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From: Guga on
On Mar 31, 8:50 am, "Wolfgang Kern" <nowh...(a)> wrote:
> Hello Guga,
> < For example, if i have a decimal string as:
> < Decimal:
> < 48148617815154186478618618618258218 ....
> < 687878489746514564564897848745174861831717821729
> < The correct values i found are:
> < [Value:
> < Value.Conv32Bit: D$ 0A9549D21
> < Value.Conv64Bit: D$ 056372845
> < Value.Conv96Bit: D$ 0334CD7E6
> < Value.Conv128Bit: D$ 0F2D05D75]
> ???
> an 128 bit binary value is limited to:
> integer(log(2)*MSbitNr)
> 0,301029 * 128 = 38 decimal digits
> 2^128 = 3,4028236692093846346337460743177... e+38
> So you should limit the input to 38 digits and to be <2^128.
> I didn't count how many digits you posted here,
> but for this ascii-number you might need a 'very large' result buffer.
> ie: you need a 1024-bit result for 308 decimal digits.
> __
> wolfgang

Hi wolfgang..

Many, many tks for this formula, i was looking for it. :)

For that huge number, i know the decimal string was larger then 128
bits, but, the 1st dwords (128 bits) should be truncated on the proper

I just posted an small example, and tested some numbers as Herbert
proposed, and the results seems accurated.

I made a set of those convertions asciito128, asciito80, asciito4096,
asciitoany and so on.

When i posted the 1st numbers, i was testing several different numbers
while i was building the 1st routine for the asciito128 and asciito80.
I wanted mainly to follow the logic of those sort of convertions.

i´m finishing inserting the comments on them, and after that can i
send to you see if they needs improves on speed ? So far, it seems
fast, but maybe teher is another way to optimize it.

Best Regards,


From: Wolfgang Kern on

Hello Guga,

> an 128 bit binary value is limited to:
> integer(log(2)*MSbitNr)
> 0,301029 * 128 = 38 decimal digits
> 2^128 = 3,4028236692093846346337460743177... e+38
> So you should limit the input to 38 digits and to be <2^128.
> I didn't count how many digits you posted here,
> but for this ascii-number you might need a 'very large' result buffer.
> ie: you need a 1024-bit result for 308 decimal digits.

> Many, many tks for this formula, i was looking for it. :)

Always welcome :)

btw: I don't use the slow FPU with its constant FLDL2T.
My norm for this int(log(2)) is:

MOVZX eax B$MSbitNr ;or from a byte reg
IMUL eax 04d10 ;*19728
SHR eax 010 ;/65536

even it results to 0.301025391
instead of 0.301029996
it's close enough up to 300 decimal digits

Also the opposite works that way
[determine binary size for MSD decimal digits power]

GetPower2 from MSdigit:

n = integer(lg(10)(base 2)*power10 of MSD)

lg(10)2 = 1/lg(2)10 = 3.321928095

Again, no FLDLG2 is used here:

MOVZX eax B$MSDdigitPower ;or from a byte reg
IMUL eax 03526A ;*217706
SHR eax 010 ;/65536

results in MUL 3.321929932
instead of 3.321928095

> For that huge number, i know the decimal string was larger then 128
> bits, but, the 1st dwords (128 bits) should be truncated on the proper
> values.

> I just posted an small example, and tested some numbers as Herbert
> proposed, and the results seems accurated.

> I made a set of those convertions asciito128, asciito80, asciito4096,
> asciitoany and so on.

I got only one routine which covers all of them ..

> When i posted the 1st numbers, i was testing several different numbers
> while i was building the 1st routine for the asciito128 and asciito80.
> I wanted mainly to follow the logic of those sort of convertions.

> i�m finishing inserting the comments on them, and after that can i
> send to you see if they needs improves on speed ? So far, it seems
> fast, but maybe teher is another way to optimize it.

Oh yes I will, as this a main part of the fun :)


From: �a/b on
On 26 Mar 2007 12:39:48 -0700, "Guga" <GugaGTG(a)> wrote:

