From: granmaestro on
Hello World

Is there a way I can implement a voice recognition software during the LOGIN
of users in my application? I mean the user speaks his/her name, and is voice
gets recognized by the software.

Is there any u32 available for this?

thanks world


From: Andrew Poulos on

> Is there a way I can implement a voice recognition software during the LOGIN
> of users in my application? I mean the user speaks his/her name, and is voice
> gets recognized by the software.
> Is there any u32 available for this?

alSR.u32 might be what you're after:
<url: >

Andrew Poulos
From: Mark Henry on

The good news is that Dan Clinger and Dave Gordon are giving a session
on this very topic at this year's TAACX - The Alternative Authorware
Conference. Check out the list of sessions here:

mark h
We know what you need.
We have what you want.
TAACX - The Alternative Authorware Conference

From: Mark Tomlinson on
Chant ( have an Xtra for this. Dan Clinger and David
Gordon demonstrated this ages ago at EuroTAAC and it works very well.


granmaestro wrote:
> Hello World
> Is there a way I can implement a voice recognition software during the LOGIN
> of users in my application? I mean the user speaks his/her name, and is voice
> gets recognized by the software.
> Is there any u32 available for this?
> thanks world
> granmaestro
From: Ron Lubensky on
I'm not sure it's as easy as all that. By implication, you are looking
for speech recognition (SR) to add a level of security to your login.

The only way do accomplish this is to have each end user train the SR
engine and ensure that the machine they intend to log onto contains
their speech profile. You could then set the recognition threshold
high so to only accept when there is a strict sonic match. Oh, and
they have to use the same microphone everytime too. This is a lot to
ask of your end users and your system administration. Is it worth it?

On the other hand, if you simply use a low-threshold, non-trained SR
setup where the matching login/password are already in a database (ie
to reduce the number of choices to match against), it will not be
possible to distinguish between participants. So this SR won't be any
more secure.

On Sat, 17 Sep 2005 10:31:17 +0000 (UTC), "granmaestro" >
>Is there a way I can implement a voice recognition software during the LOGIN
>of users in my application? I mean the user speaks his/her name, and is voice
>gets recognized by the software.

Ron Lubensky
Click Craft Pty Limited
Melbourne Australia