From: Skybuck on

Phil Carmody schreef:

> "Terry Russell" <trochilus(a)> writes:
> > 256 byte lookup table
> > fill algorithm...30-400 clocks per byte
> Woh! you need a better fill algorithm.
> Can I offer you a 16-byte lookup table, and some back-to-basics
> shift-by-4 and add?
> Or the old paired LFSR technique. I say 'old', but as far as
> I know no-one's ever used it. When searching the literature for
> one possible application, I was unable to find any reference to
> it amongst dozens of techniques in hundreds of papers. Spin
> 2 in opposite directions, et voila. x86 Parity flag useful.

Bring it on dude.

Show us some pseudo code, or real code.


From: [Jongware] on
"Skybuck" <skybuck2000(a)> wrote in message
> [Jongware] declared that:
>> This is a winner every time.
> Are you sure ?
> I need proof :)
>> .mirrortable db 0, 80h, 40h, 0c0h, 20h, 0a0h, 60h, 0e0h, 10h, 90h
>> ... (etc. -- rest of look-up table omitted)
>> -- and whereever you need the mirrored byte of AL
>> xor ebx,ebx
>> mov bl,al
>> mov al, ds:[mirrortable+ebx]
> Delphi only uses 2 instructions for
> SwapBits := LookUp[Byte];
> It generates something like:
> movzx ax, byte
> movzx ax, [table+ax]
> or something like that.
> That's two instructions versus your three instructions.
> So I doubt your three instructions would be faster, unless it can be
> paired ?

No competition here -- I meant to clarify what the xlat opcode itself does.
I was racking my brain for how to load the low byte into a 4-byte register.
while I was pondering s.o. in the other thread supplied 'movzx', and I guess
that's what most compilers would translate a byte-read to.
My point on the xlat / read-from-table method is that it is hundreds of
times faster than *calculating* the value every time you need it. In effect,
it is so much faster you don't even have to resort to an assembler routine
any more! But I take it the original discussion has digressed :)
"Are you also divergent, friend?" -- Twelve Monkeys


From: Shark8 on
Here you are Skybuck, my version on the bit-reversal. It's pure Delphi,
and admitedly similar to some that have been submitted (but then
there's only a limited number of ways to do a specific task correctly),
but may be insightful.


program BitReverse;
uses SysUtils;

TBitMask = set of 0..7;

Procedure WriteByte( const B:Byte );
Index : Byte;
Bit : TBitMask absolute B;
for Index:= 7 downto 0 do
if (Index in Bit) then
write( '1' )
write( '0' );

Function ReverseBits( Const B: Byte ): Byte;
Index : Byte;
OriginalBits : TBitMask absolute B;
ResultBits : TBitMask absolute Result;
Result:= $FF; // Initialize Result to all
for Index:= 7 downto 0 do // Loop through all 8 bits
if NOT (Index in OriginalBits) then // If a bit is NOT
{ ResultBits:= ResultBits - [7-Index]; // exclude it at the mirror
pos. }
Exclude( ResultBits, 7-Index ); // Same as above, but

TestVal : Byte = $AF;
WriteByte( TestVal ); // Write origional value.
WriteByte( ReverseBits(TestVal) ); // Write reversed value.
Readln; // Insert pause for readability.

From: Andreas Kochenburger on
On 22 Aug 2006 07:50:17 -0700, "Shark8" <OneWingedShark(a)>

>Here you are Skybuck, my version on the bit-reversal. It's pure Delphi,
>and admitedly similar to some that have been submitted (but then
>there's only a limited number of ways to do a specific task correctly),
>but may be insightful.

For fun here's a pretty fast algo for 32-bit in C which compiles
easily into efficient machine code.

unsigned int
revere (register unsigned int x)
x = (((x & 0xaaaaaaaa) >> 1) | ((x & 0x55555555) << 1));
x = (((x & 0xcccccccc) >> 2) | ((x & 0x33333333) << 2));
x = (((x & 0xf0f0f0f0) >> 4) | ((x & 0x0f0f0f0f) << 4));
x = (((x & 0xff00ff00) >> 8) | ((x & 0x00ff00ff) << 8));
return((x >> 16) | (x << 16));

A linear lookup-table lookup would be impossibly large.

A comparison of a similar code generated by gcc versus Delphi,
GnuPascal and FreePascal would be interesting. Who could do that?

1 + 1 = 3, for large values of 1.
From: Skybuck on

f0dder schreef:

> Skybuck wrote:
> > f0dder schreef:
> >
> >> A 256-byte LUT can easily fit in any CPU L1 cache. Typically a
> >> cacheline is 32 bytes long, so you'd maximally get (256/32) 8 cache
> >> misses before the entire LUT is cached. I'm pretty sure that this is
> >> hard to beat no matter which fancy instruction set you're going to
> >> use...
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Thank you for trying to explain it.
> >
> > I still do not quite understand it completely maybe you can clearify
> > something:
> >
> > Does the above theory only apply to the xlat instruction or any
> > instruction/memory access that uses the lookup table technique ?
> Any instruction that references memory will cause an entire cache line to be
> read (or written?). Iirc it's been like this since at least the 486. Things
> are a bit more complex than this, though, especially on recent
> architectures... check the intel and AMD docs, and Agner Fog's optimization
> manuals.

What exactly is a cache line ?

Is this like a "line of memory" in the neighbourhood of where the data
from/to the memory address was read/written ?


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