From: jukka on

Skybuck wrote:
> Do you always read code from bottom-up ?

I said that "maybe it helps" -- YOU!

> The code however is not.

If you say the code isn't, then I believe that in your opinion it
isn't. Whether it is in my opinion or not, I'm not interested in
discussing. Maybe on a nice lunch.

> You actually had to read it bottom-up.

Actually, I didn't. I merely pointed out that maybe you might find it
easier to wrap your head around the idea starting with 16 bits, 8 bits,
4 bits and finally 2 bits to realize that it is a simple
divide-and-conquer method.

It was originally written in reverse order and I didn't see it a point
of interest to swap things into different order because you took my
completely by surprise of not "getting it" right away. Yikes!

> Structured programming languages are read from top to bottom.

This isn't really top-to-bottom issue at all anyway. The guy who wrote
the code thought lowest bits are more logical to handle before the
highest bits or something. I can't say because I'm not him, but that
would be good enough for me.

It really doesn't make any diddly-dooey difference in which order you
do it. I just pointed it out to YOU: "Look, if you do first this..
then... this happens.. SEE?"

> Switching the lines would have made it a bit more understandable.

I don't think it makes any difference to me but feel free to refactor.

> Each single line is still unclear.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. :)

> How can the variable 'v' be modified two times before assigning it to
> itself ?

What makes you think that it is as you describe? How about this:

x = x + 1;

> In theory this is impossible. There is only one variable V in the code.

In theory AND in practise this is not only possible but also fully
conforming and quite standard pattern in C and C++ programs.

> 1. Temporarely variables are used.

Aren't they always? What is a machine specific register but temporary
storage, even though "pretty fast".

> 2. The variable is modified in the first part of the line and then
> modified again in the second part of the line.


> Or when looking at the assembler a third possibility could exist:
> 3. The code is invalid and something else is generated to solve it.

Can you be more specific what brings you to this conclusion?

> Lol, do you hang upside down from the ceiling or something lol ?

Not really. I had this intuitive feeling that switching the problem
other way around might help you, am I wrong to assume that it helped
you atleast?

> I shall now try to re-implement this idea to see if it really works and
> to see how crystal clear code could look like, and to see if it's still
> as fast ! (my first guess would be probably not ;))

I'm interested.

From: Skybuck on
> > v = (v >> 16) | (v << 16);
> >
> > It swaps the lowest and highest 16 bits. Then what does the statement
> > BEFORE that do? Yes, it swaps the 8 bit quantities within each 16 bit
> > quantity. And so on, until single bits are changing position inside 2
> > bit groups.
> Ok, this explanation is clear.


> I shall now try to re-implement this idea to see if it really works and
> to see how crystal clear code could look like, and to see if it's still
> as fast ! (my first guess would be probably not ;))

Ok, I have implemented the method in my own code. Something strange
with the Delphi compiler is going on though, read my comments at the
end of this post for more info ;)

Sections in this post:

// Delphi code section
// Assembler code section
// Analysis ;)

function JukkaAndSteveAndSkybuckSwapBits( const ParaByte : byte ) :
result := ParaByte; // optimized away by compiler

// reverse bit order
// original implementation by Steve Baker
// modified by Jukka (?) and Skybuck (!)
// the code below will be optimized by the compiler to other kind of
instructions ! ;)
result := ((result shr 1) and 85) or ((result shl 1) and 170);
result := ((result shr 2) and 51) or ((result shl 2) and 204);
result := ((result shr 4) and 15) or ((result shl 4) and 240);

function SkybuckSwapBits( const ParaByte : byte ) : byte;
vLeftBits : byte;
vRightBits : byte;

// step 1, swap left four bits with right four bits.
// before: 87654321
// after: 43218765

// and-in the left bits.

// 240 11110000 // mask to and-in the left four bits.
vLeftBits := ParaByte and 240;

// and-in the right bits.

// 15 00001111 // mask to and-in the right four bits.
vRightBits := ParaByte and 15;

// shift the bits.

