From: Villeta on
If I am logging in using At&t credentials and not using anything microsoft
related, can I delete Microsoft Components and still use the computer, and if
I can't what can delete to make my computer run better?
From: Villeta on

"Villeta" wrote:

> If I am logging in using At&t credentials and not using anything microsoft
> related, can I delete Microsoft Components and still use the computer, and if
> I can't what can delete to make my computer run better? I get my internet access through AT@T
From: Carmel on
"Villeta" wrote:

> If I am logging in using At&t credentials and not using anything microsoft
> related, can I delete Microsoft Components and still use the computer, and if
> I can't what can delete to make my computer run better?

Well, you could start with the entire OS and install a more robust one like
FreeBSD-8 if that is what you are looking for. However, I think you are
referring to e-mail in this instance. In that case, nuke Outlook for sure.
Any other Microsoft MUA components are candidates for the trash heap as well.


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