeitet
xVars := oR:Sections[iSec]:aVars
nVars := ALen(xVars)

lFound := false
for iVars := 1 upto nVars // Jede Variable überprüfen
// Diese Variablen wurden bereits mit 3.00
ständig vorm Ausdruck ersetzt
// ....mal endlich auf den korrekten Stand
if Upper(xVars[iVars]:CNAME) = "FANR"
*oReport:Sections[iSec]:aVars[iVars]:CINIEXP :=;
* 'iif(andereAnschrift.and.!
Empty(,Trim(schueler.r3) + CHR(13) +;
* Trim(" +'
*oReport:Sections[iSec]:aVars[iVars]:CUPDATEEXP :=;
* 'iif(andereAnschrift.and.!
Empty(,Trim(schueler.r3) + CHR(13) +;
* Trim(,Trim(schueler.anrede) + CHR(13) +;
* Trim(schueler.vornamen) + " " +'
// Befindet sich die Variable in der
Ersetztungsdatenbank, dann erhält Sie eine neue Update-Expression !!!
// entweder aufgrund der Summenbildung
für Euro-Wert, oder wegen der ViewKL-Geschichte
lFound := true
next // nVars

// Neue Variablen hinzufügen
if !lFound
newVar := rpVariable{nVars+1}
newVar:cName := "FANR"
newVar:cReset := "Fahuvud.Fanr"
newVar:nReset := 0 // Testa olika siffror här...
newVar:nIniPos := nVars + 1
*newVar:cIniExp := "Fahuvud.Fanr" // ["DM"]
newVar:cIniExp := "FANR" // ["DM"]
newVar:cUpdateExp := "Fahuvud.Fanr"

// Weitere Altlasten, die zu tilgen sind.....
// Filter für Schüler-Listen zwecks Listenstopp und so....
* oReport:Sections[iSec]:oDataSource:CFILTEREXP :=
*if Left(tempArray[i],5) = "MWS4_" .and.
// Mahnung für 4. Stufe ist der falsche Filter drin.....
* oReport:Sections[iSec]:oDataSource:CFILTEREXP :=

aBands := oR:Sections[iSec]:Bands
nBands := ALen(aBands)
lFound := false
for iBands := 1 upto nBands // Alle Bänder durchlaufen
aObj := aBands[iBands]:aObjList
nObj := ALen(aObj)
for iObj := 1 upto nObj // Alle Object eines Bandes überprüfen
do case
case IsInstanceOf(aObj[iObj],#RPField) // Es ist ein
do case
case Upper(aObj[iObj]:expression) = "NETTO" ;oField :=
case Upper(aObj[iObj]:expression) =
"MOMSPROC(FANR,.T.)" ;lFound := true
case IsInstanceOf(aObj[iObj],#RPTEXT)
if Upper(aObj[iObj]:textvalue) = "NETTO"
sFontName := aObj[iObj]:FontName
iFontHeight := aObj[iObj]:FontHeight
lFontBold := aObj[iObj]:FontBold
lFontItalic := aObj[iObj]:FontItalic
lFontUnderline := aObj[iObj]:FontUnderLine
lFontStrikeout := aObj[iObj]:FontStrikeOut
oFontColor := aObj[iObj]:FontColor
endcase // Welcher Object-Typ
next // Objects

if !Empty(oField) .and. !lFound
// Kopiera lite information från Netto-fältet
if Empty(sFontName)
sFontName := oField:FontName
iFontHeight := oField:FontHeight
lFontBold := oField:FontBold
lFontItalic := oField:FontItalic
lFontUnderline := oField:FontUnderline
lFontStrikeout := oField:FontStrikeOut
oFontColor := oField:FontColor
oExpBlk := oField:ExpBlk

// RPText
/* export TextValue as string
export *FontName as string
export *FontHeight as longint
export *FontBold as logic
export *FontItalic as logic
export *FontUnderLine as logic
export *FontStrikeOut as logic
export *FontColor as color
export Alignment as dword

protect oEdit as multilineedit
protect hEditFont as ptr*/

// Vi har hittat fakturafoten...
// RPField
/* export Expression as string
export FontName as string
export FontHeight as longint
export FontBold as logic
export FontItalic as logic
export FontUnderLine as logic
export FontStrikeOut as logic
export FontColor as color
export ExpBlk as usual
export Picture as string
export Alignment as dword
export PrintDups as logic
export VertShrink as logic
export RTFStream as logic
protect nLastPrintedChar as longint
export oRTF as RTF // added 2.5 for page spanning RTF
oField := RpField{Point{346,654},Dimension{116,23}}
oField:Expression := "MomsProc(FANR,.T.)"
oField:FontName := sFontName
oField:FontHeight := iFontHeight
oField:FontBold := lFontBold
oField:FontItalic := lFontItalic
oField:FontUnderLine := lFontUnderline
oField:FontStrikeOut := lFontStrikeout
oField:FontColor := oFontColor
oField:ExpBlk := oExpBlk
oField:PrintDups := true
oField:VertShrink := false
oField:RTFStream := false


iBands := nBands
next // Bands
next // Sections


do case
case !Empty(oField) .and. !lFound
InfoBox{,"Invoice layout changed!",;
"bla bla bla..."}:Show()

oR:WriteRpt2File(sPathRap + oLVI:GetText(#Fil))
case lFound
InfoBox{,"No changes made!",;
"bla bla bla"}:Show()
case Empty(oField)
InfoBox{,"No changes made!",;
"bla bla bla..."}:Show()
endif // gültige Report-Datei
InfoBox{,"This function only works on invoice layouts!",;
"bla bla bla..."}:Show()

return nil

On 8 mar, 12:32, Paulo Oliveira <pa...(a)> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is a old problem without solution, in my reports i need
> portuguese style:
> DecimalSep=',' and ThousandsSep='.'
> i solve the problem using pic "@E 99,999.99", but is ahard work, i
> need change my 1000's reports to this solution in numeric fields, any
> idea or solution to this problem.
> Paulo Oliveira

From: Willie Moore on

The thing that comes to mind is that using RP2, you are using something
that obeys the VO GUI rules. You can also build dlls to include your own
functions. If the report is not obeying setDecimalSep natively, create a
function that you call in the pagesetup. That function does nothing but
call setdecimalsep and setthousSep with the current windows settings. It
returns nothing. That should quickly get your reports up and running. I
haven't created a custom dll for RP2 but I do it all the time for RP3. I
am out of town for the next 3 days. Let me know if you need a sample and
I will see what I can do.


__________ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
signature database 4928 (20100309) __________

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.