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SELECT Query Help
Hi All, Hopefully someone can help me with this problem, here's the deal: I have a table with order details in but it has some duplicated data that I want to filter out (using a view). The raw data is like this: Back Order Number Order Number Short Order Date etc etc 201201 ... 28 Apr 2010 03:58
bcp header row
Hi, is there a switch that I can use so that the first row of the destination text file contains the exported view column names? Any ideas appreciated :-) Many thanks, Jonathan ... 28 Apr 2010 23:08
Fill leading zeros
I have a SELECT statement that I want to fill leading zeros in one column and trailing blanks in another column up to xx characters. For example SELECT CAST(EmployeeNumber AS varchar(8)) If the EmployeeNumber is 1234 I want to output 00001234 SELECT CAST(LastName AS varchar(15)) If the LastName is SMITH I wa... 27 Apr 2010 04:20
Please help with a simple Max Select query
Newbie trying to learn in SQL 2005 Table looks like this: ObjectiveID ClientID Objective 100 1 Growth 101 2 Growth 102 1 50/50 103 2 Balance 10... 27 Apr 2010 11:03
INSERT/SELECT - transaction?
Is the entire statement below a transaction, or is the select statement like a derived table which is "materialized" before a transaction for the INSERT begins? -- INSERT INTO foo (x) SELECT y FROM bar AS b WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM foo WHERE x = b.y); GO -- Thanks in advance ... 26 Apr 2010 20:38
Creating Views with Indexes for entire Database Excluding UniqueIdentifier field
I would like to create a view for the entire Database. The view should exclude any fields which is UniqueIdentifer (Type=36) . Also when creating a Indexes for View it should exclude any index which uses UniqueIdentifier field. The table name and View name should be same. The index name should also match. I ... 26 Apr 2010 13:48
Inserting Picture
This code works fine if the picture image is on the server but I want to use the local machine or drives outside the server because those drives contain the images. How do I specify a local drive in this code as opposed to a server drive? CREATE TABLE Employees ( Id int, Name varchar(... 27 Apr 2010 03:14
Help build query
I have two tables: Counters:' Every 10 minutes a record is added with updating the counter Data_Hora ID_Contador E_SVazio 23-04-2010 0:00 CTE003 16.528.690 23-04-2010 0:00 CTE002 21.527.520 23-04-2010 0:10 CTE003 16.528.750 23-04-2010 0:10 ... 26 Apr 2010 18:22
Need help reading my DBCC MEMORYSTATUS
Hi What does the below return SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters WHERE counter_name = 'Total Server Memory (KB)' OR counter_name = 'Target Server Memory (KB)'; SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters WHERE counter_name = 'Page life expectancy' AND object_name = 'SQLServer:Buffer Manager'... 27 Apr 2010 14:30
Best Practice Error Checking
As a rule of thumb, is it better to let the DB engine throw an error back to the caller, or do you do it in your SP code? In the case of a user already existing in a table, should I check that at the start of my SP, or let the Engine catch it as a PK violation and send the message to to client? ... 24 Apr 2010 12:48
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