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select into temp table slower on 8way box
Using SQL 2008: When stress testing the query shown below, I find it runs faster when CPU & I/O affinity is set to 1 CPU socket (vs all CPU's) on a 8 way box. (Testing is done with SQL load generator and with 50 parallel identical queries). Is there a way to rewrite the query to scale up with all CPU's (... 20 May 2010 16:08
Inline view with a left join
Hi all, I have three tables A, B and C. I first want to run a simple select on tables B&C with a join and then run a left join the result with A. So: Select A.a1, A.a2, A.a3..., BC.bc1, BC.bc2... From A, (select bc1, bc2, bc3,... from B, C, where B.some_col = C.some_col) BC left join on A.another_col = ... 20 May 2010 13:55
Update table in SQL replacing the existing value
Hello all, Well I am pretty novice on this... One of my customer use SQL for their primary Database. That Database is use for their ERP software, now they ask me to manipulate a table inside so, with that manipulation we should change value of this table. They use a script with an Excel spreadsheet see the fol... 20 May 2010 12:48
insert ReadText Data into temp table
Hi, I want to insert result of readtext into a temp table. I am working on crystal report . Crystal report text objtect has a text limit thats why I want to split data stored in db in multiple rows. the column filed is text type . Please help me. Thanks, Hemant ... 21 May 2010 01:56
retrieving connection string w/ ConfigurationManager
I am trying to store and retrieve connection string info from config file and I am having trouble retrieving the connection string info. I stored the info with the following: Configuration config = null; config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None ); config.ConnectionStrin... 20 May 2010 09:28
Transpose 1 datarow from Hor to vert w/o using tbl var or #tmp tbl
I have to populate a list (vertically) for a report (in Reporting Services) with content from a single row (the selected row) of a (non-normalized) table. Some of the fields from the selected row may be empty. I have to exclude these fields from the list. I was originally hardcoding the fields in the Repo... 19 May 2010 23:47
Filtering and adding rows based on some condition
Hi all, SQL 2008 sp1 I have the following example, Having problems returning the correct results. --If USID contains Blue,Green,Yellow then need to add Active --Else need to add 3 lines that contain Blue,Green,Yellow DECLARE @TABLE1 TABLE (USGID INT NOT NULL,PCID INT NOT NULL ) INSERT INTO @TABLE1 V... 26 May 2010 09:09
Problem with Update Trigger
SQL2008 I have two databases, both with identical tables ( apart from TableNames ). I have tried putting an update trigger on DB1.tbCBMOAccount to update the field country on DB2.tbBOSS_OAccount with the updated value from DB1.tbCBMOAccount ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[trig_UpdateOriginatongAccounts] ON [DB1].[... 19 May 2010 14:55
Constraint Question .. 1:N Relationship with a "Primary" Attribute
SqlServer 2008 Standard, sometimes 2005. Question #1: Is there anyway to create a constraint that would allow (in my sample) 1 "Primary Email" ~per Person ? Question #2: Along the same lines, any way to make sure at least 1 primary email exists before adding non primary emails (per person)? (A... 21 May 2010 13:56
ROLLBACK on error
I would like that on error, the rollback of transaction is executed. But I don't wont to check @@error after each INSERT or some other statement. Is it possible to check it only at the end of the procedure? Otherwise I'll have hundreds of IF statetements to check after each insert or similar. In this example th... 18 May 2010 13:41
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