From: Noncentz on
Afternoon all,

I have been trying to get my TS roaming profiles to work correctly for some
time now and I just cant seem to get it right. Currenly I have a GPO that
points all terminal sessions to another server share as well as redirects the
users documents folder.

Profile- \\\tsprofiles\MDoyle
Home Folder- \\\tshome\MDoyle

I have a 2 part question on this one... First everytime a user logs in it
creates a profile in my TSshare but that folder does not get populated with
any data. I look on the local machine and I do see a folder for the specified
user and it does contain the users profile but it gets deleted upon logout
even though "Delete cached copies of roaming profiles " is set to disabled.

I also would like to know what is the significance of the TS Home Directory
for my users... Basically what is this directory supposed to do??

Thanks so much