From: Peter Venkman on
Thanks, Rich! I'm optimistic this worked. This user did have data in
the showInAddressBook property. I unhid it and rehid it and then
checked the DC specified in the verbose output, and that property is
cleared now.

On May 18, 9:45 pm, "Rich Matheisen [MVP]"
<richn...(a)> wrote:
> On Wed, 5 May 2010 12:33:32 -0700 (PDT), Peter Venkman
> <pau...(a)> wrote:
> >Hi,
> >We just migrated from Exchange 2003 to 2007 and have started noticing
> >this issue.  When we chose the option in a user's mailbox to "Hide
> >from Exchange Address Lists", it will still show up in the GAL.  It
> >doesn't matter whether this is done through the new Exchange
> >Management Console or through AD Users and Computers.  It appears
> >selected in both instances.  It isn't just the OAB causing a problem
> >either because checking through webmail shows the mailboxes still in
> >the online GAL.  Any ideas?
> Use LDP (or ADSIEDIT) to examine the properties of the AD user.
> These two properties are of interest:
> msExchHideFromAddressLists
> showInAddressBook
> If msExchHideFromAddressLists is TRUE then showInAddressBook should
> either be an empty property or not appear at all as a property of that
> user.
> If msExchHideFromAddressLists is TRUE and showInAddressBook is
> populated with DNs then there's a problem.
> Try UN-hiding a user and then tell powershell to have the cmdlet
> explain what it's doing. Maybe there's something in the verbose stream
> that will shed some light on your problem:
> $verbosepreference='continue'
> set-mailbox foo -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled:$true
> ---
> Rich Matheisen
> MCSE+I, Exchange MVP

From: Peter Venkman on
This did work. Odd that I had to do the unhide/re-hide from the
shell. This hadn't worked through the console. Thanks.

On May 19, 12:48 pm, Peter Venkman <pau...(a)> wrote:
> Thanks, Rich!  I'm optimistic this worked.  This user did have data in
> the showInAddressBook property.  I unhid it and rehid it and then
> checked the DC specified in the verbose output, and that property is
> cleared now.
> On May 18, 9:45 pm, "Rich Matheisen [MVP]"
> <richn...(a)> wrote:
> > On Wed, 5 May 2010 12:33:32 -0700 (PDT), Peter Venkman
> > <pau...(a)> wrote:
> > >Hi,
> > >We just migrated from Exchange 2003 to 2007 and have started noticing
> > >this issue.  When we chose the option in a user's mailbox to "Hide
> > >from Exchange Address Lists", it will still show up in the GAL.  It
> > >doesn't matter whether this is done through the new Exchange
> > >Management Console or through AD Users and Computers.  It appears
> > >selected in both instances.  It isn't just the OAB causing a problem
> > >either because checking through webmail shows the mailboxes still in
> > >the online GAL.  Any ideas?
> > Use LDP (or ADSIEDIT) to examine the properties of the AD user.
> > These two properties are of interest:
> > msExchHideFromAddressLists
> > showInAddressBook
> > If msExchHideFromAddressLists is TRUE then showInAddressBook should
> > either be an empty property or not appear at all as a property of that
> > user.
> > If msExchHideFromAddressLists is TRUE and showInAddressBook is
> > populated with DNs then there's a problem.
> > Try UN-hiding a user and then tell powershell to have the cmdlet
> > explain what it's doing. Maybe there's something in the verbose stream
> > that will shed some light on your problem:
> > $verbosepreference='continue'
> > set-mailbox foo -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled:$true
> > ---
> > Rich Matheisen
> > MCSE+I, Exchange MVP