From: Tom Roberts on
Robert Clark wrote:
> I think what is required is to actually send some information, and
>> demonstrate it arrived at the receiver faster than c.
> They might be able to send significant information with a single
> pulse.

Hmmm. You assume that their pulses actually arrive faster than c. They
don't. The unambiguous arrival of a pulse contains information, and that
would be sufficient. Note, however, that merely measuring group velocity
>c is NOT sufficient' one must measure the "front velocity", which is
the velocity of MODULATION -- that is what can carry information, not
merely interference effects among established waves like group velocity.

That said, Nimtz's article on this is too vague for an accurate and
complete analysis. But so far his track record is something like 0 for 3
(3 claims of "faster than c", 0 that survive informed scrutiny).

Tom Roberts

From: Pentcho Valev on
On 28 , 16:10, Tom Roberts <tjroberts...(a)> wrote in
> Robert Clark wrote:
> > I think what is required is to actually send some information, and
> >> demonstrate it arrived at the receiver faster than c.
> > They might be able to send significant information with a single
> > pulse.
> Hmmm. You assume that their pulses actually arrive faster than c. They
> don't. The unambiguous arrival of a pulse contains information, and that
> would be sufficient. Note, however, that merely measuring group velocity
> >c is NOT sufficient' one must measure the "front velocity", which is
> the velocity of MODULATION -- that is what can carry information, not
> merely interference effects among established waves like group velocity.

The old song (lie) Roberts Roberts? But you forget your favorite
"simple demonstration":
"However, the total wave (the bottom trace, in white) has its
strongest peaks where all the individual frequencies are in phase, and
the places where that happens shift with time, at a "speed" that is
greater than c."

As you can see Roberts Roberts, AFTER the front has reached the final
destination, the "strongest peaks" continue to move "at a "speed" that
is greater than c". I am sure Roberts Roberts you are able to DETECT
the sending of the peak and then DETECT its arrival - otherwise you
would not be able to calculate the speed and then claim that the peaks
move "at a "speed" that is greater than c". If you were cleverer and
more honest Roberts Roberts you would know that these DETECTIONS are

Pentcho Valev

From: Robert Clark on
On Aug 28, 9:53 am, Robert Clark <rgregorycl...(a)> wrote:
> On Aug 27, 12:48 pm, Robert Clark <rgregorycl...(a)> wrote:
> > On Aug 19, 11:07 pm, Tom Roberts <tjroberts...(a)> wrote:
> > > Robert Clark wrote:
> > > > Tom, it seems to me to prove information could be sent all the
> > > > experimenters would have to is instead of reflecting back the same
> > > > pulse, send back something different such as two pulses.
> > > I think what is required is to actually send some information, and
> > > demonstrate it arrived at the receiver faster than c. To be convincing,
> > > the distance should be varied and the time delay as a function of
> > > distance should be plotted, along with a comprehensive error analysis.
> > > > This might be difficult to do over a short distance of 1 meter,
> > > 3 ns is a long time for some current methods of measuring the delay of a
> > > light beam. In at least one case, a resolution of a few attoseconds
> > > (10^-18 sec) has been achieved (they used this to stabilize the fiber
> > > optic links of ALMA, a multi-antenna radio telescope). Stability becomes
> > > a big issue, as the light path must remain constant to better than an
> > > Angstrom....
> > > Tom Roberts
> > They might be able to send significant information with a single
> > pulse. I'm thinking of using a mask of open and closed squares. Each
> > square represents 0 or 1. Then this could be used to send a digital
> > message.
> > The receiver when it receives the coded message sends back a
> > predetermined different coded message.
> > This response to send the response message would have to be automated
> > of course because of the short times involved. Afterwards, you review
> > the data and confirm that the receiver did in fact send the response
> > message because it was triggered by reception of the originating
> > pulse. This is to prove that the receiving circuit was not just
> > triggered by accident or by a spurious signal or because (somehow)
> > that circuit was set up to send a signal at some specified time.
> > Better would be to have the a wide variety of different coded signals
> > being able to be sent and the response signal being determined by what
> > signal was sent.
> > For instance, you could have it be determined at random that the coded
> > signal for some integer be sent initially. And the response signal has
> > to be some number dependent on that number, such as the next integer.
> > This though would require some processing time for the receiver to
> > decode the signal and to calculate the correct response to be sent.
> > There are commercially available processors at the 5 Ghz range now,
> > and I read of an experimental processor by IBM operating at 500 Ghz.
> > Also, there are photodetectors available now able to operate at GHz
> > speeds.
> > But you also have to figure in the time for reading in data to and
> > from memory, which typically is much less than the processor speed.
> > There may also have to be several clock cycles to complete all the
> > calculations required, which will make it even harder to beat a 3 ns
> > speed or 6 ns round trip speed for a normal light signal.
> > They might be able to create a specially designed circuit that is
> > stripped down to the very minimum that can perform all the
> > calculations and I/O operations at the Ghz speed.
> > Achieving this of course becomes much easier if they can extend their
> > distances to 100 meters or longer.
> ...

You could get a longer length say 100 meters or 1,000 meters without
having the lab to be that large, by putting several copies of their
set up side by side and having the pulse being directed down each
segment by mirrors. You would have the initiating pulse only given at
the starting segment and the response pulse and processing equipment
only at the end of the last segment.
Instead of this, it might be easier to have just one set up and have
the pulse reflected back and forth several times to make up a total of
these longer lengths. You would have the processing and initiation of
the response pulse only occur after the photodetectors have been
triggered several times. However, the disadvantage of this is that an
objection could be made that, somehow, the response pulse got started
sometime before the full number of round trips got completed, thus
giving a shortened response time.
With several different set ups this objection wouldn't occur since
the response pulse's generating and processing equipment would only
exist at the very end leg of the trip.

Bob Clark

From: Tom Roberts on
Tom Van Flandern wrote:
> Tom Roberts writes:
>> [Roberts]: It is not at all obvious that Lorentzian relativity has no
>> speed limit. Certainly Lorentz himself did not think so (c.f. the
>> title of his 1904 paper that is the cornerstone of this theory).
> Lorentzian relativity (LR) is the modern updating of the Lorentz
> Ether Theory (LET) [...]
> Specifically, with "elysium" defined as [...]

This quite clearly is completely unrelated to anything Lorentz wrote.
You should not associate his name with it.

> [... lots of stuff]

In short, you claim that the "geometric interpretation" of GR is
"refuted" by 6 experiments, in favor of a "field interpretation" in
which gravitational force propagates much faster than c in a Euclidean

What you describe IS NOT GR. It is merely an APPROXIMATION TO GR. A
Euclidean manifold cannot possibly model all of the manifolds of GR, it
can only model a SUBSET of them (a rather small subset, for they must be
topologically consistent with a flat 3-metric). Locally, of course, that
approximation is exceedingly good (which explains why you can think
this); it is still unknown whether or not it applies to the universe as
a whole.

[But whether or not this is important in the world we inhabit
is irrelevant -- I am discussing your claims about GR.]

What you claim is also not what science is -- one tests THEORIES, not
interpretations. Interpretations of a theory are merely words describing
what the quantities in the equations "mean"; they cannot possibly be
tested by any experiment. GR is a theory, and it agrees with those
experiments -- that is ALL one can say in this regard.

It seems to me that you are trying to claim the mantle of GR, and use it
to deflect criticism, while simultaneously claiming phenomena that are
in direct conflict with GR. If "gravitational force" does indeed
"propagate much faster than c", it must do so without transferring any
energy, momentum, or information [#], and that simply does not make sense.

[#] There are theorems of GR that prohibit the transfer
of any of these outside the future lightcone of their
source (i.e. faster than c). Note that such theorems do
not depend on any interpretations of the theory.

To me it appears that you are trying to reify a particular foliation of
spacetime into Euclidean space and time (AFAICT this is consistent with
all your claims) -- that simply does not make sense in a
background-independent theory like GR. Yes, this agrees with the
experiments and with the techniques of celestial mechanics, but no, this
is not GR.

Tom Roberts
From: Tom Van Flandern on
Tom Roberts writes:

>> [tvf]: Lorentzian relativity (LR) is the modern updating of the Lorentz
>> Ether Theory (LET) [...] Specifically, with "elysium" defined as [...]

> This quite clearly is completely unrelated to anything Lorentz wrote. You
> should not associate his name with it.

