From: mensanator@aol.compost on

john_ramsden(a) wrote:
> m...(a) () wrote:
> >
> > > Feel free to email me a superhard Sudoku to prove me wrong :-)
> >
> > To save me time, I wrote a simple program that fills in all
> > straightforward deductions of the kind:
> >
> > 1) The only number that can go in this square is 3.
> >
> > 2) The only place where the 5 in row 7 can go is here.
> >
> > [...]
> Although it may sound almost heretical, I must admit these
> Sudoko puzzles leave me completely cold; they seem almost
> as daft and pointless as those alphametic puzzles such as

Personally, I find the journey more interesting than
the destination. I gravitate towards the puzzles that
lend themselves to computer solving because that's what
I'm interested in.

> (That's not meant to imply I find either type easy, quite
> the reverse.)

And many problems that can be solved by brute force are
intractable on practical computers. So you have to be
clever, and _that's_ what I enjoy.

> But, changing the topic temporarily, I did used to enjoy
> the Rubik's cube, and I wonder if anyone has yet found a
> workable and neat way to represent all the patterns and
> operations in a group theoretic form or something similar.

From: Axel Vogt on
Ioannis wrote:
> Ï "Stephen J. Herschkorn" <sjherschko(a)> Ýãñáøå óôï ìÞíõìá
> news:0lpMe.941$EZ5.81(a)fe08.lga...
> >
> > Here is another benefit of doing sudokus on an Excel spreadsheet. The
> > Edit/Undo command keeps a buffer of significant length, so if you find
> > you made a mistake, you can undo the last ten or so changes.
> Thanks to both Stephen and Paul for their help. Oughta keep my uncle busy
> for quite some time :-)

may be you are interested in a Maple solution, then check that link:
From: Puppet_Sock on
Stephen J. Herschkorn wrote:
[complicated colour scheme for doing Sudoku in Excel]

I do use Excel for the more difficult puzzles. But
I've never found such colour schemes to be particularly

First, save the original matrix by just doing copy/paste.
If you've set column widths to make things more attractive,
just paste the saved image down a bunch of rows.

I've sometimes found bolding the cells with exactly one
number determined to be useful. But that's about as far
as I've wanted to go.

Occasionally if I'm trying to use "guessing" I will copy
the matrix as far as I know it, then turn off all bolding,
then bold the cell I'm guessing in. So far, however, I've
not found a puzzle that I needed guessing to solve.

When working the puzzle, I usually just find that highlighting
rows/cols is all the functionality I need from Excel. For example,
highlight all the rows and columns you know have a 1 in them.
You can do this by clicking the first one, then holding the
control key down to click the others, so they all highlight.
It works best if you leave the puzzle one row and one column
away from the edge of the worksheet. This leaves the cells
over that you don't know about, and makes it visually obvious
where to consider putting a 1.

If it's a very difficult puzzle, I may need to type into the
other cells the values they could be. Then you can spot things
like "there is only one cell in that 3x3 block that contains
a 7, even though I have not eliminated all the other values
from that cell yet. So it must be a 7."

From: r.e.s. on
"John R Jones" <a1jrj(a)> wrote ...
> I then wrote a macro to copy the musts to the puzzle cells,
> re-apply the algorithms and iterate until there are no more
> musts.
> The idea was that I would then only have to guess some values
> and backtrack manually.
> However, I have yet to find a puzzle that isnt automatically
> filled in by the blessed thing :-(.
> Any really tough ones out there?

Try it on this one:

. . . | . 7 . | 3 . .
5 . . | . 1 . | . . 6
. 9 . | . . 2 | . . .
8 . . | . . 5 | . 9 .
. . . | . 4 . | . . .
. 2 . | 1 . . | . . 7
. . . | 9 . . | . 8 .
4 . . | . 6 . | . . 3
. . 7 | . 3 . | . . .

From: Bob Jordan on
Stephen J. Herschkorn wrote:
[complicated colour scheme for doing Sudoku in Excel]

I find the Excel conditional formatting concept the most useful. I have
one region to type in the original definition of the problem and then
below it a working region. After clearing the initial region I type in
the numbers for the original problem. I then copy that whole area and
paste it into the working region below.

Previously in the working region I set up a conditional formatting for
all 81 squares which sets the square to red if its value matches the
value of the corresponding cell in the input region. I can then type in
new values which show up as black so I can see which are my work and
which are original which show as red.

As a variation of this if I come to a point where I may need to
investigate two or more branches, I copy my current state back up to the
original definition area (you have to be sure you are right to this
point though). Now all the currently filled squares go red and I can
work down one of the branches with all steps showing as black against
red for all numbers that I think are definitely OK. If I get to a dead
end I can delete one by one all black squares and try the other branch.

In reality I have lots of aids floating around all the lower regions of
the spreadsheet which I can choose to use to help. This I use
particularly when investigating paths. It is most interesting to
calculate the number of possible moves ahead at each point in time and
from this you can see how much different the easy and Fiendish puzzles
are. But thats another story.

Yes a wonderful puzzle which Excel has helped me to understand. But
mostly I enjoy doing them with pen an paper. My method is to write
small numbers on lines or corners to show the only places a number can
go. So if I determine that a 5 must go in one of two adjacent squares I
draw a 5 on the line between them. Similarly if it must go in one of 3
or 4 adjacent squares i draw it on the corner. Then later when some of
those squares are filled I may be able to fill in the others without
thinking further.

Later I may start to write in the lower part of a square ALL the
possible numbers for that square. Similarly if a number can go in two or
three non-adjacent squares I write those numbers in small numbers at the
top of the square.

It is all a bit of a mess but - hey I love it.
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