// shift left bits 4 positions to the right.
vLeftBits := vLeftBits shr 4;

// shift right bits 4 positions to the left.
vRightBits := vRightBits shl 4;

// combine both boths into one need byte, the output byte hehe.
result := vLeftBits or vRightBits;

// step 2, swap first left 2 bits with first right 2 bits,
// swap last left 2 bits with last right 2 bits.
// before: 43218765
// after: 21436587

// and-in the first 2 left and last 2 left bits.

// 204 11001100 // mask to and-in first left two bits.
vLeftBits := result and 204;

// and-in the first 2 right and last 2 right bits.

// 51 00110011 // mask to and-in first right two bits.
vRightBits := result and 51;

// shift the bits.

// shift left bits 2 positions to the right.
vLeftBits := vLeftBits shr 2;

// shift right bits 2 positions to the left.
vRightBits := vRightBits shl 2;

// combine both boths into one need byte, the output byte hehe.
result := vLeftBits or vRightBits;

// step 3, swap the left (even) and right (uneven (odd)) bit positions
// before: 21436587
// after: 12345678

// and-in the left (even) bit positions

// 170 10101010 // mask to and-in the left even bit positions
vLeftBits := result and 170;

// and-in the right (uneven (odd)) bit positions

// 85 01010101 // mask to and-in the right uneven bit positions
vRightBits := result and 85;

// shift the bits.

// shift left bits 1 position to the right.
vLeftBits := vLeftBits shr 1;

// shift right bits 1 position to the left.
vRightBits := vRightBits shl 1;

// combine both boths into one need byte, the output byte hehe.
result := vLeftBits or vRightBits;

// now we are done... and voila... bits swapped =D

// let's re-order to try and make it faster, maybe the instructions
will get paired ?
function SkybuckSwapBits2( const ParaByte : byte ) : byte;
vLeftBits : byte;
vRightBits : byte;

// step 1, swap left four bits with right four bits.
// before: 87654321
// after: 43218765

// and-in the left bits.

// 240 11110000 // mask to and-in the left four bits.
vLeftBits := ParaByte and 240;

// shift left bits 4 positions to the right.
vLeftBits := vLeftBits shr 4;

// and-in the right bits.

// 15 00001111 // mask to and-in the right four bits.
vRightBits := ParaByte and 15;

// shift right bits 4 positions to the left.
vRightBits := vRightBits shl 4;

// combine both boths into one need byte, the output byte hehe.
result := vLeftBits or vRightBits;

// step 2, swap first left 2 bits with first right 2 bits,
// swap last left 2 bits with last right 2 bits.
// before: 43218765
// after: 21436587

// and-in the first 2 left and last 2 left bits.

// 204 11001100 // mask to and-in first left two bits.
vLeftBits := result and 204;

// shift left bits 2 positions to the right.
vLeftBits := vLeftBits shr 2;

// and-in the first 2 right and last 2 right bits.

// 51 00110011 // mask to and-in first right two bits.
vRightBits := result and 51;

// shift right bits 2 positions to the left.
vRightBits := vRightBits shl 2;

// combine both boths into one need byte, the output byte hehe.
result := vLeftBits or vRightBits;

// step 3, swap the left (even) and right (uneven (odd)) bit positions
// before: 21436587
// after: 12345678

// and-in the left (even) bit positions

// 170 10101010 // mask to and-in the left even bit positions
vLeftBits := result and 170;

// shift left bits 1 position to the right.
vLeftBits := vLeftBits shr 1;

// and-in the right (uneven (odd)) bit positions

// 85 01010101 // mask to and-in the right uneven bit positions
vRightBits := result and 85;

// shift right bits 1 position to the left.
vRightBits := vRightBits shl 1;

// combine both boths into one need byte, the output byte hehe.
result := vLeftBits or vRightBits;

// now we are done... and voila... bits swapped =D

Delphi's generated assembler for Jukka's code (Delphi to C translation)

