From: Bernd Paysan on
Terje Mathisen wrote:
> Robert, isn't the interesting/relevant part of Fluid Mechanics the fact
> that almost all interesting flow regimes are impossible to solve
> exactly, so even the science part of it becomes a set of simplified
> equations for various hopefully interesting subsets?

Hm, the only science I know where you can solve some interesting problems
exactly is math. Fluid Mechanics is a many-particle problem, and of course
it requires approximations of all sorts. Even the basic idea that particles
stay as they are is not true inside the rocket engine: There e.g. 2*H₂+1*O₂
gives 2*H₂O, i.e. only two thirds of the molecules entering the engine leave
it on the other side.

Bernd Paysan
"If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself"