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[ANN] Filtered functions
Hi, I am very excited that I can finally annouce a public release of 'filtered functions', an extension of generic functions that Charlotte Herzeel, Jorge Vallejos, and myself have developed some time ago and that we are very excited about because it seems to be quite powerful in a number of very different s... 4 Dec 2009 17:22
[ANN] New release of Closer to MOP (v0.6)
Hi, I have just released a new version of Closer to MOP. This is a major new release, with a couple of substantial improvements: + Support for Embeddable Common Lisp has been completely reworked, and ECL is now officially supported in Closer to MOP (from ECL 9.12.2 on). + Macintosh Common Lisp has been rea... 4 Dec 2009 16:15
Is President Obama a Nice Guy?
Naeem wrote: Is President Obama a Nice Guy? You mean: (nice-person-p 'president-obama) ? Alb ... 10 Dec 2009 06:48
scripting in CL -- please comment
Hi, I had to write a simple script, and decided to do it in CL. It is the language I know best, and I wanted to learn how to generate standalone executables in ECL (it was dead simple -- the whole thing is 38K). I would appreciate if people could comment on the code. It is nothing complicated and runs fine, ... 14 Dec 2009 02:18
3 questions about arrays
1. (setq *PRINT-ARRAY* t) (make-array 1) Is this undefined behavior ? 2. Why the requirement that the dimensions of an array are fixnums ? 3. Even if there is good reason that the dimensions of an array be fixnums you cannot do (make-array most-positive-fixnum) but the most you can do is (make-array (1- ... 16 Dec 2009 15:42
Checking for declarations in macros
Let's say I'm writing a macro which accepts declarations like do. Let's say argument a to the macro may or may not be a declaration. Is this the right way to check ? (if (and (consp a) (eq (car a) 'declare)) ; It's a declaration ; It isn't ) -- A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want... 4 Dec 2009 18:30
emacs manual problem
In the emacs manual, the first 3 sections are: * Distrib:: How to get the latest Emacs distribution. * Intro:: An introduction to Emacs concepts. * Glossary:: Terms used in this manual. This is typical opening style of manuals of the 1980s and 1990s. Today, software do not c... 4 Dec 2009 15:08
Remembering information during compilation , part 2
This is a sequel to "Remembering information during compilation" < > For this we want 2 macros: jumpbody (&body body) Creates a tagbody and puts body inside the tagbody. jump (&optional depth) depth must be a positive ... 30 Nov 2009 23:36
Make Money From Home - How to Deal With Distractions
Life is full of distractions, interruptions, unexpected challenges and needs. With the arrival of the cell phone, these distractions have tripled. Nowadays you are constantly reachable unless you take definite steps to control your phone and your time. Now that you are working from home, your friends think that you... 29 Nov 2009 00:27
SBCL threads
I tinkered with SBCL threads: (defun demo-threads (n &key (nthreads 4)) "Every thread fill its part of an array with its index number." (let ((result (make-array n :initial-element nil))) (flet ((thread-fn (idx start end) (loop for i from start below end do (setf (aref resul... 29 Nov 2009 10:08
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