>Hi guys
>someone knows how to convert an null terminated ascii string to
>tword ? (80 bits)
>I suceeded to convert an ascii to qword, making an similar function as
>atoi64, but i can�t extend the convertion to 80 bits.
>Some one knows how to convert? Also for 128 bit would be good too :)
>Btw: If someone have a C source of those routines and not an assembly
>one.. no problem...i can try translate to assembly;
>Best Regards,

this c++ + assembly below should convert a number show with base
2<=b<=32 in its binary form

the number is a class that contain like main members
unsigned len; /* how many unsigned is the number long */
unsigned *pu; /* number */
unsigned lung; /* memory reserved for that number */

but it is not secure because i have done almost no test so could be
very bugged.......
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

extern "C"
{int StrToNum(char* res, char* string, char** pos, int base);}

class num{
friend void prx(num* a);
friend int StrToNum(num* res, char* string, char** pos, int base);
unsigned len; /* how many unsigned is the number long */
unsigned *pu; /* number */
unsigned lung; /* memory reserved for that number */

if(pu==0){len=0; lung=0;}
else {lung=999; len=1; *pu=0;}

num::~num() {free(pu); len=0; lung=0; pu=0;}

void prx(num& a)
{unsigned i, len=a.len;
if(i==0) printf("%x ", a.pu[len-1-i]);
else printf("%08x ",a.pu[len-1-i]);
printf("%08x; ", a.pu[0]);

int StrToNum(num* res, char* string, char** pos, int base)
{ return StrToNum( (char*) res, string, pos, base); }

int main(void)
{char s[1000], *pc;
int rr, h;
num n;
printf("Inserisci un numero in hex > ");
pc=fgets(s, 1000, stdin);
if(pc<=0) return 0;
rr=StrToNum(&n, s, &pc, 16);
for(h=0; s[h] ; ++h );
if(s[h]=='\n') s[h]=0;

if(rr==0) {printf("errore\n"); return 0;}
printf("rr=%i, pc=%s\nHai inserito = ", rr, pc);
return 0;

section _DATA public align=4 class=DATA use32
global _StrToNum

; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
tab dd 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff ,
0xff , 0x36ff ; 0
dd 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff
, 0xff ; 10
dd 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff
, 0xff ; 20
dd 0xff , 0xff , 0x37ff , 0x1ff , 0xff , 0xff , 0x33ff , 0x35ff
, 0xff , 0x34ff ; 30
dd 0x31ff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0x3ff , 0xff , 0xff ,
0x0 , 0x1 ; 40
dd 0x2 , 0x3 , 0x4 , 0x5 , 0x6 , 0x7 , 0x8 , 0x9 , 0xff , 0xff
; 50
dd 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xa , 0xb , 0xc , 0xd ,
0xe ; 60
dd 0xf , 0x10 , 0x11 , 0x12 , 0x13 , 0x14 , 0x15 , 0x16 , 0x17
, 0x18 ; 70
dd 0x19 , 0x1a , 0x1b , 0x1c , 0x1d , 0x1e , 0x1f , 0x20 , 0x21
, 0x22 ; 80
dd 0x23 , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0xa , 0xb ,
0xc ; 90
dd 0xd , 0xe , 0xf , 0x10 , 0x11 , 0x12 , 0x13 , 0x14 , 0x15 ,
0x16 ; 100
dd 0x17 , 0x18 , 0x19 , 0x1a , 0x1b , 0x1c , 0x1d , 0x1e , 0x1f
, 0x20 ; 110
dd 0x21 , 0x22 , 0x23 , 0xff , 0xff , 0xff , 0x2ff
; 120
times 132 dd 0xff

section _TEXT public align=1 class=CODE use32

; int
; StrToNum(num[*|&] res, char* string, char** pos, int base)
; eg. char buf[256]={0}, *pc; int val=StrToUns( res, buf, &pc, 10);
; CF==carry flag
; format==<spaces><+><digits> where spaces={' ', '\t'}
; convert the number in format above in the 0 terminated
; string "string" in the base format in a unsigned integer
; 2<=base<=36 possible digits "0123456789[A-Z][a-z]"
; if there is not a number in the above format then
; after the call => (string==pos and CF==1)
; if overflow [mem number not enought] return 0 CF==1
; if there is (or not) overflow it read all the number
; and save in "pos" the first not digit position
; if all is ok CF==0 and return 1, if error CF==1 and
; return 0
; 0k, 4j, 8i, 12r, 16c, 20b, 24ra, 28res, 32string, 36pos, 40base
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push esi
push edi
push ebp
%define @res [esp+28]
%define @string [esp+32]
%define @pos [esp+36]
%define @base [esp+40]
mov esi, @string
mov edi, @res
cmp edi, 0
je .ce
cmp dword[edi+4], 0
je .ce
cmp dword[edi+8], 1
jb .ce
cmp esi, 0
je .ce
xor ebx, ebx
mov ebp, @base
cmp ebp, 36
ja .ce
cmp ebp, 1
jbe .ce
jmp short .c1
inc esi
cmp byte[esi], ' '
je .c0
cmp byte[esi], 9
je .c0
cmp byte[esi], '+'
jne .c2
inc esi
mov bl, [esi]
cmp [tab+4*ebx], ebp
jae .ce
jmp short .c5
mov eax, @pos
mov edx, @string
mov [eax], edx
mov eax, 0
jmp .ca
inc esi
cmp byte[esi], '0'
je .c4
mov eax, 0
mov dword[edi], 1
mov ebp, [edi+4]
mov dword[ebp], 0
mov ecx, 1
xor ebx, ebx
mov bl, [esi]
mov ebx, [tab+4*ebx]
cmp ebx, dword @base
jae .c8
..a0: ; moltiplicazione *10
mov eax, [ebp]
mul dword @base
add eax, ebx
adc edx, 0
jc .c7
mov ebx, edx
mov [ebp], eax
add ebp, 4
dec ecx
jnz .a0
cmp edx, 0
je .a1
mov eax, [edi]
cmp dword[edi+8], eax
jbe .c7
inc dword[edi]
mov [ebp], edx
mov ecx, [edi]
mov ebp, [edi+4]
inc esi
jmp short .c6
mov dword[edi], 1
mov ebp, [edi+4]
mov dword[ebp], 0
xor ebx, ebx
inc esi
mov bl, [esi]
mov edx, [tab+4*ebx]
cmp edx, dword @base
jb .a2
mov edx, 1
jmp short .c9
mov edx, 0
mov ebx, @pos
mov [ebx], esi
cmp edx, 0
jne .ca
mov eax, 1
jmp short .cf
mov eax, 0
%undef @res
%undef @string
%undef @pos
%undef @base
pop ebp
pop edi
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx

Inserisci un numero in hex >
ffffffffffff aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
rr=1, pc= aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Hai inserito = 0xfffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa
aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa
aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaf ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
ffffffff fffffff
f ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
ffffffff ffffff
ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff;

From: Guga on
On Apr 1, 4:21 am, "Wolfgang Kern" <nowh...(a)> wrote:
> Hello Guga,
> [..]
> > an 128 bit binary value is limited to:
> > integer(log(2)*MSbitNr)
> > 0,301029 * 128 = 38 decimal digits
> > 2^128 = 3,4028236692093846346337460743177... e+38
> > So you should limit the input to 38 digits and to be <2^128.
> > I didn't count how many digits you posted here,
> > but for this ascii-number you might need a 'very large' result buffer.
> > ie: you need a 1024-bit result for 308 decimal digits.
> > Many, many tks for this formula, i was looking for it. :)
> Always welcome :)
> btw: I don't use the slow FPU with its constant FLDL2T.
> My norm for this int(log(2)) is:
> MOVZX eax B$MSbitNr ;or from a byte reg
> IMUL eax 04d10 ;*19728
> SHR eax 010 ;/65536
> even it results to 0.301025391
> instead of 0.301029996
> it's close enough up to 300 decimal digits
> Also the opposite works that way
> [determine binary size for MSD decimal digits power]
> GetPower2 from MSdigit:
> n = integer(lg(10)(base 2)*power10 of MSD)
> lg(10)2 = 1/lg(2)10 = 3.321928095
> Again, no FLDLG2 is used here:
> MOVZX eax B$MSDdigitPower ;or from a byte reg
> IMUL eax 03526A ;*217706
> SHR eax 010 ;/65536
> results in MUL 3.321929932
> instead of 3.321928095
> > For that huge number, i know the decimal string was larger then 128
> > bits, but, the 1st dwords (128 bits) should be truncated on the proper
> > values.
> > I just posted an small example, and tested some numbers as Herbert
> > proposed, and the results seems accurated.
> > I made a set of those convertions asciito128, asciito80, asciito4096,
> > asciitoany and so on.
> I got only one routine which covers all of them ..
> > When i posted the 1st numbers, i was testing several different numbers
> > while i was building the 1st routine for the asciito128 and asciito80.
> > I wanted mainly to follow the logic of those sort of convertions.
> > i´m finishing inserting the comments on them, and after that can i
> > send to you see if they needs improves on speed ? So far, it seems
> > fast, but maybe teher is another way to optimize it.
> Oh yes I will, as this a main part of the fun :)
> __
> wolfgang

Hi wolfgang, tks.

But.. are u sure that this

MOVZX eax B$MSbitNr ;or from a byte reg
IMUL eax 04d10 ;*19728
SHR eax 010 ;/65536

is accurated for number above 300 ?

I just tested it with MSbitNr: B$ 320, and the result is 19.

Shouldnt it be 96 ? (log(2)*320)

Also.. how to multiply a value by 10 (with overflow) without mul ?

For speed purposes the fast is:

lea eax D$eax+eax*4
add eax eax

but, i wanted the remainder simulatye exactly the mul mnemonic.

mov eax 745878414
mov ecx 10
mul ecx

Eax = 0BC94038C
edx = 01

both forms the correct value: 01BC94038C

But, how to do it using lea ?

