From: Torfinn Ingolfsen on
On 05/25/2010 11:18, ben wrote:
> Q1) Why has maxusers remaind unchanged? or has the system infact read
> the =0 and interepeted a set of best settings, which happen to be
> exaclty the same)? How can one tell?

The system has tuned it automatically for you since FreeBSD 4.5. See
Hint: you do not need to mess with this value.

> Q2) if not, how do i change this setting to permanantly increase
> kern.maxfiles

By setting kern.maxfiles, see sysctl.conf(5).

> Q3) based on the observation that kern.openfiles is a much smaller no
> than kern.maxfiles (all be it recently after a reeboot), could
> something else rather than kern.maxfiles be the issue. if so what?

Possible, but not likely.

> Q4) How can i determing what is creating so many open discriptors?

Well, that is the "black art" of fault finding, isn't it?
Here is my initial guess, based on the information you have provided:
your server is a web or web / database server, and something is creating
enough large processes that
a) eat up all your memory, including swap (get swap failed)
b) use up all your file descriptors (kern.maxfiles limit exceeded)

An apache web server, for example, if not properly configured, will
happily create new processes to answer incoming requests, which is nice
if you want it to server your visitors.
In real life, you will have to configure the max number of processes
that it can run at the same time, to avoid using up memory and file

Ideally, you would monitor the situation before the server became
unresponsive, and determine which process was the culprit.
In real life, you will often have to work from logfiles to figure out
what went wrong.
For example, error messages which mention a specific uid; which uid is
it, and what programs / processes are normally running under this uid
on your server?

HTH a bit.
Torfinn Ingolfsen,
From: Bob Eager on
On Tue, 25 May 2010 02:18:51 -0700, ben wrote:

> Q4) How can i determing what is creating so many open discriptors?

pkg_add -r lsof

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