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Cranks on the endangered species list
It's worth noting that Spaceman has decided to snap out of it and has turned his attention to other pointless pursuits. NoEinstein has petered off to a few random posts on the weekend, no longer able to muster the lung power to puff himself up anymore. Strich9 and his several aliases seemed to have finally stopped ... 24 Dec 2008 16:00
The spinor nature of spacetime - Fictitious motion in a Minkowski spacetime
On Fri, 5 Dec 2008 07:47:41 -0800 (PST), Albertito <albertito1992(a)> wrote: [...] One cannot help but wonder why you are abandoning Minkowski space-time, which possesses a well defined notion of "past" and "future", for Newtonian space-time which makes no such distinction. ... 5 Dec 2008 18:17
Gravitation is not geometrical
On Nov 28, 5:19 am, "Juan R." González-Álvarez <juanREM...(a)> wrote: [...] As stated in a previous message in another thread type "Hrvoje Nikoli" in google and it will say you that is Nicolic, apart from finding the link to journal. Notice that Google is more intelligent than Eri... 1 Dec 2008 13:21
Do you want to chat with troll Dono about relativity?, try this enjoy :-) ... 27 Nov 2008 07:34
Test2 SPF
Harald, Juan and friends. On Sep 23, 6:07 am, "harry" <harald.vanlintelButNotT...(a)> wrote: "Juan R. González-Álvarez" <juanREM...(a)> wrote in messagenews:pan.2008. harry wrote on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 06:12:17 -0600: Contrary to some p... 25 Nov 2008 16:08
Albert Einstein said in Scientific American April 1950: "I do not see any reason to assume that.. the principle of general relativity is restricted to gravitation and that the rest of physics can be dealt with separately on the basis of special relativity... I do not think that such an attitude, although histo... 20 Jul 2008 10:24
Compelling evidence for in vacuo light speed anisotrophy
The following paper presents a set of figures (Table 1) that are compelling evidence for in vacuo light speed anisotropy. The observed (O) values are from [1] The predicted (P) values are calculated assuming the speed of light is truely constant only with respect to a dynamical 3-space. The agreement is exce... 21 Apr 2008 11:43
Wavelength & Frequency experiments for SR
I've been trying to find experimental verification that c is constant by looking for experiments where wavelength and frequency are measured independently of each other and results from moving sources are compared to the results from stationary sources - like the wavelength of light with frequency f (as measured in... 5 Jan 2008 05:53
The real twin paradox.
"colp" <colp(a)> wrote in message news:06b84031-18aa-4644-bfb7-43f49f46ae6a(a) This thought experiment is like the classic twin paradox, but in this expirement both twins leave earth and travel symmetric return trips in opposite directions. Since the paths taken... 24 Dec 2007 15:28
Sagnac Idiocy ... 26 Oct 2007 07:32
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