From: Mayayana on
| so
| different forms can declare their own settings type and send them to the
| same function in the utility module to read and save.

Why would you have different instances of the
same settings UDT? Then each form would
overwrite the last set of settings saved to disk.
You can declare these in a .bas:

Public Type ProgramSettings
Name1 as String
'------ other variables here
End Type

Public Sets as ProgramSettings

Then from anywhere in the program you can
access that value:

Sets.Name1 = "SomeName"

Label1.Caption = Sets.Name1

When you read the .dat file at startup you fill
the Sets variables. When you shut down you
just write Sets to disk.

| If i declare the settings type Private in the form, I cant' pass it to a
| public module.
| If I declare it Public I get the error can't do public type in private
| module.
| i remember seeing discussions here, but since i wasn't using udts I didn't
| pay attention
| searching google now but if any one has the solution I"d appreciate it.
| Thanks
| Mark

From: GS on
mp explained on 6/19/2010 :
> "Larry Serflaten" <serflaten(a)> wrote in message
> news:hvbukn$d7d$1(a)
>> "Tony Toews" <ttoews(a)> wrote
>>> > It turns out that a UDT can be read from/written
>>> >to disk as a binary file. Despite the string values
>>> >being pointers, VB will nevertheless write all data
>>> >stored in the UDT in serial fashion!
>>> Yowzer, that is an interesting idea.
>> It been available for a while....
>> (post from 14 Mar 2001)
>> <g>
>> LFS
> a very nice technique Thanks.
> What i'm struggling with now is how to put the function in a utility.bas
> module so i can use in all projects, then call it from any form. so different
> forms can declare their own settings type and send them to the same function
> in the utility module to read and save.
> If i declare the settings type Private in the form, I cant' pass it to a
> public module.
> If I declare it Public I get the error can't do public type in private
> module.
> i remember seeing discussions here, but since i wasn't using udts I didn't
> pay attention
> searching google now but if any one has the solution I"d appreciate it.
> Thanks
> Mark

As Mayayana suggests, you should only ever have one instance of a UDT
that is declared in a standard module with public scope so its members
can be accessed from anywhere in your project.

For example, the following two functions are what I actually use in my
projects. They're not that different than the code examples I gave you
previously, but they handle all my UDTs. The OptionsData is managed by
an options dialog. The other two udeDataType members are handled by
various procs in standard or class modules, as appropriate.

I'm sure these functions could also be modified to pass a ref to any
UDT as the 2nd arg, but I chose to use an enum.

Function GetDataInFile(FileName As String, FileType As udeDataType) As
Dim bOpen As Boolean
If Dir(FileName) = "" Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Open FileName For Binary As #1
bOpen = True
Select Case FileType
Case udeDataType.StartupInf: Get #1, , StartupStatus
Case udeDataType.SettingsData: Get #1, , AppSettings
Case udeDataType.OptionsData: Get #1, , AppOptions
End Select

If bOpen Then Close #1
GetDataInFile = (Err = 0)
End Function

Function PutDataInFile(FileName As String, FileType As udeDataType) As
Dim bOpen As Boolean
If Dir(FileName) <> "" Then Kill FileName
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Open FileName For Binary As #1
bOpen = True
Select Case FileType
Case udeDataType.StartupInf: Put #1, , StartupStatus
Case udeDataType.SettingsData: Put #1, , AppSettings
Case udeDataType.OptionsData: Put #1, , AppOptions
End Select

If bOpen Then Close #1
PutDataInFile = (Err = 0)
End Function



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From: Larry Serflaten on

"mp" <nospam(a)> wrote

> a very nice technique Thanks.
> What i'm struggling with now is how to put the function in a utility.bas
> module so i can use in all projects, then call it from any form. so
> different forms can declare their own settings type and send them to the
> same function in the utility module to read and save.
> If i declare the settings type Private in the form, I cant' pass it to a
> public module.
> If I declare it Public I get the error can't do public type in private
> module.
> i remember seeing discussions here, but since i wasn't using udts I didn't
> pay attention
> searching google now but if any one has the solution I"d appreciate it.
> Thanks
> Mark

It seems to me each app would have its own options and user settings,
based on the task the program performs. But there are some common
values that could be saved (such as window placement) which would
be common to many applications.

Also realize you can nest UDTs so that you can have multiple groups
of options where the options are the same for different objects.
Window placement (for example) always uses Left, Top, Width, and
Height, so it may be benificial to make that one UDT and nest that in
a larger UDT that has other form settings.

For a quick example, add a textbox to a new form and set its Index
property to 0. Then add a standard module to the project and paste
in the code below. When running, note you can change the form
size and placement as well as the text shown in the textboxes.
Double clicking a textbox changes the text to some random color.
All those changes are saved when the last form closes....


