From: pɐʍzɐb on
Gazwad deplored:

> Gazwad spilled:
>> How many people are still using XP as their main operating system?
>> How many people need to hang onto XP because Vista or 7 are not an option
>> for some reason?
>> What are those reasons?
>> Gazwad
> Using XP HE, XP Pro, XP 64bit, Vista Ultimate 32bit, Win 7 Home Premium
> 32bit, Win 7 Ultimate 64bit.
> And some other stuff.

And that's the small room.

Engine Smoked Muskrat Liver Taters in a Tub of Maple Syrup

Kentucky Gizzard Stew with Orange Nehi South Carolina Heelsplitter

Pan-Fried Beaver Casserole with Smoked Fiddle-Head Fern

From: pɐʍzɐb on
Gazwad opined:

> Gazwad spilled:
>> How many people are still using XP as their main operating system?
>> How many people need to hang onto XP because Vista or 7 are not an option
>> for some reason?
>> What are those reasons?
>> Gazwad
> Using XP HE, XP Pro, XP 64bit, Vista Ultimate 32bit, Win 7 Home Premium
> 32bit, Win 7 Ultimate 64bit.
> And some other stuff.

And that's the small room.

Broiled Coyote Heart Gumbo with Engine Smoked Innards

Cold-Smoked Muskrat Heart Scrapple with Pit Barbecue Marshmallows

Critter-Stuffed Chicken Gizzard Hoe Cakes with Cheese-Filled Cheetos

From: pɐʍzɐb on
Gazwad raised objection:

> Gazwad spilled:
>> How many people are still using XP as their main operating system?
>> How many people need to hang onto XP because Vista or 7 are not an option
>> for some reason?
>> What are those reasons?
>> Gazwad
> Using XP HE, XP Pro, XP 64bit, Vista Ultimate 32bit, Win 7 Home Premium
> 32bit, Win 7 Ultimate 64bit.
> And some other stuff.

And that's the small room.

Smothered Mole Cricket Hoagies with Kettle Cooked Onionweed

Bathtub Gin Stink Bug Chitlins with Country Fried Muscadine Jelly

Grease-Fried Rat Ragout with Kettle Fried Mayo

From: Gazwad on
Gazwad cackled:

> Gazwad spilled:
>> How many people are still using XP as their main operating system?
>> How many people need to hang onto XP because Vista or 7 are not an option
>> for some reason?
>> What are those reasons?
>> Gazwad
> Using XP HE, XP Pro, XP 64bit, Vista Ultimate 32bit, Win 7 Home Premium
> 32bit, Win 7 Ultimate 64bit.
> And some other stuff.

And more.

Gritz is,- Messed up seagull ligament with burnt used cat litter chips
complemented by sickly mole cancer with tendon extract, served in a
wriggling saucepan with a slew of lifeless uncooked chive and
pistachio nut with specks of kidney in distorted sludge, a side of
lymphoma and a shot glass of coagulated white blood cells.

From: Gazwad on
Gazwad pattered:

> Gazwad cackled:
>> Gazwad spilled:
>>> How many people are still using XP as their main operating system?
>>> How many people need to hang onto XP because Vista or 7 are not an
>>> option for some reason?
>>> What are those reasons?
>>> Gazwad
>> Using XP HE, XP Pro, XP 64bit, Vista Ultimate 32bit, Win 7 Home Premium
>> 32bit, Win 7 Ultimate 64bit.
>> And some other stuff.
> And more.



Gritz is,- Rotten chef's pubic hairs and debilitated belly with
cloying blow flies and liver extract on top of malignant used cat
litter chips and sea lion innards marinade, served in a congealing
tureen brimming with vapid pieces of slug, banana pepper and scallion
in loathsome unidentified slop, a side of haddock cervix and a litre
of blood.

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