From: richard.townsendrose on

does anyone know what the syntax in the header is for this ...

and how would one stuff it into the header of an email which was being
generated ? we use geoff's emailer.

From: Geoff Schaller on

The best thing to do here is read the POP3 RFC.
It describes all these features and their syntax.

But the more important aspect to receipts is that most people turn them
off so they are of little value.

But more to the point, I have abandoned my VO classes for my C# SO
Service Client that does all this. I will add a receipt request and
priority flag to the next release.


Geoff Schaller

"richard.townsendrose" <richard.townsendrose(a)> wrote in

> Hi
> does anyone know what the syntax in the header is for this ...
> and how would one stuff it into the header of an email which was being
> generated ? we use geoff's emailer.
> Richard

From: richard.townsendrose on

> The best thing to do here is read the POP3 RFC.
> It describes all these features and their syntax.

aye, and the rest ... i have better things to do in life ... the sun
is now out ... and its quiet - a fresh wind from iceland has again
stopped the planes ->>>>>> GREAT !

> But the more important aspect to receipts is that most people turn them
> off so they are of little value.

Thus in fact its another meaningless idea from ms... and anyway it
doesn't PROVE legally that someone has received attachments, and that
those attachments are the the right ones, and that they are un-
damaged !

> But more to the point, I have abandoned my VO classes

SAD to hear that as many many people use them ... but as i haven't
ever had a problem, i dont see that as a REAL LIFE problem.


From: Geoff Schaller on
<g> I didn't say that they were withdrawn from free distribution, just
that I had abandoned them personally. They no longer do enough!

My C# mail classes (which are used from VO) are far more powerful and
far more useful.



> > But more to the point, I have abandoned my VO classes
> SAD to hear that as many many people use them ... but as i haven't
> ever had a problem, i dont see that as a REAL LIFE problem.
> Richard