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dynamic text file
hi. is it possible to crete a "text file" such that it has a different content each time it is opened? such as: <sample> $ cat text this is content $ cat text this is different $ cat text more different content </sample> and so on. bye ... 21 May 2010 15:00
Why am I still being prompted for a password?
Hi, I'm using Mac 10.6.3 and logged in to my machine as "davea". I'm trying to set up password-less login to a remote machine, "remote1". So I ran this command ... ssh remotelogin(a)remote1 'echo '`cat ~/.ssh/`' >> ~/.ssh/ authorized_keys' after entering in the password to the remote machine, I the... 21 May 2010 16:07
[Press Release] WANdisco Gives Back to the Subversion Community
Profits from WANdisco Subversion Support Contract Sales Go Toward Subversion’s Continuing Development and Support the Activities of the Subversion community. ... 19 May 2010 11:33
Script running on various UNIX derivatives / Problem with SunOS
Hi NG, I am writing a script that runs on various UNIX derivatives. For every derivative, specific commands are executed. For Linux, AIX and HP-UX the script is running ok. The next derivative to be implemented is SunOS. SunOS comes up with the following problem: In order handle all the derivatives in ONE s... 19 May 2010 09:20
CLICK CLICK -------------------- *** *** *** *** 19 May 2010 08:14
awk "not contain"
I am trying to use awk to print some records which do not contain a pattern CLUSTER(' '). I expect the runme script would print only record #2 below, excluding record #1. But it didn't work (i.e. record #1 was printed when I want to exclude it). $ cat runme PATTERN=CLUSTER\(\'\ \'\) awk -v exclude_this="$PATT... 19 May 2010 17:08
Matching strings in a line and printing them
Hi all, I was wondering if there's a way to match more than one string in a line and then print/output the strings to the screen or a file, etc. I'm trying to achieve something similar to "grep -o "matching_string" file123" but with more than one string, and where each matching string is printed subsequently i... 20 May 2010 18:18
awk and getline
It is possible to change NR or FNR variable? After getline fuction (in while loop) I would like to return to previous line. example file: ----- 1.ok 2.ok 3.ok 4.ok 5.error 8.ok 9.ok 10.error foo bar 11.ok 12.ok 13.ok 14.ok 15.eroor 18.ok 19.ok ---------- expec... 19 May 2010 18:15
env -i x=9 bash -c 'x=4;bash -c "echo x: /\$x/"' # try w/o 'x=9'
In article <735501335.526405(a)>, Name withheld by request <anonb6e9(a)> wrote: Bug or feature? Pls explain: /tmp $ env -i x=9 bash -c 'x=4;bash -c "echo x: /\$x/"' x: /4/ Is this right?: The 'env' process passes x to the start up environment of bash. All variables in the star... 16 May 2010 21:12
env -i x=9 bash -c 'x=4;bash -c "echo x: /\$x/"' # then try w/o'x=9'
On 2010-05-15, Name withheld by request <anonb6e9(a)> wrote: Bug or feature? Pls explain: /tmp $ env -i bash -c 'x=4;bash -c "echo x: /\$x/"' x: // /tmp $ env -i x=9 bash -c 'x=4;bash -c "echo x: /\$x/"' x: /4/ env -i bash -c 'x=4; export x; bash -c "echo x: /\$x/"' ... 15 May 2010 20:16
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