From: John H Meyers on
On 3/25/2010 7:50 PM, Thomas (Tom) Skoropad wrote:

> Have Microsoft Sync Toy.
> Any hints/pitfalls I should be aware of.

I have downloaded and tested SyncToy 2.1,
and in my opinion, it fails to detect important conflicts.

For example, since my last previous sync of two folders,
I updated the same-named file independently in _each_ folder.

SyncToy merely decided that the most recently updated of this file pair
should overwrite the other.

If each of these files had been a mailbox, what if one computer
had downloaded (or created, as in our "Out" mailbox)
one set of messages since the last sync,
and the other computer had created a different set?

If we let one of these overwrite the other,
one of the two sets of different new messages will be lost.

Another sync program, GoodSync (commercial) will instead
identify these files as in conflict, because _both_ have been updated
since the time of the last sync, which alerts one to the fact
that special action (manual _merging_) is required,
outside the scope of the sync program itself.

SyncToy 2.1 is otherwise quite capable, though bloated
and requiring installing more Windows ".net" stuff
(naturally -- it's by Microsoft :)
