From: BruceMcF on
On Mar 1, 8:15 pm, polishedball <polishedb...(a)> wrote:
> The problem,  I know have is the main java prg resides in the route,
> but the kernals and drives are in sub folders.   There doesn't  seem
> to bbe a way to path them properly properly on a uIEC device once your
> in a disk image.  Is DNP diferent?  Can I be in a disk image and setup
> folders inside of the image?  basically have the route with
> then a /game folder,  /kernal rom and drive folder, and a /com
> folder?  That the java can make calls to.

DNP is an image of a CMD drive, so it has subdirectories.

How the subdirectories work ... I don't know that, I never had a CMD
drive. I googled, and there are Commodore-looking command,
"@MD:dirname", "@CD:dirname".

That might be a question to ask at the uIEC users group,
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