' [ Module1 code ] -------------------

Option Explicit

' Form rectangles
Public Type WindowSettings
Left As Long
Top As Long
Width As Long
Height As Long
End Type

' Other options (textbox options)
Public Type TextDisplay
Value As String
Color As Long
End Type

' Form options (each form has placement and 3 textboxes)
Public Type FormSettings
Init As Boolean
Window As WindowSettings
Text(0 To 2) As TextDisplay
End Type

Public Type UserSettings '(the app has 3 forms)
UI(0 To 2) As FormSettings
End Type

Private Enum SettingsIO
End Enum

Public UISet As UserSettings
Private AppForms As Long

Public Property Get FormCount() As Long
FormCount = AppForms
If AppForms = 0 Then DoSettings Read
End Property

Public Property Let FormCount(ByVal Value As Long)
AppForms = Value
If AppForms = 0 Then DoSettings Save
End Property

Private Sub DoSettings(ByVal Operation As SettingsIO)
Dim file As String
Dim io As Long
' Quick and dirty temp file
file = LCase(Environ("temp") & "\demo.dat")
io = FreeFile
Open file For Binary As io
If Operation = Read Then
Get #io, , UISet
Put #io, , UISet
MsgBox file, vbOKOnly, "File Path Information"
End If
End Sub

' [ Form1 code ] ---------------

Option Explicit
Private MyIndex As Long

' Note FormCount values take care of settings IO
Private Sub Form_Initialize()
MyIndex = FormCount
FormCount = FormCount + 1
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Terminate()
FormCount = FormCount - 1
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim t As Long
Caption = "FORM #" & CStr(MyIndex)
' Add new textboxes
For t = 0 To 2
If t > 0 Then
Load Text1(t)
Text1(t).Visible = True
End If
Text1(t).Move 120, t * 420 + 120, 1500, 320
Text1(t).Text = UISet.UI(MyIndex).Text(t).Value
Text1(t).ForeColor = UISet.UI(MyIndex).Text(t).Color
' Pick up window placement
With UISet.UI(MyIndex)
If .Init Then
Me.Move .Window.Left, .Window.Top, .Window.Width, .Window.Height
End If
End With
' Show more forms
If MyIndex < 2 Then
With New Form1
End With
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Dim i
' Save my settings
With UISet.UI(MyIndex)
.Init = True
.Window.Left = Left
.Window.Top = Top
.Window.Width = Width
.Window.Height = Height
For i = 0 To 2
.Text(i).Color = Text1(i).ForeColor
.Text(i).Value = Text1(i).Text
End With
' Kills all forms
For Each i In Forms
Unload i
End Sub

Private Sub Text1_DblClick(Index As Integer)
Text1(Index).ForeColor = QBColor(Int(Rnd * 16))
Loop Until Text1(Index).ForeColor <> vbWhite
Text1(Index).SelStart = 0
End Sub

From: mp on

"Mayayana" <mayayana(a)invalid.nospam> wrote in message
>| so
> | different forms can declare their own settings type and send them to the
> | same function in the utility module to read and save.
> Why would you have different instances of the
> same settings UDT?

because different projects have different forms with different things it
might want to save
(other than size and position which i realize are common to any form)

maybe i'm thinking of this wrong but my idea was to have only one copy of
the code that would read and write settings. (code reuse - code in one place
and one place only)

then any form could define it's own udt with what was needed for that form

>Then each form would
> overwrite the last set of settings saved to disk.

each form would also define the filename to save to so one form would not
overwrite settings for another (app specific)

then all forms would just call that one universal read/write function in a
utility.bas that is common to all projects.

guess i can't do it like i have to reproduce the read/write code
in all projects that want to use that technique? or am i still missing

> You can declare these in a .bas:
> Public Type ProgramSettings
> Name1 as String
> '------ other variables here
> End Type
> Public Sets as ProgramSettings
> Then from anywhere in the program you can
> access that value:
> Sets.Name1 = "SomeName"
> Label1.Caption = Sets.Name1
> When you read the .dat file at startup you fill
> the Sets variables. When you shut down you
> just write Sets to disk.
> | If i declare the settings type Private in the form, I cant' pass it to a
> | public module.
> | If I declare it Public I get the error can't do public type in private
> | module.
> | i remember seeing discussions here, but since i wasn't using udts I
> didn't
> | pay attention
> | searching google now but if any one has the solution I"d appreciate it.
> | Thanks
> | Mark
> |
> |

From: mp on

"GS" <gesansom(a)> wrote in message
> mp explained on 6/19/2010 :
>> searching google now but if any one has the solution I"d appreciate it.
>> Thanks
>> Mark
> As Mayayana suggests, you should only ever have one instance of a UDT that
> is declared in a standard module with public scope so its members can be
> accessed from anywhere in your project.

see my reply to him...different forms have different data to save - i don't
see how to create a universal udt that would apply to all forms in all
projects(the ones that want to save state that is)

> For example, the following two functions are what I actually use in my
> projects. They're not that different than the code examples I gave you
> previously, but they handle all my UDTs. The OptionsData is managed by an
> options dialog. The other two udeDataType members are handled by various
> procs in standard or class modules, as appropriate.

so you have one OptionsData udt that is common to all forms in all projects?

my current project is a form with multiple listboxes displaying file names
in selected folders- user(me) adds however many listboxes for multiple
folder selections.
so what this form wants to save(beyond size and location) is a list of
no other form in my other projects has that need so it's app specific...
does that make sense?

thanks to everyone who is helping me understand this
I really appreciate all your time and effort