// JukkaAndSteveAndSkybuckSwapBits

TestReversingBitOrder.dpr.726: result := ((result shr 1) and 85) or
((result shl 1) and 170);
00408EDC 0FB6D0 movzx edx,al
00408EDF D1EA shr edx,1
00408EE1 80E255 and dl,$55
00408EE4 03C0 add eax,eax
00408EE6 24AA and al,$aa
00408EE8 0AD0 or dl,al
00408EEA 8BC2 mov eax,edx
TestReversingBitOrder.dpr.727: result := ((result shr 2) and 51) or
((result shl 2) and 204);
From: Skybuck on

Here is one of my assembler versions which I like to share with you.

It's so far the fastest method I have benchmarked, except for the table
look-up method.

It's getting very close though:

// optimize it
function SkybuckSwapBits4AsmOptimized( const ParaByte : byte ) : byte;
mov edx,eax
and dl,$f0
movzx edx,dl
shr edx,$04
and al,$0f
shl al,$04
or dl,al

// replaced with skybuck's first step :)
// swap left 4 bits with right 4 bits.
// bbbbaaa

// bbbbbbbb aaaaaaaa
// shifted right 4:
// 0000bbbb bbbbaaaa :)
mov edx, eax
mov dh, dl
shr edx, 4

// swaps left 2 bits with right 2 bits, in left 4 bits, and again in
the right 4 bits. bbaabbaa
mov eax,edx
// mov edx,eax
and dl,$cc
movzx edx,dl
shr edx,$02
and al,$33
shl al,$02
or dl,al

// swaps left bit with right bit. babababa
mov eax,edx
// mov edx,eax
and dl,$aa
movzx edx,dl
shr edx,1
and al,$55
add eax,eax
or dl,al
mov eax,edx

HerbertKleebauerTheIdiotLol's implementation, calls :
SkybuckSwapBits4's (re-ordered asm) implementation, calls:
SkybuckSwapBits3's (asm) implementation, calls: :
JukkaAndSteveAndSkybuck's implementation, calls :
SkybuckSwapBits2's (re-ordered) implementation, calls :
SkybuckSwapBits's implementation, calls :

Well this is afterall cross-posted to asm :) so I have the right to
make my own asm implementation as well lol.

I simply took delphi's generated assembler and optimized it somewhat. I
am a little bit cheating by using a 16 bit register (actually it's 32
bit)... but that's ok ;)

Maybe the code would be faster by using just 16 bit registers instead
of 32 bit registers ?


From: Skybuck on
I have optimized it further to:

function SkybuckSwapBits5AsmOptimized( const ParaByte : byte ) : byte;
mov edx,eax
and dl,$f0
movzx edx,dl
shr edx,$04
and al,$0f
shl al,$04
or dl,al
// replaced with skybuck's first step :)
// swap left 4 bits with right 4 bits.
// bbbbaaa

// bbbbbbbb aaaaaaaa
// shifted right 4:
// 0000bbbb bbbbaaaa :)

// for some instructions... using an 32 bit register is somehow faster
// number of instructions further reduced.
mov ah, al
shr eax, 4
mov edx, eax

// swaps left 2 bits with right 2 bits, in left 4 bits, and again in
the right 4 bits. bbaabbaa
and edx,$cc
and eax,$33
shr edx,$02
shl eax,$02
or eax,edx

// swaps left bit with right bit. babababa
mov edx, eax
and dl,$aa
and al,$55
shr edx,1
// shl al, 1
add eax, eax
or al,dl

Ok, I have reduced the instructions even further. Here are the new

SkybuckSwapBits5's implementation verified ok.
HerbertKleebauerTheIdiotLol's implementation, calls :
JukkaAndSteveAndSkybuck's implementation, calls :
SkybuckSwapBits's implementation, calls :
SkybuckSwapBits2's (re-ordered) implementation, calls :
SkybuckSwapBits3's (asm) implementation, calls: :
SkybuckSwapBits4's (re-ordered asm) implementation, calls:
SkybuckSwapBits5's (re-ordered asm) implementation, calls:


From: Skybuck on

Here is another method to flip bits ;)

I have finally realised a small little dream of mine...

