From: Sean Wilson on
> When i go to project my mac version it says its missing 4 xtras...
> Direct Soundx32
> Vector Editor Xtra x32
> 3DAuthx32
> OpenUrlx32
> Can I get these somewhere..or do i have to buy them?

The Vector Editor xtra and 3D Authoring xtra aren't needed in a
projector - they are authoring-only xtras
The OpenURL xtra is from <> - you may need to
download the Mac version from there. If there's no split version for
Windows authoring you'll need to extract it on a Mac so that the
resource forks aren't destroyed
From: Stella1251 on
oh..i was looking in C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Director MX 2004\Configuration\Cross Platform Resources\Mac\Xtras..
guess that was wrong..oops
thanks again

From: tripplesub on
they are, but windows ones are called .x32, mac ones are not... so i guess it was asking for windows ones...
From: Stella1251 on
thanks sean for the link!
what do i do for the direct sound? :)
From: Sean Wilson on
> thanks sean for the link!
> what do i do for the direct sound? :)

It's a Windows-only xtra - there is no Mac equivalent.
If you are getting an error around this xtra, please describe the error
and what you are doing when it occurs.
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