From: Gordon on
On 09/07/2010 07:02, Rex Ballard wrote:
> On Jul 6, 4:21 pm, "Clogwog"<clog...(a)> wrote:
>> "Gordon"<gordonbpar...(a)> schreef in berichtnews:i0vtsn$one$1(a)
> And the conversation degenerates into little more than two 4th graders
> shouting names at each other. What better way to kill interest in
> what could have been a very interesting thread.

Sorry, just responding to clogwog's patronising name-calling.
And yes it IS still an interesting thread.
I maintain that certainly up till quite recently most schools have
taught "point and click Microsoft". If you teach application PRINCIPLES
rather than vendor-specific skills, then the pupils are far more likely
to be able to use any application they come across reasonably
proficiently right from the word "go".
My wife is an area sales manager in the UK for one of the largest
educational publishing companies in the world and yes, until recently
all their software has been completely Windows orientated, but there are
signs that they are now starting to take Linux-based applications
seriously, which is GOOD NEWS as many schools are looking to reduce the
huge cost of windows-based software and hardware.
The other problem in the UK is that there are a small number of network
providers in education, and certainly the largest of those (purely
because they started first) are quite draconian as to what software is
allowed on THEIR systems, and in many cases this is out of the
individual school's hands as the network provider did a deal with the
Local Education Authority (cough cough!) rather than the LEA allowing
individual schools to choose who and what THEY thought best for THEIR
So it gets horribly complicated....

Registered Linux User no 240308
Say No to OOXML
to email me remove the obvious!
From: Gordon on
On 09/07/2010 08:11, Chink Chonk wrote:
> Look.
> Sensible use of money:
> Microsoft
> Waste of money:
> Linux
> AS IN - Sensible use of money:
> Those with mental health issues have been put in charge of giving money
> out - and you thought Gordon Brown was an arsehole!

Very true both of those - but what have those got to do with COMPUTING
in schools?

Registered Linux User no 240308
Say No to OOXML
to email me remove the obvious!
From: 7 on
swiders2 wrote:

> On Jul 5, 3:22 pm, 7 <website_has_em...(a)> wrote:
>> School budgets cut, but what about making genuine savings with open
>> source?
>> School budgets are being cut in UK, and probably across most of EU and
>> America, so when are we going to see the widespread uptake of open
>> source?
>> It has lower cost and runs on lot lower hardware requirements.
> I'm working on a global effort that focuses specifically on this
> issue. We are partnering with many other organizations with similar
> efforts.
> If you or anybody else is interested in getting involved, please let
> us know

You can use to locate hundreds of netbook
and laptop vendors that ask less than $100 for working
Linux computers.

From: Ian on
On 8 July, 10:45, Chris Whelan <cawhe...(a)> wrote:
> On Thu, 08 Jul 2010 02:25:06 -0700, Ian wrote:

> > I see Thunderbird 3 needs a minimum of 1GB RAM.

> Where?

Review of a pre-release in the register.


Now only 784MB essential, 1GB recommmended. Whoop de do. Remember the
days when bloat was what you paid for?

From: Hadron on
Neil Ellwood <cral.elllwood2(a)> writes:

> On Thu, 08 Jul 2010 10:18:27 -0500, Rotten Apple wrote:
>> "Gordon" <gordonbparker(a)> wrote in message
>> news:i0viui$fve$1(a)
>>> On 05/07/2010 21:51, Clogwog wrote:
>>>> Children love Windows and want MSN, Hotmail, photoalbums on SkyDrive,
>>>> Windows live! a.s.o., all free!
>>> And in school they are supposed to learn COMPUTING instead of social
>>> networking sites, instant messaging and photograph sharing. Cretin.
>> What school are you taking about? Grade school? High School?
>> College?
>> What's "COMPUTING?" Computing ballistic tables and/or cracking Nazi
>> code?
> This is a UK group and we use UK terms here - you are using US terms
> which mean nothing here.

Before making such crass and ignorant remarks please check the
newsgroups line. And who is "we"? Most IT departments in the UK are
happy with US terms and its not genius level IQ needed to realise why.