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CryptBinaryToString and CryptStringToBinary
any example code show how to use both following function under Base64? CryptBinaryToString and CryptStringToBinary ... 20 Nov 2008 04:58
CString to LPCTSTR
How can I convert CString to LPCTSTR ? ... 19 Nov 2008 09:05
CMFCOutlookBar class
BOOL CMainFrame::CreateOutlookBar(CMFCOutlookBar& bar, CMFCOutlookBarPane& pane1, CMFCOutlookBarPane& pane2, CMFCOutlookBarPane& pane3, UINT uiID, int nInitialWidth) { pane1.Create(&bar, dwPaneStyle, uiPageID++, dwStyle); pane1.SetOwner(this); pane1.EnableTextLabels(); pane1.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); ... 17 Nov 2008 02:26
pugXML parser - dumping to XML
I use the pugXML parser How can I dump the "IN memory" DOM tree into XML file? I cannot found a function that can do that. ... 17 Nov 2008 17:38
PostMessage fails with error code 183
Hi, My application tries to call function PostMessage(...) to the windows message queue, but it fails. GetLastError() return error code 183. According to the system code table 183 means: ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS (0xB7): Cannot create a file when that file already exists. What can cause such kind of failure? Thanks... 17 Nov 2008 13:58
Printing from Console Application
Hello, I would like to be able to print from a console application. For example, I would like to print a list of names, that would normally be printed to the screen using cout. How can I do this? Thanks, ... 13 Sep 2008 06:07
LNK4210 and .CRT section
With VC7 I'm accustomed to using custom a custom entry point and avoiding the CRT altogether. I get no complaints from the compiler or linker and I get small EXEs and DLLs that work properly. How do I build the same code with VC8 and avoid the .CRT section and warnings such as these. LIBCMT.lib(mathfcns.obj) ... 22 Aug 2008 16:06
Mixed code - Crashes in Release Mode
Hello. I have problems with an applications consisting of mixed native and managed code writted in C++/CLI in Visual Studio 2005. The application runs fine in "Debug mode", however when I compile the application in "Release" mode I run into the following exception: Exception: The type initializer for '<Module... 6 Aug 2008 10:46
how to use typedef'd functions
How do I create the callback function? I haven't ever used a typedef'd function before, and there isn't much info online. Here are the declarations in canlib.h typedef void (CANLIBAPI *kvCallback_t)(int handle, void* context, unsigned int notifyEvent); kvStatus CANLIBAPI kvSetNotifyCallback(int hnd, k... 28 Jul 2008 20:18
How to convert time from one timezone to another?
Hi, I need help in time conversion from one time zone to another programmatically. For e.g With Local Time zone as (GMT -5:00) US Eastern time I want to convert time 29 Mar 2008 00:00:00 on TimeZone(GMT+1:00) into UTC. I tried first converting the time into time_t using mktime, but time_t uses local timezone ... 24 Jul 2008 11:53
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