From: David Brown on
On 13/04/2010 15:15, Chris Higgs wrote:
> On 13 Apr, 13:45, "cfelton"<cfelton(a)>
> wrote:
>> I imagine what you posted works very well and accomplishes what you intend.
>> I think for a new users adopting Python testbenches MyHDL would be a much
>> better choice. I is documented, has a nice manual, there are examples
>> available, and a community to support questions. The user doesn't need to
>> worry about HDL conversion if they do not want. Here is a basic example of
>> a testbench in MyHDL.
> <snip>
> Agreed, I think MyHDL has a lot of potential and there is significant
> functionality overlap and similarities to the environment our company
> uses. What I'm lamenting is the reluctance of 'hardware engineers" to
> adopt advances made in the software field, in terms of regression and
> unit testing frameworks. More people should be using MyHDL or
> homegrown alternatives to provide rapid simulation verification and
> object oriented abstraction models. As a community we are very slow
> moving when compared to other related fields.
> I believe MyHDL would do well to emphasise more strongly the pure
> testbench environment functionality. Many engineers do not want the
> VHDL/verilog generation features but could make good use of the
> simulation parts of MyHDL. Expanding the cosimulation interface
> options to support ModelSim FLI and VHPI would help move it forward.

I disagree with that.

I haven't done much programmable logic design, and what I have done was
a few years ago now, so I don't have anything like the experience of
most people in this group (I work mainly with embedded software in C,
and some PC software in Python). However, I have made small systems
with both VHDL and Verilog.

What I can say is that both Verilog and VHDL are very verbose, they both
have a lot of features that are confusing and lead easily to wrong code
or extra effort (for example, the difference between the different
assignments in Verilog, or the different logic, bit, and numeric types
in VHDL). There also seems to be a very unclear boundary between
synthesisable and non-synthesisable parts of the languages, and there
can be inconsistencies between simulation and working synthesised behaviour.

When I used confluence, my results were far better. It was simpler and
clearer, and it handles the low-level Verilog or VHDL details
automatically. You can't accidentally end up with a latch or
asynchronous logic in your state machines - in fact, it won't let you
generate latches at all. You don't have registers that are reset in
simulation and preset in synthesis, because all the Verilog/VHDL
registers are generated with explicit resets (or presets). You don't
have problems when mixing signed and unsigned values, because these are
handled correctly.

I haven't used MyHDL for more than brief tests, but it appears to give a
similar isolation from the messy low-level details of Verilog and VHDL,
while (even more than confluence) it gives you higher level features.
People often compare Verilog to "C", and VHDL to "Ada" - I think they
both share a lot with assembly language.

I am also unconvinced of the value of Verilog or VHDL functional
simulation (timing simulation is another matter, of course), if the code
you have written is not in Verilog or VHDL in the first place. If your
code is written in MyHDL, and the MyHDL conversion to Verilog/VHDL is
accurate, then you can do all your functional testing entirely within
Python and MyHDL. cosimulation is only relevant when you have parts
that are not written in MyHDL (and cannot easily be modelled in MyHDL).

confluence "died" because the author was more interested in formal
verification systems than synthesis (or testbenches). While
testbenching and integration with Verilog and VHDL simulators is
important, I believe it is more important to have good tools that help
you write correct code in the first place, rather than just to find the
mistakes you've made.

As I say, I don't have the experience in programmable logic design of
most people here. That may mean my opinions here are pretty worthless -
perhaps I'd be happy with Verilog and VHDL if I spend longer getting
used to them. But it may also mean that I can think about this without
the bias of long established practice.
From: Chris Higgs on
On Apr 14, 8:45 am, David Brown <da...(a)>

> I am also unconvinced of the value of Verilog or VHDL functional
> simulation (timing simulation is another matter, of course), if the code
> you have written is not in Verilog or VHDL in the first place.  If your
> code is written in MyHDL, and the MyHDL conversion to Verilog/VHDL is
> accurate, then you can do all your functional testing entirely within
> Python and MyHDL.  cosimulation is only relevant when you have parts
> that are not written in MyHDL (and cannot easily be modelled in MyHDL).

