From: Robert Bernardo on
On Sat, 1 Apr 2006, I wrote:

> Allan hasn't given me any information on a release date.

I just got off the phone with Allan Bairstow. Neil, his engineer,
has completed the first few of the first run (first run of 100 boards),
and Allan is awaiting his to test out. Allan will then check it out
against the VDC Experience, a most difficult demo to display (only works
with a German C128 and certain German 1084S monitors). If the C=VGA works
well with the VDC Experience, then it will be pronounced fit to produce.
80 out of the first run of 100 C=VGA's have been spoken for. If
the parts can be found again and at a reasonable price, there will be a
second run.
I asked Allan to see whether the C=VGA will be ready for a North
American public premiere at the July 29-30 Commodore Vegas Expo (CommVEx).
He agreed that would be a good time to show it off.

FCUG celebrating 25 years,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
From: ziggy on
In article <1144012357.495213.180280(a)>,
a7yvm109gf5d1(a) wrote:

> "CPLD's are cheap these days.."
> Haven't looked at them in a while, but I'd want to implement some fast
> dual-port FIFOs in there. I don't know if the size of CPLD I'd need
> would be competetive. The AL250 has all that low-level stuff taken care
> of.
> "No reason not to consider using them for stuff like this."
> OK, but I'd need to invest time and money into learning VHDL. The last
> time I did any programmable logic was in the OHDL days, and burning

The new graphical layout tools are great.. Dont really *need* to learn
VHDL, as long as you remember your gate logic..

True, its better if you can code directly.. im in the process of
learning vhdl myself.
From: Dragos on
So, more promises, more hype, more "waiting for performance on some
demo no one cares about" and then, mybe after you yhave lived through
all that, maybe you can get on of the 20 left?


Troll the community for 3+ years then say maybe there will be one for
you, oh wise person who did not pre-pay.

From: Joseph Fenn on

On Sat, 1 Apr 2006, Robert Bernardo wrote:

> On Sat, 1 Apr 2006, Joseph Fenn wrote:
>> Was told recently that the NEW BLACK BOX CBM=VGA would be out by
>> Feb 06 ?
> Hmm, from where did you get that date, Joe? Allan hasn't given me
> any information on a release date.
> FCUG celebrating 25 years,
> Robert Bernardo
> Fresno Commodore User Group
Got it from Alan hmself about last December.
Of course I did'nt expect it to be true either.

From: Joseph Fenn on

On Sat, 1 Apr 2006, T. wrote:

> There really isn't any point IMO, any decent s-video to VGA adapter will do
> the job easily, and you can buy one today.

If that be true, just where does one get one of these S-video to VGA
adapters. I've never heard of anything like that which will work
with both C128 and C64's??????
Please clarify if such is true! Clarify a source.
