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FAQ- How can I access the client-side filesystem? * THIS FAQ'SRATHER *PITIFUL*
Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote: David Mark wrote: Jorge wrote: 1.- You can read any local file with an XHR *but*only*if* the location.protocol of the page is "file:", e.g.: [...] But by default, some browsers (e.g. FF) do not allow this. You have to adjust the security settings (assu... 11 Mar 2010 14:32
<input type="radio" name= "RecnumToModify" ACCESSKEY= "<% Response.Write( rs("id").Value ) %>" > </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <FORM ACTION= "" METHOD= POST > <input type=submit name= BUTTON value= Tag > </form> <% } ON SUBMIT, SCRIPT PASSES TO 15 Mar 2010 12:18
Detecting if an array element is undefined or null
Let's say I have an array, say: var myarray = new Array (); Some time later, I may need to know about myarray(27) as follows: 1) whether it's never yet been created 2) I previously used it but then set it to null if (1) or (2) is true then I want to take some action. Can I test that in the following wa... 13 Mar 2010 18:40
FireFoc support forums (Re: FF3.6 Stack output from Too MuchRecursion)
On 09/03/10 00:30, Richard Maher wrote: Ok, can anyone recommend a FireFox-specific (or Mozilla?) support and/or user forum? Looks active. Any better? Looks good. If you did create a reduced test case, you could also try filing a bug on Th... 8 Mar 2010 18:40
New Dojo Site--Most incompetent ever?
David Mark meinte: [snip] Hey, they state "To select HTML elements in JavaScript, you can use the browser�s native DOM API, but they�re verbose and hard to work with...not to mention slow." And "dojo.query gives us a more compact way to do it, and it's often faster, particularly as we ask for more so... 19 Mar 2010 22:21
Javascript Toolbox - Table Sort utility - Column Width cannot be set.
Can anyone help me out with a problem with Matt Kruse' Javascript toolbox script for table sort/filter? I've got a flat spot on my forehead from the following problem: Here's the issue: The script works very nicely with the exception that it does the following things: 1. The columns with filters all seem... 8 Mar 2010 18:40
What code cause IE to set the `toElement` property?
I want to set the toElement property on a custom event, however it cannot be done automatically. If what I read is correct, the reason for this is that the property is a reference. Here is a demonstration of the problem. <html> <head> <title>blah</title> </head> <body> <script type="text/jscript"> docum... 7 Mar 2010 09:35
FAQ Topic - Why is my Ajax page not updated properly when using an HTTP GET request in Internet Explorer? (2010-03-07)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Topic - Why is my Ajax page not updated properly when using an HTTP GET request in Internet Explorer? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Browsers cache the results of HTTP requests to reduces network t... 6 Mar 2010 19:34
FAQ Topic - How do I force a reload from the server/prevent caching? (2010-03-06)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Topic - How do I force a reload from the server/prevent caching? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To reload a page, use ` location.reload() `. However, this depends upon the cache headers that your ... 5 Mar 2010 19:36
Anyone have JS to parse a credit card swipe?
Hi, I have one of these magnetic stripe readers hooked up to my computer via USB. I was wondering if anyone has any Javascript they use to parse out the input from one of these devices into credit card number, expiration year, month, and so on. Thanks for any advice, - Dave ... 21 Mar 2010 20:49
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