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nested backquote question
I'm trying to write a macro which returns macros (I've been reading the relevant bits of On Lisp), and running into nested backquote problems. The goal is a macro that creates macros that validates or alters values. A couple of very simple examples: (val-macro between (val x y) (and (> val x) (< val y)) ... 9 Oct 2009 00:37
local-time on Clozure CL windows vista 64 Can't resolve foreign symbol "gettimeofday"
On 1 Okt., 09:05, Antony <> wrote: I get the above error. Anyone with a known fix? CCL version says Welcome to Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.3-r11936  (WindowsX8664)! local-time is from darcs as of I think Sept 29 other libs it loads are pretty old, haven't updated in... 1 Oct 2009 04:58
Avoiding LispWorks Personal annoyances
For those annoyed with the 5-hour timeout in LispWorks Personal Edition: You can disable the time-out by using the library interposition mechanism on your platform (LD_PRELOAD on linux, DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES on Mac .. not sure about a mechanism on Windows). Write your own implementation of gettimeofday() that:... 14 Oct 2009 22:29
&optional combined with &rest
Hello!! Thanks to all (specifically to Pascal Bourguignon) for the answers. That helps me a lot. I'm trying to subdivide a string in an arbitrary length (provided as arguments) substrings. It would look like this. (various-parts-st "0123456789" 1 3 3 3) => ("1" "123" "456" "789") But I only could got... 24 Sep 2009 20:38
2 Articles on Continuations
Hi, I have posted 2 articles related to continuations based upon my understanding., which is an introduction to the concept via a sketch (or a model)., an application of that sketch to an example. I am keen to go deepe... 14 Sep 2009 11:53
Java for Efficiency
Evan I <tali713(a)> writes: Dave Searles <searles(a)> writes: An alternative, but much more work: port the whole thing to Java and use Swing's JFileChooser for the file dialog, JOptionPane, etc. as appropriate, and set system native look and feel in the startup ... 13 Sep 2009 11:43
New Lisp indenter for Kate
I wrote a script to make Lisp development on Kate possible, if not pleasant. Should work for any lisp since it doesn't care about special forms. For this reason sometimes you need to unindent things manually: the script is smart enough to take the hint and indent the rest of the body accordingly. If you use Kate... 12 Sep 2009 06:26
Lisp job available in Sydney, Australia
[Sorry for the noise -- job offer.] Fellow Lispers, I've been asked to help in the recruiting effort for a lisp programmer for Accenture. Following is the job description. --Alain Picard ================================================================ Accenture has several full-time po... 15 Sep 2009 10:06
Read CSV in SBCL
Why the below to read the test.csv file doesn't work well in sbcl? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test.csv: one,two three,four, five,six --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun get-token ... 9 Sep 2009 05:15
Dave's difficulties with manual activities
Hi, Dave, I think it's clear by now that Emacs isn't your sort of program, and you should stop telling everybody what you find difficult about it. We believe you, honest! Please also understand that a lot of Emacs's features that you slag off are precisely what Emacs users find useful, so the most accurate c... 15 Sep 2009 20:17
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