I always wanted to test bits and set bits with if statements and bit

I have now finally fulfilled this dream by using the BT and BTS (and
optionally the BTR) and JNC instruction ;)

Pretty cool stuff.

This also shows how important the bit order is ! :P* =D

I knew it was possible to code in assembler like this, though I never

But now I have yeaaaaaaaaahhhhhh :)

Like the show brainaic says:

"I can do assembler me ! =D" Jippppeee :)

// and another way to set and swap bits :)
// I always wanted to implement a method like this and now I finally
have LOL
// I can't wait to find out how it performs LOL ;) :) me
ccccuuuuurriiioouuuuss =D
function SkybuckSwapBits6AsmBitIfs( const ParaByte : byte ) : byte;
// let's assume the end result contains zero's already
// this is true since edx is xor-ed to zero
// this means we only have to set a bit if it needs to be set
// otherwise we skip.
xor edx, edx // edx is used as result variable

BT eax, 7 // test bit 7
jnc @@skip7 // if bit 7 is not set then jump to skip7, otherwise set
bit 0
BTS EDX, 0 // set bit 0

BT eax, 6 // test bit 6
jnc @@skip6 // if bit 6 is not set then jump to skip7, otherwise set
bit 1
BTS EDX, 1 // set bit 1

BT eax, 5 // test bit 5
jnc @@skip5 // if bit 5 is not set then jump to skip7, otherwise set
bit 2
BTS EDX, 2 // set bit 2

BT eax, 4 // test bit 4
jnc @@skip4 // if bit 4 is not set then jump to skip7, otherwise set
bit 3
BTS EDX, 3 // set bit 3

BT eax, 3 // test bit 3
jnc @@skip3 // if bit 3 is not set then jump to skip7, otherwise set
bit 4
BTS EDX, 4 // set bit 4

BT eax, 2 // test bit 2
jnc @@skip2 // if bit 2 is not set then jump to skip7, otherwise set
bit 5
BTS EDX, 5 // set bit 5

BT eax, 1 // test bit 1
jnc @@skip1 // if bit 1 is not set then jump to skip7, otherwise set
bit 6
BTS EDX, 6 // set bit 6

BT eax, 0 // test bit 0
jnc @@skip0 // if bit 0 is not set then jump to skip7, otherwise set
bit 7
BTS EDX, 7 // set bit 7

mov eax, edx // output edx to eax the result

It's slow though... but I don't mind... it's the dream that counts lol.

You know something, it still beats the pants out of the first few
delphi implementations =D

Kkkkweeellll ;)

I knew it would be faster... delphi just sucks with manipulating bits
like that :(

I call this asm technique "Bit Ifs" for bit if statements ;)

Skybuck Flying's first implementation, calls :
Alan Lloyd's pure delphi implementation, calls :
Alan Lloyd's second (same) implementation, calls :
Alan Lloyd's basm (wrapped) implementation, calls :
HerbertKleebauerTheIdiotLol's implementation, calls :
FrankKotlerSwapBits's implementation, calls :
Skybuck Flying's second implementation, calls :
Skybuck Flying's third implementation, calls :
JukkaAndSteve's implementation, calls :
JukkaAndSteveAndSkybuck's implementation, calls :
SkybuckSwapBitsUsingXLAT's implementation, calls :
SkybuckSwapBits's implementation, calls :
SkybuckSwapBits2's (re-ordered) implementation, calls :
SkybuckSwapBits3's (asm) implementation, calls: :
SkybuckSwapBits4's (re-ordered asm) implementation, calls:
SkybuckSwapBits5's (re-ordered asm) implementation, calls:
SkybuckSwapBits6's (Bit Ifs) implementation, calls :


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