From: Scott McPhillips [MVP] on
"Tom Serface" <tom.nospam(a)> wrote in message
> Man it's hard to see how anyone can get those version number mixed up :o)
> Tom

I started with VC1.0.
If I recall, there was never a VC3, and we went from VC4 to VC4.2

From: David Wilkinson on
elwilj(a) wrote:
> Wow! Thanks for your responses. I guess I was more confused than I
> thought. As it stands, I guess our app is not as far behind as I had
> imagined. I visited the blog and wikipedia sites listed above. very
> good info. From what I have read I won't really NEED to change VC++
> versions at this time. My goal is to have the system rewritten in a
> year or two anyway. By then VC++ 8.0 should have all of the kinks out
> -- why does MS have to be so complicated? To be honest I was
> thinking of going the Java route <:o| Being that this is a heavy MFC
> utilized app, I'll see what the cost is for porting to VC++ 8.0.


No, there is no real need to abandon VC6, though the app can look
old-fashioned because it shows the old File Dialog without the Places
Bar (let alone the new Vista one) unless you jump through a few hoops.

Here's some preparatory work you can do in VC6:

1. To get the correct for-scoping behavior, in your stdafx.h put

#if _MSC_VER < 1300
#define for if(false){} else for

2. Very likely an old VC6 app is ANSI-compiled. You probably want to
change it to Unicode. Make two more build targets (debug and release)
copied from the existing ones and change the build settings to Unicode.
If the app was written using TCHAR, _T() and all that, it should just
work, but it may not have been.

David Wilkinson
Visual C++ MVP
From: Giovanni Dicanio on

"David Wilkinson" <no-reply(a)> ha scritto nel messaggio
> Giovanni Dicanio wrote:
>> If my understanding is correct, the real improvements to C++ and MFC
>> development I think will come with Orcas+1, i.e. VC++ 8.0+1 = VC++9 if
>> they continue with this naming schema.
> Giovanni:
> Your math is faulty:
> VS98: VC6
> VS2002: VC7
> VS2003: VC7.1
> VS2005: VC8
> Orcas: VC9
> Orcas+1: VC10

David: you're right.
Thanks for your correcting me.
I wrongly assumed VC8 = Orcas, but Orcas is VC9, because VS2005 is VC8, of

[ It was late in my time-zone :) ]


From: Kenneth Porter on
"Giovanni Dicanio" <giovanni.dicanio(a)> wrote in

> However, porting a C++/MFC big app to .NET could cause a huge redesign
> of some parts, like the GUI. You should pay attention carefully before
> moving a big working system from C++/MFC to .NET, IMHO.
> Also consider that - IIRC - you can host MFC and ActiveX controls
> inside .NET WinForms, so you could mix both the old C++/MFC code and
> the new .NET world.

Recalling that the OP is from the *nix world, if one is considering
redesigning the GUI, one might also consider a portable GUI framework, such
as QT or wxWidgets. I've been using wx and I really like the Java-like
sizer-based control layout.
From: Giovanni Dicanio on

"Kenneth Porter" <shiva.blacklist(a)> ha scritto nel messaggio

> Recalling that the OP is from the *nix world, if one is considering
> redesigning the GUI, one might also consider a portable GUI framework,
> such
> as QT or wxWidgets. I've been using wx and I really like the Java-like
> sizer-based control layout.


I don't have programming experience with QT, so I can't express an opinion
about it.
However, I don't like wxWidgets. For example, the documentation is really

I needed to have a custom grid with radio buttons inside a cell.
Then I went to wxGrid documentation, and I just read a dummy sample here:

the really interesting examples are just ... "Yet to be written..."?!??

What kind of professional style is that??

I don't trust an undocumented library, with no serious IDE support.

I've tried wxDev-C++ and it is a fragile *toy*: the opposite of the concept
of robust quality tool. The GUI designer is broken. The IDE is something of
the pre-VC6 era: maybe Notepad would be even better.

If one has had an experience of Visual C++ and MFC, and the support that
Visual C++ offers to MFC development (exspecially in VC6) via ClassWizard,
or other wizards, or other IDE tools, and the super-rich documentation about
MFC, and the avability of real *jewels* like CodeProject
(, then things like wxWidgets just vanish, IMHO.

BTW: Have you any idea about how to put three radio buttons into a cell of a
wxGrid? :)

Moreover, I don't like the idea of portable GUI framework a lot.

Frankly speaking, considering that Windows platform has a very big
penetration in the market (my understanding is that Windows penetration is
huge not only in desktop systems, but also on the servers!), I don't care
about Unix (BTW: which Unix? Linux? Sun? HP? and which Linux? KDE? GNOME?
SuSE? Debian? Ubuntu...? IMHO, it's a chaos...) or portability.

I prefer to focus on a high-quality environment like .NET framework, that is
a great Microsoft's technology IMHO, with great tools, and has an high
quality support (from MSDN documentation, web forums, NNTP-based newsgroups,
And the Visual C#/VB 2005 Express Editions are super if you compare them to

Just my 2 cents