In my experience (which again is limited), there are many engineers
who are happy writing synthesisable code in VHDL. They may find MyHDL
useful for to generate type/conversion packages (it would be nice to
have a union function to convert a record type to a vector and vica-
versa) but want to continue doing the majority of coding in raw VHDL.
I personally believe this comprises the majority of VHDL engineers
(otherwise takeup of tools like MyHDL would be far higher). For this
group having an easy way to interface to the simulator using a
language other than VHDL is the sweetspot which might persuade them to
try a different design flow. MyHDL is almost ready to fill that
From: Andy on
MyHDL is a promising language, but at this point, it is just that:

I can't go to my director and tell him I'm going to use a non-
commercially-supported language/toolset (VHDL/Verilog RTL converter at
this point) that is at version 0.6 for his next project, and expect to
still have respect, or even a job afterwards. I suspect the vast
majority of non-academic HDL professionals are in exactly the same

Call me back when it does synthesizable fixed/floating point and has
direct support from at least one major synthesis vendor. Sorry,
converting to VHDL/Verilog RTL to use with anyone's tool does not cut
it, unless the vendor supports the conversion process too.

From: cfelton on
>MyHDL is a promising language, but at this point, it is just that:
>I can't go to my director and tell him I'm going to use a non-
>commercially-supported language/toolset (VHDL/Verilog RTL converter at
>this point) that is at version 0.6 for his next project, and expect to
>still have respect, or even a job afterwards. I suspect the vast
>majority of non-academic HDL professionals are in exactly the same
>Call me back when it does synthesizable fixed/floating point and has
>direct support from at least one major synthesis vendor. Sorry,
>converting to VHDL/Verilog RTL to use with anyone's tool does not cut
>it, unless the vendor supports the conversion process too.

Well, you will never get that call because that isn't the point/goal of
MyHDL. But given this argument you would not be interested in using Python
in your flow (or any script language except TCL), whether it be for build
scripts, testbenches, generation of constants, etc.

I think the goal of MyHDL is to replace a bunch of tools in the developers
toobox with a unified tool, in this case a programming language. Many
developers find themselves doing many tasks in a scripting languages, be it
Python, TCL, etc. With Python and MyHDL all this can be done in a single
language, hopefully improving efficiency.

MyHDL adds *RTL* to Python. The Python-RTL (MyHDL) is converted to
Verilog/VHDL. There is no need or desire for direct support by a synthesis
vendor. And MyHDL doesn't try to do higher level synthesis. Higher
level-synthesis tools can be developed on top of MyHDL if desired. MyHDL
has a focused goal which is to add *RTL* to Python, IMO makes it more

I agree, any tool and/or method is easier to adopt if it has a track
record. But I think the track record you are looking for might be a little
misdirected (ie some large EDA company adopting). The goal of a company
should be to increase efficiency and ROI. Tools like Python/MyHDL (and
other languages) provide this. We outlined some of the possible risks and
risk mitigation methods.

Posted through
From: Jan Decaluwe on
On Apr 14, 6:43 pm, Andy <jonesa...(a)> wrote:

> I can't go to my director and tell him I'm going to use a non-
> commercially-supported language/toolset (VHDL/Verilog RTL converter at
> this point) that is at version 0.6 for his next project, and expect to
> still have respect, or even a job afterwards. I suspect the vast
> majority of non-academic HDL professionals are in exactly the same
> boat.

MyHDL has good support for subversive behavior :-)

Seriously, that's why conversion to VHDL/Verilog gets so much
attention. It allows you to view MyHDL simply as a more effective
or fun way to create your trusted VHDL/Verilog design.

Therefore, no need to ask nor tell anyone. If you're intrigued,
just do it, and do it as a good engineer: start with a simple
but relevant module, not with a whole design. After conversion,
few will be able to tell (you may even get praise for the
code quality :-)).

Along the way, you may discover unique features that you want to
share with others, even with directors. You'll know when it's time
to come out.


Jan Decaluwe - Resources bvba -
Python as a HDL:
VHDL development, the modern way:
Analog design automation:
World-class digital design: