From: torgrot on
I tried at the command prompt del pagefile.sys and it replied it couldn't
find it. I can't see it in Windows Explorer ever. I have View set to show
hidden and system files etc... but it never shows up. I have tried searching
for it and it never finds it. I tried attrib pagefile.sys and it doesn't
find it.

"Dave Patrick" wrote:

> When you set it to 0 and 0 and restarted did you try deleting it?
> --
> Regards,
> Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
> Microsoft Certified Professional
> Microsoft MVP [Windows]
> "torgrot" wrote:
> |I set it to 0 and 0 and rebooted no error when I restarted, but no page
> file.
> | I reset it to 1024 and 4096 and rebooted, dialog no page file or page file
> | to small. Is there any way short of formatting and reinstalling XP to get
> | rid of pagefile.sys? I tried the recovery console but it won't let me log
> in
> | using the administrator password. I can login in safe mode using that
> | password, just not with the recovery console.
From: Dave Patrick on
You'll need to get to the bottom of why you can't start the RC. You may need
to run chkdsk /r from the RC



Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

"torgrot" wrote:
|I tried at the command prompt del pagefile.sys and it replied it couldn't
| find it. I can't see it in Windows Explorer ever. I have View set to
| hidden and system files etc... but it never shows up. I have tried
| for it and it never finds it. I tried attrib pagefile.sys and it doesn't
| find it.

From: Dave Patrick on
Glad to hear you've found the problem.



Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

"torgrot" wrote:
| Well after doing some extensive diagnostics on the disk drive it would
| that the drive has a fatal flaw in an address track. It is a Western
| drive and fails to even read past a particular point. I have secured
| drive and will be reinstalling. Thank you for your assistance.
| George T. Grote
| Project Engineer
| Mittal Steel USA

From: LowDown on
Set your page file to system managed size, and reboot, it should be fine, or
if not try 1.5 times the size of installed ram... nobody needs a two gig

"torgrot" wrote:

> Each time I boot my computer WinXP SP2, I recieve the following error: Your
> system has no paging file, or the paging file is to small. I have followed
> the instructions to increase the page file to 1024MB initial and 4096MB
> maximum. It informs be that I need to reboot, I do. I recieve the same
> error again, the file size on the C partion shows it to be 1024-4096, but at
> the bottom it shows only 256MB temporary page file. How do I fix this.