From: Jonathan on
I share your pain. I have two terminal servers using Windows 2008 also. And every one or two day I have to hard reboot them because they act the same way. It all began on March 8th, and the only changes that had been done are Windows Update related on March 5th. I get flooded by event 7011. NlaSvc seems to be the first one to generate error each time.

Any good news yet?

OMourgues wrote:

Windows 2008 SP2 Terminal Server hangs


I have two terminal servers using Windows 2008 Server SP2 that hang
randomly, sometimes once a day, and at least two or three times a week. When
it hangs, users can not close their sessions or can not open it, and
connected users can not work anymore.
For example : when the RDP session starts, the user is prompted for
credentials. Once the credentials are entered and user presses enter (or the
arrow), the RDP session displays "Welcome" with the rotating circle (to the
left), but the log on never gets any further. In this case, the only events
in event viewer consist of a chain of event id 7001, but they are not
explicit. The console is also hung, and the users already connected are
progressively hung too. I have to hard reboot the server, a classic restart
does not work at all.
As we are using an application with shared files, I have applied the
following Microsoft Hotfixes, and but I still have the problem (even if
it has worked a whole week).
Servers are almost up to date, they were installed on February 2010, the 8th.
I hope you will help me, and i you need i can give you more informations.

Kind Regards

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