From: Dragos on
Right, not wanting to pay fees is the same as not affording them....

Douchery at its finest.

I will agree that the UIEC is incredibly awesome, I have 5 of them
(thanks again Jim)

How the UIEC replaces the SCPU is intriguing, tell me more.....

also, while I too enjoy the UIEC, it just isn't as compatible as a CMD-
HD. Is it good enough for most? yes. For everyone? no. as a
supplement no matter what you have, definitely!

I am not sure why you are so concerned over frugality, but I am
guessing you are feeling the crunch....

From: EnergyAdvisor on
On Feb 25, 4:33 pm, Michael <mister...(a)> wrote:
> On Feb 25, 3:44 pm, EnergyAdvisor <p...(a)> wrote:
> > The CMD stuff is rare because most people
> > didn't bother buying it, and in this day and age, with Jim Brain's
> > uIEC, it's almost completely lost relevance.  I would go so far as to
> > say that the uIEC is destined to retain its own cultural relevance
> > which will easily exceed that of CMD hardware.  A low serial number
> > C64, or a prototype pre-production C64, I can see that being worth a
> > nice chunk of cash.
> > - Show quoted text -
> I agree for most of it. But the CMD is another issue. I remember when
> the hard-drive came out. A guy with the nick-name of Megna came on the
> sceen and had one. It was not that no one wanted one. None of us could
> afford them and credit years ago was not like it is today. They did a
> lot of checking back then. I remember being at a commodore group and
> everyone was in awe about it. Back then most of the main crowd I hung
> around with were teenagers/young adulst and money was not there due to
> the age. So, you had an item you can not buy but adds incredibly fast
> speeds or storage to your computer. There are very little of them out
> there compared to the Commodore 64 itself. I really don't thing they
> would sell for much if they had thing today that could work as good or
> be compatible with them. CMD hard-drive = Can run GEOS. uIEC can not.
> Also the CMD had some other advantages to boot. Don't get me wrong. I
> have a couple uIECs to mess around with but having a CMD hard-drive
> and being able to run GEOS off of it would be a different story. The
> Super CPU on the other hand. There is 'nothing' made today that gets a
> stock 64 going at 20MHz. You would think it would be more possible
> with todays tech but no. So you have limited amout of Super CPUs and
> there is nothing available today that can run as its equal. With the
> NIC expansion, JiffyDOS, and other thing happening, wouldn't it be
> nice if could product an item of such quality today. 20 years and they
> are still ticking.

At this point, one needs to ask if they're really buying something
that's truly valuable and has inherent worth as a collectible, or if
they simply want an otherwise irrelevant toy they couldn't afford in
their youth. I think that in this case, it's the latter. Now,
there's certainly nothing wrong with someone who has decided to spend
their hard-earned money on something they've always lusted after, no
matter how irrelevant or trivial the object of their affections may
seem to others. The context of my posting was that of people like
Worldlam, who used credit to purchase all manner of items at inflated
value he created himself, thinking these items to have an inherent
value they simply cannot possess. It was also in the context of
Gladson's original posting, suggesting that the items he has to sell
have that inherent value people like Worldlam wrongly believe them to
possess. This is because, in this case, CMD was a culturally and
historically insignificant company, making a product that could,
provided sufficient (and, to me, easily affordable) money and time, be
recreated anew.

The SuperCPU falls along these same lines. What value does it really
possess? If it brings you pleasure in an enjoyable hobby, then more
power to you. To me, these things were counter to the low cost nature
of Commodore computing of the day, proving only that, with enough
money, any computer can be turned into a more powerful computer.
Which most of us knew all along. These don't represent the culture
like Mr. Brain's very affordable and nifty uIEC does. Cheap, not
perfect, but does a lot for what it costs and still works very
well...that's the Commodore 64 culture.

I can understand why someone who's hard up would claim they don't want
to pay the fees, and want to cover up the fact they're hard up by
stressing the fact that they don't *need* to sell these items, but
then to suggest others posting comments are too poor...yeah, there's a
name for someone like that. I think I'll leave the juvenile name-
calling to Mark Gladson for now.
From: Dragos on
yes, I am so poor, I cannot pay ebay fees.....

wow. Please now send me free stuff and pity me for not being able to
afford all these high dollar commodore items....

From: Slor on
Despite all prevention efforts, Jim Brain <brain(a)> wrote in

> You're new here :-) If we could move on, we'd have sold our C64s
> already :-)

Indeed - though I know a number of the regs here. Have had some Commodore
stuff for a while, but I wasn't a user of them back in the day and am only
beginning to really get into things. I understand your comment, though, as
anyone who knows me and my Atari addiction (now, everyone is saying "ah,
that's what wrong with him") can attest.

Reliable web hosting from $12/year.
From: DanSolo on
On Feb 26, 2:42 am, Slor <se...(a)rols.ten> wrote:
> How 'bout moving on to something else?

On usenet, the only person worth making this recommendation to is
yourself. If you don't like where the discussion is going it's really
your job to ignore the topic.