I tried:

xor edx edx
mov eax 745878414
lea eax D$eax+eax*4
add eax eax
jnc L1>
; what insert here in case of overflown that
makes edx be equal to 1 ?

I was looking if Paul Hsieh could have the solutino for the
overflown.. but on his site i found nothing.

Best Regards,


From: rhyde on
On Mar 31, 3:18 pm, "Guga" <Guga...(a)> wrote:
> On Mar 31, 8:19 am, "r...(a)" <r...(a)> wrote:
> For that huge number i provided, the test were made on the 1st 128
> Bits only . But.. the results for those 1st 128 bits should work on
> yours too, no matter if the string is bigger or not. I mean, the 1st 4
> dword of your code should be those ones.

No guarantees. Overflow is not guaranteed to be the same across
different algorithms.

> On smaller numbers the error is more easilly seen.
> For example, take the number: 7458784146511699504104824251512520706
> This is a 128 Bit number. The results are:
> Mine:
> [Value:
> Value.Conv32Bit: D$ 0E000002
> Value.Conv64Bit: D$ 0F549DDB
> Value.Conv96Bit: D$ 06B2C5BFC
> Value.Conv128Bit: D$ 059C8273]
> Yours:
> [Value:
> Value.Conv32Bit: D$ 0FFFFFFD0
> Value.Conv64Bit: D$ 0F549DDB
> Value.Conv96Bit: D$ 06B2C5BFC
> Value.Conv128Bit: D$ 059C8273]

Now the problem is apparent. You've apparently translated my algorithm
incorrectly. Here's the unit test I use for my conversion code with
both a test for the value you've provided as well as a dump, in hex,
of the four dwords:


conv.strToi128( "64", 0, inputL );
if( cmp128( inputL, 64 ) ) then



conv.strToi128( "-64", 0, inputL );
if( cmp128( inputL, -64 ) ) then



conv.strToi128( "0", 0, inputL );
if( cmp128( inputL, 0 ) ) then



conv.strToi128( "170141183460469231731687303715884105727", 0,
inputL );
if( cmp128( inputL,
170141183460469231731687303715884105727 ) ) then



conv.strToi128( "-170141183460469231731687303715884105728", 0,
inputL );
if( cmp128( inputL,
-170141183460469231731687303715884105728 ) ) then



conv.strToi128( "7458784146511699504104824251512520706", 0,
inputL );

stdout.put( "dwords = ", (type dword inputL), ", ", (type dword
", ", (type dword inputL[8]), ", ", (type dword inputL[12]), nl );
if( cmp128( inputL, 7458784146511699504104824251512520706 ))




conv.strToi128( "170141183460469231731687303715884105728",
0, inputL );


// We we got to this point, we failed to raise an overflow

Raise( $1_1285 );

exception( ex.ValueOutOfRange )

// Okay, we succeeded if we got this exception.


// Anything else? Pass it on.

Raise( eax );



conv.strToi128( IllegalCharStr, 0, inputL );


// We we got to this point, we failed to raise an illegal
// character exception.

Raise( $1_1286 );

exception( ex.IllegalChar )

// Okay, we succeeded if we got this exception.


// Anything else? Pass it on.

Raise( eax );



conv.strToi128( "", 10, inputL );


// We we got to this point, we failed to raise an illegal
// index exception.

Raise( $1_1287 );

exception( ex.StringIndexError )

// Okay, we succeeded if we got this exception.


// Anything else? Pass it on.

Raise( eax );


stderr.put( "conv.strToi128 succeeded!" nl );


nl nl
"***************************************************" nl
"conv.strToi128 failed! eax=", eax, nl
"***************************************************" nl


Here is the output from the section of code above:

dwords = 0E000002, 0F549DDB, 6B2C5BFC, 059C8273
conv.strToi128 succeeded!

> Try analysing the results for 128 bit, i´m sure you will find the
> error.

I think you'll have to do that on your end. I get the values you claim
to be the correct ones.

> Do what Herbert said.. increment or decrement the number to you see.

Again, that would need to be done on your side. I seem to be getting
correct values.

> Make tests for
> 7458784146511699504104824251512520704
> 7458784146511699504104824251512520705

Better than that, here's the maximum (signed) 128-bit value you can

Obviously, double it and add one for the maximum unsigned 128-bit

Other than checking for overflow detection (which you'll notice my
routines are doing), I'd be *very* careful about testing values larger
than this. Such tests are meaningless unless your specifications
require you to return some modulo or other value when overflow occurs.
Randy Hyde

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