Lorentz's theory (LET) was relativity for a single preferred frame then
called "the aether". LR, by contrast, specifies that the preferred frame is
specifically the local gravitational potential field, which represents
entrained aether. To stress this difference and jettison the baggage
associated with the universal aether concept (which does not apply to a type
of aether that can be entrained by masses everywhere), we have renamed this
medium "elysium", which represents both the locally entrained aether and its
equivalence to the local gravitational potential field.

True, this is the result of a slow evolution of Lorentz's original
paper, which is why the name was changed from LET to LR. This parallels the
slow evolution of SR. DeSitter showed that aberration was independent of the
relative speed between source and observer, showing that the speed of light
had to be independent of the speed of the source (something Einstein's 1905
paper did not anticipate). Sagnac showed that fringe shifts did show up on a
rotating platform, showing that rotational motion was different from
translational motion - also not contemplated by Einstein in 1905. Other
changes occurred along the way. Most recently, in the 1980s, the previous
notion that speed increased mass was "reinterpreted" to mean that speed
increased momentum, but something called "rest mass" was unchanged. Etc.

So by your reasoning, SR today is "completely unrelated to anything
Einstein wrote, and you should not associate his name with it". Personally,
I think that would be borrowing ideas without crediting their source
whenever the idea is improved upon. But when I decline to do that in the
case of Lorentz, you see it as an appeal to the source's "authority" for
something he might never have accepted. For my part, it appears your
inconsistent stance simply reflects you disdain for certain schools of
modern thinking, and that you would quickly change your mind about where the
proper credit was due if LR displaced SR in the relativity community
tomorrow. Besides, the logical extension of your complaint would be to name
the latest variant
"Lorentz-Einstein-Tangherlini-Beckmann-Hatch-Selleri-Phipps-Van Flandern
relativity of motion", which credits everyone along the way who contributed
to the evolution of our present-day school of thought about this. I guess
that's what we can expect to happen someday if science ever merges with the
legal profession. :-)

>> [tvf]: [... lots of stuff omitted]

> [Roberts]: In short, you claim that the "geometric interpretation" of GR
> is "refuted" by 6 experiments, in favor of a "field interpretation" in
> which gravitational force propagates much faster than c in a Euclidean
> space.

First, I did not invent that terminology, much less the physical
concepts behind them. You seem to have been taught only the geometric
interpretation; and to you, THAT is GR. However, the field interpretation
came first, and both interpretations use the same math and make the same
classical predictions. They differ mainly over the way the speed-of-gravity
issue id dealt with.

Vigier and I argued in "Foundations of Physics" that the geometric
interpretation is falsified by:
** (1) the absence of a cause to initiate 3-space motion for a body at rest
in a gravitational potential field;
** (2) the absence of a physical source for the new 3-space momentum
continually acquired by an orbiting body; and
** (3) its failure to pass any observational tests except those done to test
the field interpretation using astronomical data collected in Euclidean
This "failure" involves the 6 experiments you mention showing that the speed
of gravity is strongly FTL. The geometric interpretation cannot explain them
except by inventing a "deus ex machine" such as Carlip's "velocity-dependent
cancelling force" to make aberration magically disappear; or by ignoring the
logically essential connection between the source mass and the target body,
especially in cases (such as binary pulsars) where both have appreciable
acceleration during the light-time between them.

One of those experiments is specific to falsifying the geometric
interpretation per se: the neutron interferometer experiments cited by D. M.
Greenberger and A. W. Overhauser, Rev.Mod.Phys. 51:43 (1979). Here is one
relevant paragraph from that work:

"[The experiment] demonstrated convincingly that the Schr�dinger equation
works in the presence of gravitational fields. Since the phase shift depends
on mass even in the case of a gravitational field, it seems in retrospect
almost accidental that the mass drops out of the classical gravitational
equations. Weinberg has emphasized that most of the features of the
gravitational field can be derived from its mathematical symmetry
properties, as is true for any other field in quantum theory. This
interpretation tends to bother theorists who prefer to think of gravity as
being intrinsically related to geometry. Nevertheless, since the
Colella-Overhauser-Werner (1975) experiment confirms the applicability of
quantum mechanics even in the presence of gravity, including the
non-geometrical mass dependence, the experiment seems to be a step in the
undermining of the purely geometrical point of view."

