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FAQ Topic - I have <a href="javascript:somefunction()"> what... ? (2010-03-16)
On 16/03/10 01:00, FAQ server wrote: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Topic - I have <a href="javascript:somefunction()"> what ... ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The same FAQ item was posted 4 days ago. The FAQ about cl... 16 Mar 2010 19:49
Copy RTF into clipboard
Hello, Does anyone know how to tell the cipboard to accept RTF into the clipboard? I think I have all the steps but one.. has anyone done this: 1. copied text into a separate area. 2. reformatted text into rtf format. 2. copied.holdtext.createTextRange(); 3 . copied.execCommand("copy"); (only for ie) but ... 15 Mar 2010 20:41
*PITIFUL* FAQ Entry - How can I access the client-side filesystem? (2010-03-15)
On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 at 02:29:39, in comp.lang.javascript, Jorge wrote: On Mar 15, 1:00�am, "FAQ server" <javascr...(a)> wrote: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *PITIFUL* FAQ Entry - How can I access the client-side filesystem? ----------------------------... 15 Mar 2010 14:36
*PITIFUL* FAQ Entry - How can I access the client-side filesystem? (2010-03-15)
On Mar 15, 1:00 am, "FAQ server" <javascr...(a)> wrote: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *PITIFUL* FAQ Entry - How can I access the client-side filesystem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- See: 16 Mar 2010 17:22
FAQ Topic - How can I access the client-side filesystem? (2010-03-15)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Topic - How can I access the client-side filesystem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Security means that by default you can't. In a more restricted environment, there are options. For example, using... 16 Mar 2010 19:49
At what point are local objects garbage collected?
Hi, I've got a question regarding garbage collection of image objects that are assigned to a local variable. Is it safe to write code like below? This code assigns a new image to a local variable and sets an onload handler, which gets called after the variable has gone out of scope. The handler always seems to... 14 Mar 2010 16:31
FAQ Topic - How do I protect my javascript code? (2010-03-14)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Topic - How do I protect my javascript code? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- With clientside javascript you can't as your code is distributed in source form and is easily readable. With JScript, the... 13 Mar 2010 19:46
Getting computed/current style
As a side effect of looking into browser-scripting animations I recently started to look into retrieving CSS values with script (I do agree that the start values of an animation should ideally be set automatically). Incidentally, the entity known as inappropriate to cite other than as work in progress[0] but en... 20 Mar 2010 15:27
onchange slow to fire
I have a form that is loaded into a div with AJAX. The .js is in the main program. The form contains: <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid blue" > $ <input type="text" size="8" maxlength="8" name="amount1" id="amount1" onchange="PmtRecalc(this,2)"> </td> The problem is that the onchange does not fire un... 13 Mar 2010 09:43
solutions manual to A First Course in String Theory, 2004, Barton Zwiebach
I have the comprehensive instructor's solutions manuals in an electronic format for the following textbooks. They include full solutions to all the problems in the text, but please DO NOT POST HERE, instead send me email including title and edition of the solutions manual u need. NOTE: This service is NOT free My... 12 Mar 2010 00:39
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