From: Frank Kotler on
opexoc(a) wrote:
> On 14 Sie, 14:46, Frank Kotler <fbkot...(a)> wrote:
>>>Another question: Is it really necessary to enable A20 line to enter
>>If you want to access "odd megabytes", yeah.
> Actually, why "odd megabytes"? Why A20 line decide if odd megabytes
> are available?

Google for "a20 - a pain from the past"... I'll save you the trouble:

From: opexoc on
On 14 Sie, 21:54, Frank Kotler <fbkot...(a)> wrote:

> Google for "a20 - a pain from the past"... I'll save you the trouble:

Thanks for this link but I don't find there explanation why A20 line
is responsible for access odd megabytes.


From: James Harris on
On Aug 14, 9:49 pm, ope...(a) wrote:
> On 14 Sie, 21:54, Frank Kotler <fbkot...(a)> wrote:
> > Google for "a20 - a pain from the past"... I'll save you the trouble:
> >
> Thanks for this link but I don't find there explanation why A20 line
> is responsible for access odd megabytes.

It's not written to answer your question specifically but does this

From: SpooK on
On Aug 14, 3:49 pm, ope...(a) wrote:
> On 14 Sie, 21:54, Frank Kotler <fbkot...(a)> wrote:
> > Google for "a20 - a pain from the past"... I'll save you the trouble:
> >
> Thanks for this link but I don't find there explanation why A20 line
> is responsible for access odd megabytes.
> Wiktor

It is called the "A20" line because it is the 20th Addressing Line and
using your powers of binary you can conclude that 2^20 = 1MB. This is
a kick-back of the legacy need to wrap addresses above 1MB back around
to 0 in 16-bit Real Mode apps. 32-bit Protected Mode obviously uses
more addressing lines, however, due to the design of the x86, the A20
line still needs to be enabled in order for the addressing mechanism
to acknowledge (not ignore) that line/bit and thus allow access to the
odd megabytes.

If you still are confused, give me an example of how you would
determine if a number in EAX is odd or even ;)

From: Wolfgang Kern on

opexoc asked:


mov eax, cr0
or eax, 1
mov cr0, eax
;[BITS 32]
jmp 08h:clear_pipe ;Jump to code segment, offset
;[BITS 32]
[BITS 32] ;I'd put it here because the label is still 16 bit!
mov ax, 10h ;LOAD data segment register with segment desriptor
mov ds, ax

> In which location directive [BITS 32] should appear
> first or second )?

After the jump of course, because CS is loaded by the FAR jump
and exactly there occure the mode-transition.

If the distance of clear_pipe is beyond 16 bit limits, or if the
clear_pipe is already defined as a 32-bit label, then you should
either have the [bits 32] before the label, or manually extend
the jump by an '66h'-prefix and the two more bytes in the offset.

Not sure if your tool will handle this by itself,
the produced code should then look like:

66 EA xx xx xx xx 08 00 JMPF 0008: xxxxxxxxh
[BITS 32] after the jump

where 'x' mean a 32-bit address offset, or

the jump after [BITS 32]:
EA xx xx xx xx 08 00

> When I use first location then computer hang on and doesn't
> execute properly code in clear_pipe.

And without the far jump you may have just entered "BIG-real mode".


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