In a meaningful sense, the geometric interpretation is closely allied
with SR, and its reason-to-exist disappears if SR is replaced by LR. Feynman
already told us that geometric GR was not necessary or essential to physics.
The field interpretation is already based on LR because it uses a
center-of-mass-anchored frame as a preferred frame and a Lorentz-type
universal time called "coordinate time".

So that is what I showed by reasoning, experiment, and/or unrefuted
citation. I did not "claim" anything I have not adequately justified.

> [Roberts]: What you describe IS NOT GR. It is merely an APPROXIMATION TO
> GR. A Euclidean manifold cannot possibly model all of the manifolds of GR,
> it can only model a SUBSET of them (a rather small subset, for they must
> be topologically consistent with a flat 3-metric). Locally, of course,
> that approximation is exceedingly good (which explains why you can think
> this); it is still unknown whether or not it applies to the universe as a
> whole.

Am I to understand that your position is that I should not have called
LR by Lorentz's name, and should not have called the field interpretation of
GR as "GR", simply because you never learned the field interpretation? Is
your entire argument simply one of nomenclature?

> [Roberts]: What you claim is also not what science is -- one tests
> THEORIES, not interpretations. Interpretations of a theory are merely
> words describing what the quantities in the equations "mean"; they cannot
> possibly be tested by any experiment. GR is a theory, and it agrees with
> those experiments -- that is ALL one can say in this regard.

So the claim that GR has no forces, to take one of many examples, is
"merely words ... that cannot be tested"? Then you won't mind calling
gravity a classical force ("the time rate of change of 3-space momentum")
and discussing the propagation speed of that force, will you? There's no
need to use anything but classical physics to describe gravity if it's all
"just words".

> [Roberts]: It seems to me that you are trying to claim the mantle of GR,
> and use it to deflect criticism, while simultaneously claiming phenomena
> that are in direct conflict with GR. If "gravitational force" does indeed
> "propagate much faster than c", it must do so without transferring any
> energy, momentum, or information [#], and that simply does not make sense.

The experiments I cited demonstrate that gravitational force propagates
strongly FTL *in forward time*, which means that it transfers energy (in the
form of heat), momentum (which is what produces orbital motion), and
information (can be used for sending FTL messages and for travel at "warp

But your point here again is just a nomenclature one. You don't like the
original GR (field interpretation, and the one used in modern celestial
mechanics) to be called "GR" because you were taught (incorrectly) only a
geometric interpretation of GR. But the interpretation you were taught has
been elaborated far beyond anything Einstein could accept or even recognize,
by latter-day relativists cloaking themselves in Einstein's mantle. An
excellent example is "black holes", introduced by Wheeler in the 1950s.
Einstein specifically addressed that issue in his 1939 paper and stated
flatly that no singularities exist in nature. [A. Einstein, "Annals of
Mathematics", vol. 40, #4, pp. 922-936] Here are his exact words:

"This investigation arose out of discussions [with Robertson and Bargmann]
on the mathematical and physical significance of the Schwarzschild
singularity. The problem quite naturally leads to the question, answered by
this paper in the negative, as to whether physical models are capable of
exhibiting such a singularity."

So objectively, am I the one assuming Einstein's mantle, or am I
defending his reputation against being associated with physical nonsense by
physicists who have found it easier to get funding and get published by
claiming to "prove (or elucidate) Einstein's theory" when they are doing no
such thing?!

I end again with my ignored conclusion from my previous message:

>> [tvf]: For these new ideas to be acceptable, what more would you like to
>> see happen that has not already happened? Is the relativity community so
>> fossilized that it is incapable of considering new ways of interpreting
>> experiments that leave the familiar math intact but open new doors in
>> physics and advance our understanding of nature? Must it be ever true, as
>> Max Planck opined, that science progresses one funeral at a time?

We now have good cause to conclude that the geometric interpretation is
wrong. But the field interpretation is in good shape. GR and its math and
predictions, as practiced historically everywhere and used currently in
celestial mechanics, remain intact, and we have resolved the conflict
between gravitation and QM - which certainly had to be resolved by something
giving ground.

Is there not one relativist left in the world able to ponder the
concepts, experiments, and history of the field, then willing (if the
conclusion is justified by the facts) to come out and say "the emperor has
no clothes"? He'll still be the emperor. He just needs a new outfit.
:-) -|Tom|-

Tom Van Flandern - Sequim, WA - see our web site on frontier astronomy
research at

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